Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "rgl: ellipse3d with axes"
2008 Sep 17
rgl: plot3d and ellipse3d
I'm trying to make a 3d plot showing a point cloud, the corresponding
data ellipse
and the principal axes of the ellipse as vectors.
cov <- cov(trees)
mu <- mean(trees)
plot3d(trees, type="s", size=0.5, col="blue", cex=2)
In this step, an extra box is added. I've tried using box=FALSE, but it
has no effect.
# how to avoid the
2012 Feb 07
3D confidence ellipsoid with ellipse projections onto 2D plane
I have a 3xN matrix of parameters obtained from N regressions where the 3
parameters are jointly statistically significant. I would like to reproduce
a 3D confidence ellipsoid projecting 2D ellipses onto the XY plane as in
Figure 5.2 in this
2011 Dec 09
rgl.postscript() failure when saving a scene
Dear all,
I write to the community to know if other people
expierenced the same problem. I want to save a rgl
scene where I plotted a 3d cloud of spheres whose
radius is set proportional to a given variable and
coloured by another group variable and with 95%
ellipsoids for distribution of any group.
I had no problem at all for coding but I had two
problem when saving the scene (in any format)
2011 Jan 31
rgl: draw multiple ellipsoids
Dear list,
I'm trying to visualise some ellipsoidal shapes in 3D. Their position,
axes, and angular orientation can be arbitrary. I saw an ellipse3d
function in rgl; however it is heavily oriented towards the
statistical concept of ellipse of confidence, whilst I am just
concerned with the geometrical object.
Below is my current implementation. It is quite slow when creating
many shapes, so
2011 Jun 30
sdev value returned by princomp function (used for PCA)
Dear all,
I have a question about the 'sdev' value returned by the princomp function (which does principal components analysis).
On the help page for princomp it says 'sdev' is 'the standard deviations of the principal components'.
However, when I calculate the principal components for the USArrests data set, I don't find this to be the case:
Here is how I
2012 Apr 12
scatter3d: problem with spheres-color
Dear List,
I don't get scatter3d to color the sheres according to the '|' argument.
scatter3d(prestige ~ income + education|type, data=Prestige)
The spheres on my screen are all colored the same and they are not
conditional on Prestige$type.
On the other hand: Fit3d and Ellipse3d are colored according to the
group argument.
R version 2.15.0
2005 May 23
Can't reproduce clusplot princomp results.
Dear R folk:
Perhaps I'm just dense today, but I am having trouble reproducing the
principal components plotted and summarized by clusplot. Here is a brief
example using the pluton dataset. clusplot reports that the first two
principal components explain 99.7% of the variability. But this is not what
princomp is reporting. I would greatly appreciate any advice.
With best regards,
-- Tom
2005 Aug 03
prcomp eigenvalues
Can you get eigenvalues in addition to eigevectors using prcomp? If so how?
I am unable to use princomp due to small sample sizes.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Rebecca Young
Rebecca Young
Graduate Student
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Badyaev Lab
University of Arizona
1041 E Lowell
Tucson, AZ 85721-0088
Office: 425BSW
rlyoung at email.arizona.edu
(520) 621-4005
2006 Jun 29
advice on arguments
I have a general style question about R coding.
Suppose I'm writing a function (foo1) that calls other functions
(foo2, foo3, ...) which have complicated argument
lists (e.g. optim(), plot()), _and_
I may be calling several different functions in the body of
foo1. Since foo2 and foo3 have different sets of arguments, I
can't just use "..." ; I did write some code a while ago
2008 Sep 09
PCA and % variance explained
After doing a PCA using princomp, how do you view how much each component
contributes to variance in the dataset. I'm still quite new to the theory of
PCA - I have a little idea about eigenvectors and eigenvalues (these
determine the variance explained?). Are the eigenvalues related to loadings
in R?
View this message in context:
2005 Jul 08
extract prop. of. var in pca
Dear R-helpers,
Using the package Lattice, I performed a PCA.
For example
pca.summary <- summary(pc.cr <- princomp(USArrests, cor = TRUE))
The Output of "pca.summary" looks as follows:
Importance of components:
Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4
Standard deviation 1.5748783 0.9948694 0.5971291 0.41644938
Proportion of Variance 0.6200604
2001 May 31
I'm trying to make a screeplot including the Cumulative Proportion of
the Variance, something that can easily be done in S-Plus with
'screeplot(pc.object,cumulative=T)'. How can I access the Proportion of
Variance in an princomp object and how could I get the Cumulative
Proportion of the Variance on the screeplot?
Many thanks in advance, Jan:-)
2007 Feb 13
Questions about results from PCAproj for robust principal component analysis
I have been looking at the PCAproj function in package pcaPP (R 2.4.1) for
robust principal components, and I'm trying to interpret the results. I
started with a data matrix of dimensions RxC (R is the number of rows /
observations, C the number of columns / variables). PCAproj returns a list
of class princomp, similar to the output of the function princomp. In a
case where I can
2010 Nov 10
prcomp function
I have a short question about the prcomp function. First I cite the
associated help page (help(prcomp)):
SDEV the standard deviations of the principal components (i.e., the square
roots of the eigenvalues of the covariance/correlation matrix, though the
calculation is actually done with the singular values of the data matrix).
ROTATION the matrix of variable loadings
2013 Mar 21
values for the scree plot (package psych)
I am using function princomp from the package psych.
I have my principle component object mypc:
mypc <- princomp(covmat=mycor)
plot(mypc) # shows me a screeplot
Question: how could I actually see the values displayed in the screeplot. I
don't mean on the graph - I just want to know the actual value for each
component (e.g., 10, 3.2, 1.8, etc.)
I need to know how much variance,
2008 Sep 11
Save object summary to file
Am wanting to save the summary of a PCA to file.
Have tried:
> write.table(summary(PCA), file="PCAvar.txt", sep="\t")
but receive:
Error in as.data.frame.default(x[[i]], optional = TRUE, stringsAsFactors =
stringsAsFactors) :
cannot coerce class "summary.princomp" into a data.frame
What am I doing wrong?
View this message in context:
2010 Apr 02
Biplot for PCA using labdsv package
Hi everyone,
I am doing PCA with labdsv package. I was trying to create a biplot graphs
in order to observe arrows related to my variables. However when I run the
script for this graph, the console just keep saying:
*Error in nrow(y) : element 1 is empty;
the part of the args list of 'dim' being evaluated was:
could please someone tell me what this means? what i am doing
1998 Apr 24
Warning: ignored non function "scale"
I've been working on a revised version of prcomp and princomp. Below is my
current draft of prcomp, which is marginally different from V&R. I've added
center and scale as optional arguments. However, scale causes the following:
> zi _ prcomp(iris[,,2])
Warning: ignored non function "scale"
because scale is both a variable and a function. Is there any way to avoid this
2009 Nov 01
Calculate Volume in a PCA
my data frame consist of 8 Variables and 120 000 observations. With those datas I am running a PCA and after I want to calculate the Volume of the PCA-cloud of certain subsets of my data. Does anyone have an idea about a function that can do this?
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2005 Jan 04
scree plot
Is there an easy way to add to the scree-plot labels to each value pertaining to the cumulative proportion of explained variance?
Thanks and a happy new year
Anne Piotet
Tel: +41 79 359 83 32 (mobile)
Email: anne.piotet@m-td.com
M-TD Modelling and Technology Development