similar to: Adding 1 month to a dataframe column

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Adding 1 month to a dataframe column"

2011 Mar 28
"Holes" in a data frame with time intervals
Good morning, I am facing a problem very easy to solve with a program, but not too easy (at least IMHO) with a "declarative" approach. I have a dataframe df with some information about bank branches with a validity time associated (start date/end date, format YYYY-MM-DD) to some attributes (for example number of employees assigned). The following example will clarify this
2010 May 06
Data frame "pivoting"
Dear R experts, I am trying to solve this problem, related to the possibility of changing the shape of a data frame using a "pivoting-like" function. I have a dataframe df of observations as follows: ID VALIDITY YEAR PROPERTY PROPERTY VALUE A1 2007 P1 V1 A1 2007 P2 V2 A1 2007 P3 V3 A1 2008 P1 V10 A1 2008 P2 V20 A2 2007 P5 V50 A2 2008 P6 V20 A3 2007
2012 Jun 15
R: Securities earning covariance
Good morning. I have a real fuzzy question to ask; we have a calculation engine which is composed by n virtual machines each of them with a jvm 2GB of memory on Linux Red Hat each of them with the "R" package which comes along with the Red Hat Linux distribution. We have now to increase the number of "nodes" trying to avoid to use new virtual or physical machines. So my
2008 Jun 05
Securities earning covariance
Good morning, I am a new R user and I am trying to learn how to use it. I am trying to solve this problem. I have a dataframe df of daily securities (for a year) earnings as follows: SEC_ID DAY EARNING IT0000001 20070101 5.467 IT0000001 20070102 5.456 IT0000001 20070103 4.954 IT0000001 20070104 3.456 .......................... IT0000002 20070101 1.456 IT0000002 20070102 1.345
2008 Jun 06
Agreggating data using external aggregation rules
Dear R experts, I am currently facing a tricky problem which I have read a lot about in the various R mailing lists without finding exactly what I need. I have a big data frame DF (about 2,000,000 rows) with 7 columns being variables and 1 being a measure (using reshape package nomeclature). There are no "duplicates" in it. Fot each of the variables I have some "rules" to
2012 Jun 15
R under JVM
Dear all, first of all I apologize for not having changed the object. I just re-used an old email I sent some time ago. The let us go into the question. Our architecture is the following: A (set of) java programs running under a jvm that passes data and instructions to an R instance via RNI and at the end of the process extracts calculated data from R. The question is: can I
2007 Dec 21
malloc problem on smbd
Hi guys, I have samba 3.0.24 on AIX 5.3 ML 6 and sometimes in smbd.log, I found many entry like this : get_print_db: malloc fail ! To recover situation, smbd must be restarted. Any idea ? bye ** Le e-mail provenienti dalla Banca d'Italia sono trasmesse in buona fede e non comportano alcun vincolo ne' creano obblighi per la Banca stessa, salvo che cio' non sia espressamente
2008 Jun 06
Subsetting to unique values
I want to take the first row of each unique ID value from a data frame. For instance > ddTable <- data.frame(Id=c(1,1,2,2),name=c("Paul","Joe","Bob","Larry")) I want a dataset that is Id Name 1 Paul 2 Bob > unique(ddTable) Will give me all 4 rows, and > unique(ddTable$Id) Will give me c(1,2), but not accompanied by the name column.
2005 May 19
Drawing a circle
Hi. I need to draw a circle whit center (a,b) and radio r. So I use the R code below a<-1.975 # valore x del centro b<-1.215 # valores y del centro r<-1.46 # radio x1<-seq(a-r,a+r,by=0.01); #los valores de x yp<-sqrt(r^2-(x1-a)^2)+b; # los valores y a partir de la ra??z positiva yn<-(-1)*sqrt(r^2-(x1-a)^2)+b; # los valores y a partir de la ra??z negativa x<-c(x1,x1);
2002 Feb 25
replace NAs
Dear R community: it is possible to replace NA?s in a data frame with zeroes? what should I do? Thanks in advance Juan Pablo _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos es la manera m?s sencilla de compartir e imprimir sus fotos: -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
2002 May 18
Vuoi Davvero Guadagnare con Internet? Bene, salva su disco questa pagina per averla a portata di mano anche se il tuo PC non ? connesso a Internet, poi copia quanto segue in Word o in Blocco Note e stampalo, cos? lo potrai leggere con pi? attenzione. Questo Sistema ? diverso da tutti gli altri, quindi non essere precipitoso nel valutarlo senza averlo compreso a fondo, ma ti assicuro che
2019 May 20
Agrupar por suma y cuenta con dplyr
Hola, Tengo un data set con información de transferencias monetarias por paciente provincia y modalidad de atención. Necesito hacer en una misma operación una suma de dinero por provincia y modalidad y a su vez una cuenta de pacientes por provincia y modalidad. Esto funciona bien: transferencias<-becas_modalidades %>% group_by(PROVINCIA,Modalidad) %>% summarize(dinero =
2024 Sep 24
Provincia y municipio en Shiny
Queridos colegas: ?Qu? funci?n tengo que utilizar para, en la interfaz de usuario de un Shiny, una vez seleccionada una provincia de una lista, elegir un municipio de otra lista (filtrados los de la provincia elegida)? ?C?mo se puede hacer ese filtro? Seguro que es una chorrada, pero no doy con ello... estoy medio aterrizando en Shiny... Mil gracias Isidro Hidalgo Arellano Observatorio del
2017 Feb 23
"IN" en data.table
Hola a todos. ¿Es posible filtrar casos en data.table por más de una categoría al mismo tiempo? Algo así como un IN o similar, dónde IN puede entenderse como "existe en": datos[Provincia IN c("CATAMARCA", "CHACO", "CORRIENTES"), FORM] O sea: una forma abreviada de hacer:
2024 Sep 24
Provincia y municipio en Shiny
Isidro: La segunda lista se tiene que generar en el server con el filtro que quieras: - En UI, creas un elemento uiOutput, por ejemplo con id = id1 - Tendrás la lista de provincias en otro input, por ejemplo con id = id0 - En Server, lo renderizas con output$id1 <- renderUI() - Este renderUI devuelve la lista de municipios ya filtrada, usando el filtro de input$id0 Aquí lo explica Hadley
2012 Mar 15
Subtract Date Between columns
Hello I have this little dataset, my goal is create one column in the data.frame with between the diference DataTime and Duration. I'm using the next code to make do this TIME_STAMP SESSIONTIME Time TimeStart 1162343932 8320 2006-10-31 19:01:34 2006-10-31 16:42:54 1162343215 592 2006-10-31 19:02:04 2006-10-31 18:52:12 1162341465 11875
2017 Jul 22
last_logon SQL mapping
Hi I have been attempting to do a mapping on the last_logon plugin. I have been reading the documentation on mapping. is there any way to customise a little more and create a individual SQL query for each of the functions SELECT and UPDATE, my current SQL setup has the username and domain in separate tables and my user_query and password_query are concat which I do not believe can be defined
2019 May 02
Elegir más de un dato en data frame
Buenas tardes. Tengo un data frame con el que me descargo una serie de datos municipalizados. Después extraigo los que corresponden al municipio que me interesa: paro.municipal <- paro.municipal[paro.municipal$provincia == "28" & paro.municipal$municipio == «115», ]. Todo correcto. El problema viene cuando quiero elegir más de un municipio: paro.municipal <-
2013 Jul 08
Segmentar archivos en R (Antonio José Sáez Castillo)
Estimado Mauricio Monsalvo Le paso una idea, no es un código muy lindo que digamos, pero al correrlo seguramente se dará cuenta de mi sugerencia. datos<-c(2,3,4,5,6,7,8) quantile(datos) quantile(datos,probs = c(0.25, 0.75, 0.85, 0.90, 0.95)) as.matrix(quantile(datos,probs = c(0.25, 0.75, 0.85, 0.90, 0.95))),probs = c(0.25, 0.75, 0.85, 0.90, 0.95))) # ¿ y si solo
2007 Mar 22
Shape own router
On 2/19/07, Salatiel Filho <> wrote: > Well , thanks to imq all my client machines are now shaped and > everything is great ... > But now i have a doubt , is there a way to shape the traffic that goes > to the route [doing a wget from the router for example ]? > > > I have a PREROUTING IMQ0 and a POSTROUTING IMQ1 , everything is > working like