Paul Gilbert <> writes:
> I've been working on a revised version of prcomp and princomp. Below is
> current draft of prcomp, which is marginally different from V&R.
I've added
> center and scale as optional arguments. However, scale causes the
> > zi _ prcomp(iris[,,2])
> Warning: ignored non function "scale"
> because scale is both a variable and a function. Is there any way to avoid
> error message and still keep the name scale for both the argument and the
> of the function?
There are several. One, which has been used in other parts of R is to
lengthen the formal argument a bit, e.g. "" which - since
there's no "..." part can be truncate to, say, "scale".
Another option is to explicitly fetch the function scale() using
get("scale","package:base") or
get("scale",envir=.GlobalEnv). Anything
not including the functions local variables should do the trick.
Actually, I think that the first of the above get()s needs to be
hmmm, shouldn't we make accept character variables?
> prcomp <- function(x, retx=TRUE, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE) {
> s <- svd(scale(x, center=center, scale=scale),nu=0)
> # rank <- sum(s$d > 0)
> rank <- sum(s$d > (s$d[1]*sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)))
> if (rank < ncol(x)) s$v <- s$v[,1:rank]
> s$d <- s$d/sqrt(max(1,nrow(x) -1))
> if(retx) list(sdev=s$d, rotation=s$v, x=x %*% s$v)
> else list(sdev=s$d, rotation=s$v)
> }
O__ ---- Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3
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