Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "setHook and lattice"
2007 Dec 27
Problem of lmer under FreeBSD
I encounter such problem with lmer under FreeBSD, but not under
Windows. Anyone knows why? Thanks.
> example(lmer)
lmer> (fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
Error in UseMethod("as.logical") : no applicable method for "as.logical"
> traceback()
9: as.logical(EMverbose)
8: as.logical(EMverbose)
7: lmerControl()
2008 Jan 22
anova function to test the difference between two coefficients in nlme package
Dear Dr. Bates, and R-help,
I've tried the anova function to test the difference between two
coefficients, as shown on page 225 of your book "Mixed Effects Models
in S and S-Plus (Statistics and Computing)".
When I type: anova( fm2BW.lme, L = c(TimeDiet2 = 1, TimeDiet3 = -1) )
I got the following error message:
Error: unexpected '=' in "anova( fm2BW.lme, L =
2007 Aug 30
Another issue with the Matrix package.
Hi all,
I am encountering a strange issue with the Matrix package. I have just built
R-devel from source on my macbook pro, and I wonder if others can reproduce
this problem. I will give example code to go along:
Starting a fresh R session:
R version 2.6.0 Under development (unstable) (2007-08-30 r42697)
Copyright (C) 2007 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
2007 Nov 27
help in ar function
Dears Sirs
During my computational work I encountered unexpected behaviour when calling "ar" function.
I want to select the order p of the autoregressive approximation by AIC criterion and sometimes an error occurs.
# time series
2012 Sep 16
How to plot two lines, and only one line with errorbar by qqplots of R
Here is my code, which plots three lines with errorbar. How could I add an
extra line without errorbar to the plot? Thank you very much.
beta.data <- data.frame (
method = rep(c("Wrong", "Correct", "Full Bayes"), each = T_obs),
mean.beta = c(mean.beta1, mean.beta2, mean.beta3),
t = rep(points, 3),
std.beta = c(std.beta1, std.beta2, std.beta3)
limits =
2007 Oct 31
Shell Bash with R
I try to write a bash skript and I want to use the variables from my
bash skript into R. Ist that possible?
My bash skript creates lots of *.data files. I want forward these
files directly into R (in x.data.bz2), so that R creates a few data
automatically also in PDF.
For example:
bash created files: hello.data , world.data
how R created these files in pdf?
please look my plot.R
2007 Nov 21
question about multiple comparison in ANOVA
I am not sure whether there is a bug. When I tested the example given
for "glht" in the help, I entered the following error:
Running commands:
amod <- aov(minutes ~ blanket, data = recovery)
rht <- glht(amod, linfct = mcp(blanket = "Dunnett"),
alternative = "less")
Errors are:
Error in try(coef.(model)) : could not find function
2005 Jun 10
Exiting R and package detachment?
is there away to assure that a package is detached when R quits? I know
about .Last(), but that requires the user to setup that function. What
I am looking for is a way for the package to do this itself, without
asking the user to edit "their" .Last(). From ?setHook I know that:
"...when an R is finished, packages are not detached and namespaces
are not unloaded, so
2008 Sep 19
Error message in lmer
Dear list
I try to run a bootstrap with lmer.
I often, but not always, get the error message:
Error in objective(.par, ...) :
Leading minor of order 6 in downdated X'X is not positive definite
(with the number (here 6) varying)
In R-archives I came across some threads that treated this problem,
nevertheless they refer to lmer when using it with family = "binomial", so
2006 Feb 15
S3 generics without NS and cleanEx()
Good morning,
we recently observed a problem with importing S3 generics from a foreign
package (without namespace), defining a S3 method in a package _with_
namespace and the `cleanEx()' function which is automatically generated
and executed before examples are run by R CMD check.
To be more precise. Package `strucchange' defines a S3 generic
sctest <- function(x, ...)
2004 Oct 20
par() defaults in Rprofile
Dear List,
I've tried to set default par() in .Rprofile by putting the following in
the .First function:
setHook(packageEvent("graphics", "onLoad"),
function(...) {graphics::par(cex.axis=1.5, cex.lab=2, las=1)}
My goal was to set par() defaults without opening a device everytime at
startup. However, the next plot I create doesn't show these
2005 Oct 29
how to get colnames of a dataframe within a function called by 'apply'
Hello alltogether,
how is it possible to assign the colnames of a data.frame to a function
called by apply, e.g. for labeling a plot?
Example: I want to plot several qqnorm-plots side by side and there
should be a maintitle for each qqnorm-plot which is identical to the
respective colname.
I checked, but the column which is processed by the function called by
apply does not contain a colname
2007 Sep 18
Problem updating packages
Hello, everybody
I have R 2.5.1 now installed on a laptop with Windows Vista Home
Premium. I have problems updating the packages. Here is what I get at
the prompt when I try to update:
> update.packages(ask='graphics')
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
trying URL 'http://cran.ch.r-project.org/bin/windows/contrib/2.5/car_1.2-2.zip'
Content type
2007 Oct 31
error in display function of the ARM package
I get the following error message when trying to use the display
function on the ARM package:
> display(model)
Error in .Internal(round(x, digits)) : no internal function "round"
Looks like some kind of mismatch between the ARM package and some
others? Can I somehow get around it? I have learned to like the display
function to print model summaries.
Here is my sessionInfo():
2007 Sep 03
plotting predicted curves with log scale in lattice
I was taken off guard by the following behavior in a lattice plot.
I frequently want to add a predicted curve defined at more
points than in the formula expression of xyplot. There have
been numerous examples of how to do this on r-help, but I
still often struggle to make this work. I just realized that
specifying one of the axes on a log scale does not guarantee
that the added data for a
2007 Oct 11
lme4 install trouble
After upgrading to R 2.6.0, I'm having trouble running lmer:
model <- lmer(primed ~ log(dist.time)*role + 1|target.utt,
Error in UseMethod("as.logical") : no applicable method for "as.logical"
So I thought I'd upgrade lme4 to the latest version, but
unfortunately the compilation fails - perhaps there's a missing
2007 Nov 09
Problem reading data in Rmetrics
Hi folks - After upgrading to the latest version of Rmetrics, I can't
read in data like I used to. Is anyone seeing the following? It seems
to truncate the dates after I use "as.timeSeries".
> head(SP500)
Date Open High Low Close Volume
1 08/04/06 1280.26 1292.92
2008 Jan 14
Error in solve.default message using lme
Dear All,
I?m using lme to analyze a time series gene expression data. I don?t have
all animals in all times, the number of animals in each time is different
and I have lots of NA values.
An example file can be downloaded at lbmp.fcav.unesp.br/leonardo and the
code used is the following:
2004 Apr 28
Rtemp directories accumulating over time
There is a nuisance that the number of directories with name starting
Rtmp (and always empty) in my temp directory is increasing over time.
I put the following in my .Rprofile:
tmp0001 <- tempdir()
setHook( packageEvent("base","onUnload"),
function(...) unlink( tmp0001, recursive=TRUE) )
which solves part of the problem, but not all. So there are also
2011 Aug 08
Overwriting imported function in another package
I am running into a limitation of the grid::grid.newpage function, for
which I would like to overwrite this function with a slightly modified
one. Hopefully this is a temporary working solution until the package
gets updated. I found a way to overwrite the function in the
package:grid namespace. However, lattice imports grid rather than
depending on it. So I need a way to overwrite this imported