similar to: How to test significant differences for non-linear relationships for two locations

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "How to test significant differences for non-linear relationships for two locations"

2006 Aug 24
my error with augPred
Dear all I try to refine my nlme models and with partial success. The model is refined and fitted (using Pinheiro/Bates book as a tutorial) but when I try to plot plot(augPred(fit4)) I obtain Error in predict.nlme(object, value[1:(nrow(value)/nL), , drop = FALSE], : Levels (0,3.5],(3.5,5],(5,7],(7,Inf] not allowed for vykon.fac > Is it due to the fact that I have unbalanced
2006 Sep 11
syntax of nlme
Hello, How do I specify the formula and random effects without a startup object ? I thought it would be a mixture of nls and lme. after trying very hard, I ask for help on using nlme. Can someone hint me to some examples? I constructed a try using the example from nls: #variables are density, conc and Run #all works fine with nls DNase1 <- subset(DNase, Run == 1 ) fm2DNase1 <- nls(
2004 Apr 05
2 lme questions
Greetings, 1) Is there a nice way of extracting the variance estimates from an lme fit? They don't seem to be part of the lme object. 2) In a series of simulations, I am finding that with ML fitting one of my random effect variances is sometimes being estimated as essentially zero with massive CI instead of the finite value it should have, whilst using REML I get the expected value. I guess
2012 Jan 17
MuMIn package, problem using model selection table from manually created list of models
The subject says it all really. Question 1. Here is some code created to illustrate my problem, can anyone spot where I'm going wrong? Question 2. The reason I'm following a manual specification of models relates to the fact that in reality I am using mgcv::gam, and I'm not aware that dredge is able to separate individual smooth terms out of say s(a,b). Hence an additional request,
2002 Aug 28
sourcing a file with the plot.lme() function
I ran into a problem trying to make a plot from a file that's read using source. Basically, I have the following code in a file "plot.R" : library(nlme) data(Loblolly) fm1 <- nlme(height ~ SSasymp(age, Asym, R0, lrc), data = Loblolly, fixed = Asym + R0 + lrc ~ 1, random = Asym ~ 1, start = c(Asym = 103, R0 = -8.5, lrc = -3.3))
2011 Feb 06
anova() interpretation and error message
Hi there, I have a data frame as listed below: > Ca.P.Biomass.A P Biomass 1 334.5567 0.2870000 2 737.5400 0.5713333 3 894.5300 0.6393333 4 782.3800 0.5836667 5 857.5900 0.6003333 6 829.2700 0.5883333 I have fit the data using logistic, Michaelis?Menten, and linear model, they all give significance. > fm1 <- nls(Biomass~SSlogis(P, phi1, phi2, phi3), data=Ca.P.Biomass.A)
2005 Sep 19
How to mimic pdMat of lme under lmer?
Dear members, I would like to switch from nlme to lme4 and try to translate some of my models that worked fine with lme. I have problems with the pdMat classes. Below a toy dataset with a fixed effect F and a random effect R. I gave also 2 similar lme models. The one containing pdLogChol (lme1) is easy to translate (as it is an explicit notation of the default model) The more parsimonious
2002 Dec 15
Interpretation of hypothesis tests for mixed models
My question concerns the logic behind hypothesis tests for fixed-effect terms in models fitted with lme. Suppose the levels of Subj indicate a grouping structure (k subjects) and Trt is a two-level factor (two treatments) for which there are several (n) responses y from each treatment and subject combination. If one suspects a subject by treatment interaction, either of the following models seem
2006 Oct 30
Random intercept-slope correlation (nlme)
Dear list members, I am working with a multilevel growth curve, that in its simplest form goes like follows: Yit = Ai + Bi t + eit (the error term is assumed to follow an AR(1) autorregressive process) One major topic in my research is the convergence in the values of Y over time. Thus, I am interested in the relationship between the random effects for the intercept and the slope, and I
2009 Jun 11
formula for degrees of freedom for nonlinear mixed model in nlme
Dear forum members, What is the formula to calculate denominator degrees of freedom (den df) for nonlinear mixed-effect models with covariates? My model is similar to a CO2 uptake example from Pinheiro and Bates (2000, page 376). In this CO2 dataset, there are two treatments and two types (84 observations in total), but den df for each parameter of the model is 64. Isn’t it too high? Your
2013 Feb 17
xtable nlme
Hola a todos Les consulto por un problema con xtable y nlme, tomando un ejemplo del manual de nlme para obtener los resultados en latex utilizando xtable, se puede utilizar el siguiente código, pero hay un problema y causa error. library(nlme) library(xtable) fm1 <- nlme(height ~ SSasymp(age, Asym, R0, lrc), data = Loblolly, fixed = Asym + R0 + lrc ~ 1,
2013 Oct 03
SSweibull() : problems with step factor and singular gradient
SSweibull() :  problems with step factor and singular gradient Hello I am working with growth data of ~4000 tree seedlings and trying to fit non-linear Weibull growth curves through the data of each plant. Since they differ a lot in their shape, initial parameters cannot be set for all plants. That’s why I use the self-starting function SSweibull(). However, I often got two error messages:
2009 Nov 01
package lme4
Hi R Users, When I use package lme4 for mixed model analysis, I can't distinguish the significant and insignificant variables from all random independent variables. Here is my data and result: Data: Rice<-data.frame(Yield=c(8,7,4,9,7,6,9,8,8,8,7,5,9,9,5,7,7,8,8,8,4,8,6,4,8,8,9), Variety=rep(rep(c("A1","A2","A3"),each=3),3),
2008 Jan 25
Problem with FollowMe
I'm trying to use the FollowMe app with Asterisk 1.4.17. I've followed the WIKI page on setting it up but I can't seem to get it to work. Here is my Asterisk version: pbx1*CLI> core show version Asterisk 1.4.17 built by root @ pbx1 on a i686 running Linux on 2008-01-10 12:08:48 UTC Here is a log of when the FollowMe is being called: NOTE: I've tried to use the AstDB as
2010 Feb 09
lm combined with splines
Hello, In the following I tried 3 versions of an example in R help. Only the two first predict command work. After : library(splines) require(stats) 1) fm1 <- lm(weight ~ bs(height, df = 5), data = women) ht1 <- seq(57, 73, len = 200) ph1 <- predict(fm1, data.frame(height=ht1)) # OK plot(women, xlab = "Height (in)", ylab = "Weight (lb)") lines(ht1, ph1) 2)
2006 Jul 18
Using corStruct in nlme
I am having trouble fitting correlation structures within nlme. I would like to fit corCAR1, corGaus and corExp correlation structures to my data. I either get the error "step halving reduced below minimum in pnls step" or alternatively R crashes. My dataset is similar to the CO2 example in the nlme package. The one major difference is that in my case the 'conc' steps are
2017 Oct 20
nls() and loop
Hello I?m need fitt growth curve with data length-age. I want to evaluate which is the function that best predicts my data, to do so I compare the Akaikes of different models. I'm now need to evaluate if changing the initial values changes the parameters and which do not allow to estimate the model. To do this I use the function nls(); and I randomize the initial values (real positive number).
2009 Sep 06
linear mixed model question
Hello, I wanted to fit a linear mixed model to a data that is similar in terms of design to the 'Machines' data in 'nlme' package except that each worker (with triplicates) only operates one machine. I created a subset of observations from 'Machines' data such that it looks the same as the data I wanted to fit the model with (see code below). I fitted a model in
2004 Mar 23
nlme question
I have a need to call and pass arguments to nlme() from within another function. I use R version 1.8. I have found an apparent way to make this work, but I would appreciate some comments on whether this fix is really appropriate, or there is another way to do it that does not involve changing the source code. I don't have enough experience to start changing the sorurce code of a library
2017 Apr 25
R-3.4.0 and recommended packages
Am Dienstag, 25. April 2017, 08:50:34 schrieb Dirk Eddelbuettel: > On 25 April 2017 at 14:58, G?ran Brostr?m wrote: > | hello, > | > | I just installed R-3.4.0 from scratch: > | > | $ sudo apt install r-base > | > | but when I try > | > | > library(survival, lib.loc = "/usr/lib/R/library") > | > fit <- coxph(Surv(exit, event) ~ x, data =