Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Problems changing to number from character"
2008 Nov 18
reshape question
It's probably a simple issue but I'm struggling with that. I'll use the
example shown in the help page.
wide <- reshape(Indometh, v.names="conc", idvar="Subject",
timevar="time", direction="wide")
reshape(wide, idvar="Subject", varying=list(2:12),
2009 Feb 13
second axis title orientation
I have added a second y-axis via axis() to a plot.
Then I tried to add an y axis title.
But the axis() function seems to have no argument like ylab.
and if I add a title with title() the text is centered at the first
axis, not the second defined one.
Is there a way to add an axis-title that orientates it's position at
the last defined axis?
2008 Sep 06
Mode value
Hello everyone,
I would like to know if there is any function to calculate the mode value, or I have to build one to do it.
Thanks so much
2008 Nov 02
How to plot with different colours
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to plot 3600 points and my idea is if this value is higher than 0.35 then this point must appear in green colour, if it's smaller than -0.35 then values must appear in red and if values are between -0.35 and 0.35 they must be in yellow. I'm thinking and I'm trying many things but I don't achieve it. Any idea?.
Thanks so much
Carlos Morales Diego
2007 Sep 09
Problems with strsplit
I would like to know what can I do if I use strplit with a string and I want to use the middle left,I mean I have this:
[1] "bA531F16" "rep"
I would like to work just with bA531F16 in another variable, what could I do?, Thank you
Sé un Mejor Amante
2007 Jun 26
inter-rater agreement index kappa
Is there a function that calculates the inter-rater agreement index
(kappa) in R?
Thanks ../Murli
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Sep 20
Superimposing vector polygons over raster grid in a plot
I would like to superimpose vector polygons (state outlines) from a
Shape file on top of a satellite image,
imported into a SpatialGridDataFrame from GEOTIFF via gdal_translate and
When I plot polygon and point shape files in R, into
SpatialPointDataFrame and SpatialPolygonDataFrame,
the two feature sets line up geographically, so it seems logical that a
2007 May 14
cross-validation / sensitivity anaylsis for logistic regression model
I have developed a logistic regression model in the form of (factor_1~ numeric
+ factor_2) and would like to perform a cross-validation or some similar
form of sensitivity analysis on this model.
using cv.glm() from the boot package:
# dataframe from which model was built in 'z'
# model is called 'm_geo.lrm'
# as suggested in the man page for a binomial model:
cost <-
2006 May 23
standardization of values before call to pam() or clara()
Experimenting with the cluster package, and am starting to scratch my head in
regards to the *best* way to standardize my data. Both functions can
pre-standardize columns in a dataframe. according to the manual:
Measurements are standardized for each variable (column), by subtracting the
variable's mean value and dividing by the variable's mean absolute deviation.
2006 Oct 04
compiling rgdal package on windows / macos
As I am not a windows user, I cannot try this: is it possible to install rgdal
on windows without having to compile it from source ?
Compilation on MacOS is within my abilities, however each time i try and
install the rgdal package it dies complaining that it cannot find
gdal-config --- which was recently installed with GRASS. I have updated my
PATH environment variable, logged
2007 Feb 27
prop.test or chisq.test ..?
Hi everyone,
Suppose I have a count the occurrences of positive results, and the total
number of occurrences:
pos <- 14
total <- 15
testing that the proportion of positive occurrences is greater than 0.5 gives
a p-value and confidence interval:
prop.test( pos, total, p=0.5, alternative='greater')
1-sample proportions test with continuity correction
data: 14 out of
2009 Mar 27
Ploting a matrix
Hi evrybody,
in a matrix consisting of 49 columns, I would like to plot all columns
against the first in 48 different graphs.
Can you help me?
Thank you in advance
Dipl. Biol. Sebastian Krug
PhD - student
Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences
2007 Aug 16
Question on output of vectors from a for loop into a matrix
Hello R-help,
I am a recent convert to R from SAS and I am having some difficulty with
output of a for loop into a matrix. I have searched the help manuals and
the archives, but I can't get my code to work. It is probably a syntax
error that I am not spotting. I am trying to make a distance matrix by
extracting the distances from each point to all others in a vector (the for
loop). I can
2006 Jul 31
questions regarding spline functions
A couple general questions regarding the use of splines to interpolate depth
profile data.
Here is an example of a set of depths, with associated attributes for a given
soil profile, along with a function for calculating midpoints from a set of
soil horizon boundaries:
#calculate midpoints:
mid <- function(x) {
for( i in 1:length(x)) {
if( i > 1) {
a[i] = (x[i] -
2006 Mar 21
transform shapefiles in UTM to lat/long
Dear all:
I have a shapefile in UTM coordinate system and I would like to transform it
to Lat/Log coordinates (WSG84). The package PBSmapping contains function
convUL to transform between the two coordinate systems when data is in the
form of a data frame with attributes specifying the coordinate system.
However, when shapefiles are imported using function read.shape (package
maptools), a list
2009 Mar 26
I am just starting using R. Hence, sorry for asking probably rather easy
I used "read.table" to bring an .txt Table to R. Unfortunately the
columns do not have the same length. I tried "fill=TRUE", to fill the
blank space with "na". In a certain kind of way it worked, but befor
filling the spaces it moved data from later columns to the first:
2015 Jun 19
Sobre data.table
Uy pues con mi data.table no lo hace bien, me devuelve 0 para todas las
columnas. Podría ser porque algunas columnas son char y otras num??
El 19 de junio de 2015, 13:03, Olivier Nuñez <onunez en unex.es> escribió:
> Si quieres mantener el formato data.table en la salida, mejor utilizar
> lapply:
> > DT[,lapply(.SD,function(x) sum(is.na(x)))]
> X1 X2
> 1: 2
2013 Oct 05
mejora estética del resultado de una función
Muchas gracias por la rapidez en la respuesta. Funciona
El 05/10/2013 10:09, Carlos Ortega escribió:
> Hola,
> Es un problema de "cat()".
> Mira esta alternativa:
> foo
> x2
> for(i in 1:length(x)){
> #print(cat("El cuadrado de",x[i],"es ",
> print(paste("El cuadrado de
2006 Dec 01
memory problem
hi to all,
frustated for this error, to day i buy a 1 GB memory
slot for my laptop
now it have 1,28GB instead the old 512, but i've the
same error :-(
damn!damn!....how can i do?
repeat for a little area (about 20X20 km and res=20m)
it work fine!
have you any suggestion?
is ther a method for look if this error depend from my
ram or other....?
thanks foe any suggestion!
i need your help.
2015 Dec 10
SVM hadoop
Un día leí algo en el siguiente hipervínculo, pero nunca lo use.
Javier Rubén Marcuzzi
De: Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
Enviado: miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015 14:33
Para: MªLuz Morales
CC: r-help-es
Asunto: Re: [R-es] SVM hadoop
No, no correrán en paralelo si usas los SVM de paquetes como e1071.