Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "[Fwd: Excluding data with apply]"
2010 Dec 15
No fonts control on Cairo in batch mode
Dear all,
I am using Cairo version 1.4-5 for plotting R graphs on a Gentoo system
that does not have X11 installed. I have full control on the fonts when
running R in interactive mode. But when running R in batch mode I cannot
change e.g. font size. Letters (including symbols) are, however, drawn.
I am exporting the following environemntal variables when running R in
batch mode to point to
2010 Dec 16
No fonts control on Cairo in batch mode
Dear all,
I've sent this question to the r-help mailing list, but maybe it is
better suited for the r-sig-debian mailing list, although this is not
Debian (but still Linux):
I am using Cairo version 1.4-5 for plotting R graphs on a Gentoo system
that does not have X11 installed. I have full control on the fonts when
running R in interactive mode. But when running R in batch mode I cannot
2010 Oct 14
degree symbol using X11 on Xubuntu 10.04
Dear all,
I am having exactly the same problem as Andy on an Intel Mac (see below
/ https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mac/2009-May/006208.html) with
the degree symbol. I am using R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31) on Xubuntu
10.04 with Windows fonts copied from /WINDOWS/Fonts and included via
'sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig' and 'sudo fc-cache'.
Any help would be highly
2011 May 30
gls and phi1 >1 (phi larger than one)
Dear all,
I am stuck with a problem that might be trivial for most of you (and
therefore is a bit embarrassing for me...):
I want to calculate a generalized least squares regression using two
time series (Y depending on X) with an autoregressive correlation
structure of order two (the data along time are given below). I use
'gls' from package 'nlme':
Calib.gls <- gls(Y~X,
2009 Jan 08
Excluding data with apply
Dear all,
'Apply' is a great thing for running functions on rows or columns of a
X <- rnorm(20, mean = 0, sd = 1)
dim(X) <- c(5,4)
Is there a way to use apply for excluding rows or columns from a matrix
to run functions on the remaining rows or columns? I know, I could do
this with a 'for' loop, but 'apply' would be much easier and
2005 Jan 20
glm and percentage data with many zero values
Dear all,
I am interested in correctly testing effects of continuous environmental
variables and ordered factors on bacterial abundance. Bacterial
abundance is derived from counts and expressed as percentage. My problem
is that the abundance data contain many zero values:
Bacteria <-
2004 Mar 04
prcomp: error code 1 from Lapack routine dgesdd
Dear all
I have a big matrix of standardized values (dimensions 285x5829) and R
fails to calculate
the principal components using prcomp() with the following error message:
pc <- prcomp(my.matrix)
Error in La.svd(x, nu, nv, method) : error code 1 from Lapack routine
Is the matrix too big? I'm using R-1.8.1 under Unix (Solaris8) and
Linux(Suse 8.2). I tried to
perform a principal
2000 Apr 04
customizing help()
I tried to customize help(), so it starts the compiled html help, and
searches in all packages.
I wrote the following function:
> my.help
help(topic, package=.packages(all=T), lib.loc=.lib.loc, chmhelp=T)
When I use it with
give the following error:
Error in help(topic, package = .packages(all = T), lib.loc = .lib.loc, :
No documentation
2002 Aug 23
y-axis with "break"
Dear R-users
I would like to draw a barplot with a special y-axis. Most of my data points are
in the range from -50 to 50, apart from one value that is 550. I would now like
to have a y-axis from -50 to 50, then a "break" and the "rest" of the y-axis,
let's say from 500 to 600. In order to make clear what I'm trying to do, I
attached a figure.
Is it possible to do
2004 Aug 02
New package: RNetCDF
Dear all,
I would like to announce the availability of a new package on CRAN:
RNetCDF: R Interface to NetCDF Datasets
This package provides an interface to Unidata's NetCDF library functions
(version 3) and furthermore access to Unidata's udunits calendar
conversions. The routines and the documentation follow the NetCDF and
udunits C interface, so the corresponding manuals can be
2004 Aug 02
New package: RNetCDF
Dear all,
I would like to announce the availability of a new package on CRAN:
RNetCDF: R Interface to NetCDF Datasets
This package provides an interface to Unidata's NetCDF library functions
(version 3) and furthermore access to Unidata's udunits calendar
conversions. The routines and the documentation follow the NetCDF and
udunits C interface, so the corresponding manuals can be
2005 Mar 14
Significance of Principal Coordinates
Dear all,
I was looking for methods in R that allow assessing the number of
significant principal coordinates. Unfortunatly I was not very
successful. I expanded my search to the web and Current Contents,
however, the information I found is very limited.
Therefore, I tried to write code for doing a randomization. I would
highly appriciate if somebody could comment on the following approach.
2001 Dec 19
hello there,
I ` m a newbie in R so please excuse my maybe simple question!
I have several (the number of the files changes) textfiles. Each
textfile contains one column with 3 rows (3 numerical values). I want to
combine each file with another file and create new textfiles which then
contain 2 columns with 3 rows. How can I do this in R? Do I have to
use cbind? How Do I use cbind for my
2002 Jan 08
write.table - format
Hello there
I ` m a newbie in R and have a question about the output of write.table
My command looks like this:
write.table(datatr$V1[data.chull],file="outr.txt", quote = FALSE, sep =
In the outputfile (outr.txt) I have an "x" in the left corner and a new
row with numbers for each column(1,2,3...).
I just want the values in my file. What should I change in
2008 Jun 25
confidence bounds using contour plot
I'm trying to calculate 2d confindence bounds into a scatterplot using the
function "kde2d" (package MASS) and a contour plot.
I found a similar post providing a solution - unfortunatly I do not realy
understand which data I have to use to calculated the named "quantile":
Post URL: http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/03b/5384.html
> (...)
>> Is
2005 Aug 30
Problem with winbindd getting users and groups from windows 2000 PDC
I'm running running samba 3.0.14a on a Gentoo 2005.1 Linux box.
I have first set up Gentoo 2005.0 with Samba 3.0.10 (I think) and
everything went fine.
After an update to Samba 3.0.14a it will not work as it should.
I'm running winbindd and samba with the following configuration:
workgroup = CDE
server string = %h server (Samba %v)
security =
2003 Feb 26
calculationg condition numbers
am I right in the assumption, that for calculation of the condition
numbers I have to use the correlation matrix of X, and not t(x) %*% x?
> e <- eigen(t(x) %*% x)
better (x must not have a first column of ones):
> e <- eigen(cor(x))
> e$val
[1] 6.6653e+07 2.0907e+05 1.0536e+05 1.8040e+04 2.4557e+01 2.0151e+00
> sqrt(e$val[1]/e$val)
[1] 1.000 17.855 25.153 60.785 1647.478
2007 Oct 30
custom route for forwarded traffic
I have two networks, users and servers connected via vpn (ipsec). Both
internal networks. The routing is fine and connections work both ways.
Accordingly both networks have a firewall each which faces the internet
and they create the vpn link between each other. Both firewalls have
only one external IP (if they had more, I wouldn''t be asking).
The servers network''s
2005 Apr 21
apply vs sapply vs loop - lm() call appl(y)ied on array
Christoph --
There was just a thread on this earlier this week. You can search in the
archives for the title: "refitting lm() with same x, different y".
(Actually, it doesn't turn up in the R site search yet, at least for me.
But if you just go to the archive of recent messages, available through
CRAN, you can search on refitting and find it. The original post was from
2003 Feb 26
plot as .ps file: where are the axes and labels gone
Sorry, I am sure, this must be documented somewhere (but there are that
many docs and tutorials to scan for topics..., actually a great thing...
but if you are in a hurry..):
I want to save a plot as .ps (or .eps):
> postscript("plot1.eps", horizontal=FALSE,
> plot(hpfit$fit,rstudent(hpfit),xlab="Fitted