Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Dendrogram with the UPGMA method"
2004 Dec 13
R-help folks:
Thanks in the past for your help. I have another question that I hope
has a simple answer. I have searched the R home pages and the R-help
archives with no hits. How can I cluster data in R using UPGMA?
I am not subscribed to the list (can't keep up with all the traffic!),
so I would appreciate it if you could email directly to me (or to the
list and to me).
2015 Dec 21
Cannot allocate vector of size
Hola a tod en s,
Soy nuevo en R-help-es, por lo que perdonadme si debería haber mandado este email a una sección en particular.
Quería consultaros un error que me aparece en R al hacer una matriz de disimilitud a partir de una tabla con 6000 columnas x 11000 filas. El mensaje que da R es "cannot allocate vector of size 10Gb", y me resulta extraño ya que tengo 64 Gb de RAM disponible.
2015 Dec 22
Cannot allocate vector of size
Hola Rubén,
Totalmente de acuerdo con los consejos de Carlos. Ten en cuenta que
aunque R disponga de varios (bastantes) GB de memoria, algunos de los
objetos que va creando durante el proceso pueden consumirla por
completo. Es decir, que aunque tu ordenador tenga 64GB de RAM, es
posible que no queden 10 GB libres para almacenar un objeto (porque ya
hay demasiados objetos grandes en la
2015 Dec 23
Cannot allocate vector of size
Antes de nada, me gustaría daros las gracias por toda vuestra ayuda.
He estado probando todo lo que me habéis dicho a la vez, y no hay manera, sigo teniendo el problema con el espacio.
En cuanto al tamaño de la base de datos, es más grande de lo que puse, me equivoqué y puse el tamaño de una base anterior con la que estuve trabajando, la actual tiene 36866 filas x 6500 columnas.
He seguido todas
2015 Dec 22
Cannot allocate vector of size
Yo creo que el problema principal está en betapart.core(), que crea y
mantiene simultáneamente en memoria varios objetos de alrededor de 1 Gb
que luego combina en una lista... Probablemente es entre las líneas el
código de betaper.core donde hay que ir eliminando objetos.
El 22/12/2015 a las 18:26, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta escribió:
> Hola, ¿qué tal?
> Yo no
2008 Feb 22
seeking function to perform Flexible UPGMA clustering
Hi all,
Has anyone got a function to perform clustering by Flexible UPGMA
(Un-weighted Pair Group Using Arithmetic Averaging) .
It does not seem to exist in any R package.
Laboratoire d'Hydro?cologie Quantitative
3 bis, Quai Chauveau - CP 220 69336 LYON cedex 09
t?l. : +33 (0) 20
fax : +33 (0)
mail : ton.snelder at cemagref.fr
2013 Feb 05
plot significant spearman correlation
I calculate the correlation between two matrices cor(x,y, method="spearman")
and I am wondering if it possible to see only the significant correlations. I can do that for single OTUs with cor.test() command but I would like to have an output for whole matrix. Besides,I would like to plot the relative abundance of each OTU, against the number of significant pair-wise correlations
2008 Feb 03
Drawing a loess line
Dear all,
To draw a lowess line on a plot was a piece of cake; to draw a loess
line, however, seems not that easy. Is the loess plotting implemented
at all in relation to the loess function, or do I have to look in
add-on packages?
2013 Jul 23
Heat Map for species - code from Numerical Ecology with R
Hello, I am relatively new to R and I am working through the code that is provided in the book Numerical Ecology with R and I have run across an error message that I can't seem to figure out. I am using the vegan, ade4, gclus and cluster packages. The code is as follows: # Ordered community table # Species are ordered by their weighted averages on site scores or <- vegemite(spe,
2006 Jan 27
Justification of dendrogram labels
Hi all,
Can someone tell me how to justify (right or left) the labels on the
branches of a dendrogram tree? I have produced a dendrogram via agnes and
plotted it with pltree. The dendrogram terminal branch labels seem to be
centre-justified by default and I was hoping to change this to left
justification. Thanks,
Dr. Duncan Mackay
School of
2007 Dec 06
Vertical text in a plot
Consider this simple plot:
> plot(1:25,runif(25,0,1),ylab="First Y-axis label",xaxt="n")
I want to add an additional axis as
> axis(4,at=seq(0.2,1,.2), labels=1:5)
I have no idea how to add now the title of the new axis as "Second
Y-axis label". I want this text to be vertically directed from bottom
to top. I can't find the function in text() to write
2011 Sep 09
NMDS plot and Adonis (PerMANOVA) of community composition with presence absence and relative intensity
Thanks for providing great help in R-related statistics. Now, however I'm
stuck. I'm not a statistics person but I was recommended to use R to perform
a nmds plot and PerMANOVA of my dataset.
Sample(treatment) in the columns and species (OTU) in the rows. I have 4
treatments (Ambient Temperature, Ambient temperature+Low pH, High
temperature, High temperature+low pH), and I have 16
2012 Jul 09
how to make plot lines thicker
I am trying to make the lines thicker in a graph (for a ppt presentation).
Here is what I currently have:
plot(x,y,type="l", ylab="Number of OTUs", xlab="Number of Samples
Collected", col="Black", pch=1, ylim=c(0,6000))
points(x, Sobs$Chao_1_Mean, type="l", col="Gray", pch=1) (this is one of the
added lines in the graph).
I believe
2004 Feb 23
dendrogram ultrametrics
Dear R-help listers,
Is anyone aware of a function that outputs dendrogram ultrametrics?
Cheers, Lisa.
PS please reply to me personally as well as to the list because the
website wasn't letting me subscribe for some reason. thanks...
Lisa Holman
Research Officer, Vegetation Dynamics
Policy & Science Division
NSW Department of Environment & Conservation
PO Box 1967, Hurstville 2220.
2008 Feb 15
Controling width of boxes in boxplots
I want to add boxplots to a scatterplot:
plot(x,y, xlim=c(80,120),ylim=c(80,120))
How can I control the width of the boxes (say, I'd like them to be of
width 3 in the variables' scales). I've tried the "width" parameter
but failed.
Thanks in advance,
2012 Jul 05
colored nodes in dendrogram
Dear list,
is there a way how to add information to internal nodes (branching
points) in dendrogram created via plot.agnes function (package
I wish to place colored circles on the nodes, but I don't know how to proceed...
I'll be grateful for any suggestion
Ond?ej Mikula
Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Veveri 97,
2011 Apr 01
hc2Newick is different than th hclust dendrogram
Hi R helpers... I am having troubles because of the discrepancy
between the dendrogram plotted from hclust and what is wrote in the
hc2Newick file. I've got a matrix C:
> hc <- hclust(dist(C))
> plot(hc)
with the:
> write(hc2Newick(hc),file='test.newick')
both things draw completely different "trees"...
I have also tried with the raw distance matrix D and
2012 Oct 11
In vegan package: running adonis (or similar) on a distance matrix
Using Vegan package I was wondering if there's a way to use a distance
matrix as an input for adonis (or any of the other similar hypothesis
testing functions) instead of the usual species by sample table.
Working in the field of microbial ecology, what I'm trying to do is to
overcome the problem of having to use discrete units such as species or
OTUs, which are problematic in
2013 Apr 30
vegan -varpart is bigger than 100% in total?
I am trying to find the percentage of the parameters explaining the bacterial community composition. I have one data matrix with relative abundance of OTUs and one with environmental parameters. I used varpart in vegan package but the values in the venn diagram is bigger than 100% in total.How is it possible? What might be the reason? Thank you
gotud <-
2012 Jul 10
R code help to change table format
I am trying to input an OTU table into EstimateS, however, the format of the
OTU table has to be changed to fit the format EstimateS will accept. In R, I
would like to change the format of the OTU table (from excel). Here is what
I need to do, take Example 1 and create Example 2. The problem is that I
have hundreds of OTUs, so I can't do this by hand (and I'd love to have a
code that I