similar to: Q re iterating a process and appending results to output file

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Q re iterating a process and appending results to output file"

2009 Jul 27
creating and populating an environment
Hi, I often work with R by writing long(ish) Excel-VBA macros interspersed with calls to R via RExcel. A typical example of this would be: Sub VBAMacro() 'fetch some data from an excel sheet 'do some basic stuff on said data 'transfer data from vba to R 'run some R statements 'get data back to vba 'show results on the excel sheet 'clean R by deleting all vars
2010 Oct 27
R-Excel Macro mode
I'm using R-Excel's macro mode to make an R based Excel tool for inventory management. It's quite a lot of R-code which I made in R at first and now I am trying to transform it into excel. The R code is a simulation of a random path x times, put into matrices and then doing some transformations on it. I pasted the R code on a seperate sheet in my Excel file, which by means of VBA I
2003 Nov 16
prevent conversion to factors in aggregate?
I've been trying to figure out how to prevent a column that is the result of an aggregate function call so that I can use it in further calculations. For example, I would like to aggregate the expf for the data.frame by sp (character) and dbh (double d=rounded to integer) using the command: > st2 <- aggregate( ntrs$expf, by=list(sp=ntrs$sp,dbh=ntrs$dbh), sum ) > st2$expf <- st2$x
2007 Mar 19
running VBA code/macros within Linux
Hi, . I know you can run Windows applications using WINE (, but has anyone tried, say, running Word or Excel VBA code/macros based on Windows run time libraries? . the thing is that in their faq ( they don't even mention this possibility and searching on; VBA Word, doesn't give you any hits, even though WINE does link to windows
2008 May 24
R-Excel Macro Problem
I'm trying to write R functions into VBA code. I've done this many other times in other documents and everything has run great. But today I keep recieving an error message "Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error." Has anyone else encountered this same error message? I do not recieve this error in the document when running regular VBA code.
2012 Apr 28
Equivalent of Nothing (in VBA) or [] in Matlab in R
Hi, I am very new to R so please excuse me if I am asking very obvious questions. I am trying to call a blackbox api function implemented in as a COM object from R. The function definition says that 1. if calling from VBA, the first parameter should be set to "Nothing" 2. if calling from matlab, the first parameter should be set to [] What should be the equivalent for above in R?.
2013 Jul 12
Conexion excel vba con R y VBasic con R
Muchas gracias, Sergio. Saludos cordiales. Eduardo Freyre -----Mensaje original----- De: miguel.angel.rodriguez.muinos en [mailto:miguel.angel.rodriguez.muinos en] Enviado el: viernes, 12 de julio de 2013 12:39 Para: efreyre en; r-help-es en Asunto: RE: [R-es] Conexion excel vba con R y VBasic con R Hola Eduardo. Lo que buscas lo puedes
2007 Jun 11
Starting R within an VBA makro
Hello everybody, at work I want to start R within an VBA program. First I calculate something in Excel 2003. After that I want to start within my VBA makro R wich should start an R file, say i.g, superplot.R which plots me the data well. So is it possible? Maybe something like that: sub test() 'calculate something start R superplot.R end test() Thank you so much. Kindly
2010 Feb 08
Physically open Excel file from R
Hello, everyone I wonder if it is possible to PHYSICALLY open an Excel file from R. The reason I ask is, I produce regularly an Excel file in R, and then I want to make it look good, so I have a VBA routine in another Excel file that works on the regular Excel file. This formatting file executes VBA code on open, so all I need to do is physically open it (no reading/writing at all). I wonder if
2011 Jun 06
Question with RExcel
Dear all, I?m doing some simulation studies in order to compare the estimates (and estimated standard deviations) from the ARMA(2,1) Model with an estimator that I?ve constructed. For carrying out the simulations I created a VBA project within Excel. Now, I?m using the RExcel tool for running the R commands in the VBA project. I run 2500 simulation using the ?arima? function from R and it worked!
2007 Oct 19
Declaring variables in R
Please forgive me if my question is answered in Help FAQ no. 23481739... In language like C every variable must be declared before it can be used. In VBA, if a variable has not been declared it is assumed to be of a special type (Variant). In R (and Matlab) variables do not have to be declared. This is convenient, but in a large program one can make a typo which will be extremely difficult to
2010 Apr 18
how to use Excel VBA's Shell() to call and execute R file
I have an R file R_test.R saved in C:\R_test folder. The R_test.R looks like this: setwd("C:/R_test") rnorm(100) write(rnorm(100),"data.txt") q(save="no", runLast = F) Next I would like use an Excel VBA/macro Shell() function to call R and execute R_test.R file. The syntax is *Shell(pathname*[*,windowstyle*]*)* I wrote an Excel macro RunRcode like this: Sub
2008 Jun 21
converting an R function into VBA
Hi everyone, I want to convert an R function into VBA for calculating the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a matrix using the "Power Method". The function is: PowerMethod <- function(x, tolerance) {     my.mat <- var(x[,-1], na.method="available")     matSize <- dim(my.mat)[1]     eigenVec <- matrix(NA, nrow=matSize, ncol=matSize)     eigenVal <- rep(NA,
2011 Apr 01
Rexcel path problem
Hi, I am running a test to call an R script with in excel using VBA. My VBA code is shown bellow. The middle section of this mail also includes the content of my Rscript. The bottom part shows the error message form the R console. It seems that Excel is opening the R console without any problems. The problem I am seeing is that Rinterface.RRun instruction is interpreting the "\T"
2013 Jul 12
Conexion excel vba con R y VBasic con R
Buenos días: ¿Hay alguna forma de conectar VBA de Excel con R, de forma que desde Excel se puedan cursar instrucciones de R?, ¿ y V.Basic con R? Gracias anticipadas. Saludos [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Oct 30
Hi List, Is there any way to pass on directly VBA variable content into a R variable? on windows XP & using R 2.12.0 I have installed RExcel addin (with associated D(COM)) >> It function fine when trying to pass Excel Range to R but I failed (sorry if it is only my own limitation, search till now unsuccessful) to find out how to pass directly VBA array into R Below an example -
2009 Jan 08
R and Excel
Even using the VBA back of Excel to create interfaces with R would make a lot of sense. Suppose I could have access to VBA macros that import and export data into R , it would be great. The R GUI series like Rattle come even closer to a VBA _R_ExCel package might be useful to ordinary folks . Besides Excel costs money, so adding R functions to Open Office would help both of them ( if
2008 Jan 11
communicate from Rterm
Please, help with announcing an error from Rterm: I am calling R from an Excel VBA and noticed that if there is an error nothing conspicuous happens. I would like just a popup window when R cannot finish cleanly. The "ret " value returned from Shell is useless in determining what happened. Thank you all. ***************************** Public Sub Repo() ds = InputBox("Type in
2009 Jun 15
[OT] VBA to save excel as csv
Hi all, This is a little off-topic, but it is on the general topic of getting data in R. I'm looking for a excel macro / vba script that will export all spreadsheets in a directory (with one file per tab) into csv. Does anyone have anything like this? Thanks, Hadley --
2003 Apr 12
Wine, M$Excel and MSCREATE.DIR
Hi, Is it possible to get M$Excel working with Wine? I use Mandrake 9.1 with wine-20030115-4mdk and M$Excel97 SR1 I always get an error about MSCREATE.DIR when I launch Excel. Console messages are: [steph@DeepGlue steph]$ wine /mnt/windows/Program\ Files/Microsoft\ Office/Office/excel.exe fixme:ole:CoRegisterMessageFilter stub Created not existing system directory 'C:\My Documents'