similar to: expected variable name error pos 98349 WInBUGS in R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "expected variable name error pos 98349 WInBUGS in R"

2008 Dec 07
Reading txt file in R
Hi:   I am using the following code to read a data set in txt in R and using the follwoing model. But it seems to give me an error ' expected variable name error pos 134022'. Any help is greatly appreciated.   Code: <- read.table("nausea.txt", header=T, sep="\t") list(names( attach( n.samples <- dim( [1] # number of data
2008 Dec 08
Reading txt file in R to run Random Intercept Model
I am using a random intercept model with SITEID as random and NAUSEA as outcome. Thanks. Anamika I tried using a dataset without missing values and changed my model statement accordingly but still get the same error. Follwoing in an excerpt. > <- read.table("nausea.txt", header=T, sep="\t") > list(names( [[1]] [1] "SITEID"
2010 Aug 16
Specify decimal places for parameters in BUGS output
Hi All: I had a basic question to ask. I am running R2WinBUGS so that I could automate the running of my model using 1000 simulated datasets. Below is the code I am using. The only problem I am having is the bugs output that comes out shows my parameters as nos with 1 decimal place after. I would want to have the parameters with 5 places after decimal. How would I specify that in my code for
2012 Jul 28
Beta-Binomial Regression in R
Hi All: I am trying to generate Beta-Binomial data with regressors using R. I have used the following code to generate Beta-Binomial data. Now I want to add a covariate to the equation. I would then like to use the simulated data to run the Beta-Binomial model with covariates on it. Appreciate any help. set.seed(111) k<-20 n<-60 x<-NULL p<-rbeta(k,3,3)# so that the mean nausea rate
2013 May 12
Multinomial-Dirichlet using R
Hi: I have asked this question on Cross-Validated. So it might be a cross posting but havent received any responses to it. I am trying to see which distribution will best fit the data I am working on. The dataset is as following: Site Nausea headache Abdominal Distension 1 17 5 10 2 12
2012 Mar 09
qbeta function in R
HI All: Does anyone know the code behind the qbeta function in R? I am using it to calculate exact confidence intervals and I am getting 'NaN' at places I shouldnt be. Heres the simple code I am using: k<-3 > x<-NULL > p<-rbeta(k,3,3)# so that the mean nausea rate is alpha/(alpha+beta) > min<-10 > max<-60 > n<-as.integer(runif(3,min,max)) > for(i in
2006 Jun 29
lmer - Is this reasonable output?
I'm estimating two models for data with n = 179 with four clusters (21, 70, 36, and 52) named siteid. I'm estimating a logistic regression model with random intercept and another version with random intercept and random slope for one of the independent variables. fit.1 <- lmer(glaucoma~(1|siteid)+x1 +x2,family=binomial,data=set1,method="ML",
2013 Feb 04
reshape help
Dear R users - I have a list of patient identifiers and diagnoses from inpatient admissions. I would like to reorganize the list, presently in a long format to a wide format in reshape, but in the absence of a "time" element, I am uncertain how to do this - any help greatly appreciated. ID Dx A nausea A diabetes A kidney failure A heart attack A fever B fever B
2003 Sep 29
Data frame transpose
Hi All, I want to ask if there is a transpose function for data frame like the procedure of transpose in SAS? Because I want to partially transpose a data frame which contains 5 columns (siteid, date, time, obs, mod), what I want to do is to put time as the column variables along with siteid, and date, and put obs and mod in the row names. specifically to transpose a data frame: siteid date
2012 Oct 30
help with for loop: new column giving count of observation for each SITEID
Hello, I think this is easy, but I can't seem to find a good way to do this in the R help. I have a list of sites, with multiple years of data for each site id. I want to create a new column that gives a number describing whether it is the 1st year ("1" ) the data was collected for the site, the second year ("2"), etc. I have different years for each siteid, but I don't
2010 Aug 10
[BUGS] [R-BUGS] error while plotting
Trevor, Thanks for your reply. That doesnot help Any other suggestions? Anamika On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Trevor Davies <>wrote: > I think you need to load is R2WinBUGS again. > > require(R2WinBUGS) > > Trevor > > > Hi All: > > > > I am getting an error while trying to plot in R2Winbugs > > > > *Error in
2007 May 03
Bayesian logistic regression with a beta prior (MCMClogit)
Dear all, I am trying to use the logistic regression with MCMClogit (package: MCMCpack/Coda) and I want to put a beta prior on the parameters, but it's giving me error message (please see output below) no matter what shape 1 or 2 I use. It works perfect with the cauchy or normal priors. Do you know if there is a catch there somewhere? Thanks logpriorfun <- function(beta,shape1,shape2){
2008 Sep 04
using complete.cases() with nested factors
Hello, This maybe a newbie question. I have a dataframe that looks like the sample at the bottom of the email. I have monthly precipitation data from several sites over several years. For each site, I need to extract years that have a complete series of 12 monthly precipitation values, while excluding that year for sites with incomplete data. I can't figure out how to do this gracefully
2007 Jan 07
Partial proportional odds logistic regression
R-experts: I would like to explore the partial proportional odds models of Peterson and Harrell (Applied Statistics 1990, 39(2): 205-217) for a dataset that I am analyzing. I have not been able to locate a R package that implements these models. Is anyone aware of existing R functions, packages, etc... that might be used to implement the partial proportional odds models? Brant Inman
2008 Jul 02
Extracting regression coef. and p-values in JRClient
Hi there, I am using JRClient to build logistic regression model in the following manner : Rconnection c = new Rconnection(); c.eval("KSN<-read.table(\"/Users/amine/Documents/Research/ Tools/R/D2R1.txt\",header=T,sep=\",\")"); c.eval("result <- glm(Nausea ~ Kaletra*Sustiva, family = binomial(link = logit), data =KSN)");
2006 Jul 28
change url based on account name
Hi, Is this possible Can I specify a url ie http://localhost/AccountName/:contorller/:action/:id Where AccountName is should be a userName, which will lookup a siteId in the database? Whats the best way of going about this, is there somthing in the routes.rb file I can change to get the account name into a variable? Thanks for your help jon -- Posted via
2012 Jul 07
replacement has length zero
I have been working on the following code but keep getting an err message. My current thinking is that the problem is on the indexing but do not know how to fix it. Any help please? ungulate <- read.csv("Ungulate.csv",row.names=1) ungulate <- as.matrix(ungulate);colnames(ungulate)<-NULL;rownames(ungulate)<-NULL habitat <- read.csv("Ungulate_vegetation.csv")
2008 Apr 08
Error: expected the collection operator c error pos 98 (error on line 1)
Greetings, I implemented BRugs to run the EWOC model with a cohort size N=1. I output the simulation data using bugsdata(data), where data is the following list. > data $Dose [1] 140 $Y [1] 0 bugsdata(data) puts out the file data.txt as follows. list(Dose=1.40000E+02, Y=0.00000E+00) after I type the following line modelData("data.txt")
2009 Mar 24
Annoucing Citrix Project Satori
Citrix Project Satori is the result of a collaborative agreement between XenSource and Microsoft, and was carried forward after XenSource was acquired by Citrix Systems. The base Satori components are released by Microsoft as the Linux Integration Components for Hyper-V, and provide support for paravirtualized XenLinux guests running on Hyper-V. The Linux Integration Components can be downloaded
2009 Mar 24
Annoucing Citrix Project Satori
Citrix Project Satori is the result of a collaborative agreement between XenSource and Microsoft, and was carried forward after XenSource was acquired by Citrix Systems. The base Satori components are released by Microsoft as the Linux Integration Components for Hyper-V, and provide support for paravirtualized XenLinux guests running on Hyper-V. The Linux Integration Components can be downloaded