Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Help using tapply with multiple variables"
2007 Sep 27
Reading SAS SD2 Data file
I am trying to read a SAS dataset into R that is in a .SD2 format, which
is the Version 6 standard format from SAS.
I see the routines that read the SAS XPORT format (foreign, Hmisc), but
is there any way to read this one?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Corey Sparks
Corey Sparks
Assistant Professor
Department of Demography and Organization Studies
University of Texas-San Antonio
2011 Oct 13
Axis Formats with library(car)
I am trying to develop scatter plots using library(car). However, the output
I am getting shows the axis (x and y) in scientific notation. I want to have
the axis represented by regular integers (for eg. the X axis i want the
upper bound to show as 40,000,000 instead of 4.0e+07). Scanning the r-help
archives did not get me the answer.
I have uploaded my data here: http://bit.ly/olgMLt
2009 Feb 25
Using gregexpr with multiple search elements
Dear list,
I am trying to use gregexpr to see if entries in a dataframe have
either of two possible values for a string.
here's an example
text<-c("fat", "rat", "cat", "dog", "log", "fish")
If I just wanted to find if any one of the elements in text match the
pattern "at" I would do
gregexpr("\\at", text)
2008 Jul 16
Likelihood ratio test between glm and glmer fits
Dear list,
I am fitting a logistic multi-level regression model and need to test the difference between the ordinary logistic regression from a glm() fit and the mixed effects fit from glmer(), basically I want to do a likelihood ratio test between the two fits.
The data are like this:
My outcome is a (1,0) for health status, I have several (1,0) dummy variables RURAL, SMOKE, DRINK, EMPLOYED,
2007 Dec 05
coxme frailty model standard errors?
I am running R 2.6.1 on windows xp
I am trying to fit a cox proportional hazard model with a shared
Gaussian frailty term using coxme
My model is specified as:
nofit1<-coxme(Surv(Age,cen1new)~ Sex+bo2+bo3,random=~1|isl,data=mydat)
With x1-x3 being dummy variables, and isl being the community level
variable with 4 levels.
Does anyone know if there is a way to get the standard error
2010 Jan 05
Multivariate Poisson GLM??
Dear R Users,
I'm working on a problem where I have a multivariate response vector of
counts and a continuous predictor.
I've thought about doing this the same way you would do a Multvariate
regression model with normally distributed data, but since these data are
counts, they are probably better modeled with a Poisson distribution.
For example
2010 Mar 10
Strange result in survey package: svyvar
Hi R users,
I'm using the survey package to calculate summary statistics for a large
health survey (the Demographic and Health Survey for Honduras, 2006), and
when I try to calculate the variances for several variables, I get negative
numbers. I thought it may be my data, so I ran the example on the help
## one-stage cluster sample
dclus1<-svydesign(id=~dnum, weights=~pw,
2011 Jun 24
Fwd: Extract element of a list based on an index value
> Dear list,
> I have some data on a geneaology, here is a subset:
> warmerge[1:11,c(1,6,25)]
> Warrior SibID birth.year
> 1100 3793 2013 1926
> 4 2013 2024 1934
> 1094 3769 2024 1918
> 632 2747 2037 1928
> 176 2083 2039 1944
> 187 2085 2039 1949
> 192 2086 2039 NA
> 495
2012 May 20
Remus network buffering problem
Hi all,
I have a following problem:
- Remus network buffering doesn''t work. It seems to be because of no vif is
reported by the function server.xend.domain on line 29 of
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xen/remus/vm.py (seen using pdb) :
27 if domid:
28 try:
29 self.dominfo = server.xend.domain(domid, ''all'')
2012 Feb 10
qemu-xen qdisk performance
I''ve recently setup a Linux Dom0 with a 3.0.17 kernel and Xen 4.1.2,
and since the 3.x series doesn''t have blktap support I''m using qdisk
to attach raw images. I''ve been playing with small images, something
like 1GB, and everything seemed fine, speed was not fantastic but it
was ok. Today I''ve set up a bigger machine, with a 20GB raw hdd and
2008 Jan 29
Using Predict and GLM
Dear R Help,
I read through the archives pretty extensively before sending this
email, as it seemed there were several threads on using predict with
GLM. However, while my issue is similar to previous posts (cannot
get it to predict using new data), none of the suggested fixes are
The important bits of my code:
n0=200 #number of observations
2012 Apr 03
regression for poisson distributed data
Hello all,
I would like to get parameter estimates for different models. For one of
them I give the code in example. I am estimating the parameters (i,j and
k) with the nls function, which sees the error distribution as normal, I
would however like to do the same as nls with the assumption that the
errors are poisson distributed.
Is there a way to do this with R? Are there packages designed
2012 Apr 19
non-numeric argument in mle2
Hi all,
I have some problems with the mle2 function
> RogersIIbinom <- function(N0,attackR3_B,Th3_B)
> RogersII_B <-
Error in dbinom(x, size, prob, log)
2006 Jul 03
help a newbie with a loop
I am new in R and stumbled on a problem my (more experienced) friends
can not help with with. Why isnt this code working?
The function is working, also with the loop and the graph appears,
only when I build another loop around it (for different values of p) ,
R stays in a loop?
Can't it take more then 2 loops in one program?
2019 Mar 13
llvm combines "ADD frameindex, constant" to OR
Hi all,
I've been working on a backend of our architecture and noticed llvm performs
following combining although one of operands is FrameIndex.
Combining: t114: i64 = add FrameIndex:i64<0>, Constant:i64<56>
Creating new node: t121: i64 = or FrameIndex:i64<0>, Constant:i64<56>
... into: t121: i64 = or FrameIndex:i64<0>, Constant:i64<56>
2010 Aug 10
Function to Define a Function
I am trying to define a general R function that has a function as the output that depends on the user's input arguments (this may make more sense by looking at the toy example below). My real use for this type of code is to allow a user to choose from many parameterizations of the same general model.
My "issue" is that when I compile a package with this type of code in it I get a
2009 Sep 22
Subsetting dataframes based on column names
Dear R users,
I am interested in taking the columns from multiple dataframes, the
problem is that the different dataframes have different combinations
of the same variable names, here's a simple example:
names(dat.a)<-c("a", "b", "c", "d")
2012 Apr 18
error estimating parameters with mle2
Hi all,
When I try to estimate the functional response of the Rogers type I
equation (for the mle2 you need the package bbmle):
> RogersIbinom <- function(N0,attackR2_B,u_B) {attackR2_B+u_B*N0}
> RogersI_B <-
I get following error message
2010 Oct 21
data.frame query
Hi All,
Apologies for the simplicity of my question, but I would be grateful for any
advice. Thanks
I'm trying to put the output from a for loop into a data frame, however I
have not been successful.
The steps I have taken are:
>for (k in 1:(nt-1-n0) ){
> n<- n0-1+k
> lam=n/nt
> Q=x[n]
> output1<-data.frame(cbind(k,n,lam,Q))
> output1
> }
2002 Aug 07
indexing matrices with dimnames?
I've got a covariance matrix that I'd like to index using the
> vcov1
n0 x0 s n1 n2
n0 82.43824759 1.839505e-02 -4.975196e-01 2.882394e+03 -2.615986e-01
x0 0.01839505 6.134010e-03 -7.695922e-04 -6.373946e+01 6.086321e-03
s -0.49751964 -7.695922e-04 9.638943e-03 3.406594e+02 -3.173671e-02
n1 2882.39407745