Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Custom LaTeX tables"
2013 Mar 15
latex(test, collabel=) returns wrong latex code?
I'm working with a 2-dimensional table that looks sort of like test below.
I'm trying to produce latex code that will add dimension names for both the rows and the columns.
In using the following code, latex chokes when I include collabel='Vote' but it's fine without it.
The code below prouces the latex code further below. I'm confused by this, because it looks
2007 May 05
How to latex tables?
Suppose I have a table constructed from structable or simply just an
object of class table. How can I convert it to a latex object? I looked
in RSiteSearch, but only found info about matrices or data frames.
For example, here is a table t2
> str(t2)
table [1:2, 1:2, 1:2] 6 8 594 592 57 ...
- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 3
..$ Hospital : chr [1:2] "A"
2008 Jul 03
*** significance with xtable
Hello everybody,
i used xtable to get some latex output, which worked pretty well with
my latex document. But somewhere i missed the part where they explain
how to get these nice significance indicating *** into my latex
table. it just stops right after Pr(> |t|)
thanks in advance
2009 Apr 08
Sweave problem, with multicolumn tables from R to LaTeX
Hi there,
I have been using the example provided bellow for a while, and It was
working without any problem. Nevertheless, just since 2-3 days is not
working, probably because I did update.packages(). I have tried to
re-install the older versions of the packages Hmisc() and xtable(), but
still does not work. Can you run this example, and tell me if you got
the same problems?
I use
2008 Aug 19
converting coordinates from utm to longitude / latitude
is there a function in R to convert data read with read.shape and which is originally in UTM coordinates into longitude / latitude coordinates?
I found the convUL() function from the PBSmapping package but I have no idea how I could apply that to the read.shape object.
Many thanks,
sragenden Schutz gegen Massenmails.
2006 Apr 05
List to Array
this is probably the easiest thing to do but I manage
not finding the answer:
I have a list with matrices of exact same format and
headers. Now I would like to transform the list into
an normal array. What is the proper way to do this?
as.array changes the entire format and right now I
only found the method of creating a new array, going
through the entire list and copy the matrix in each
2006 Jan 10
matching country name tables from different sources
Before I reinvent the wheel I wanted to kindly ask you for your opinion if there is a simple way to do it.
I want to merge a larger number of tables from different data sources in R and the matching criterium are country names. The tables are of different size and sometimes the country names do differ slightly.
Has anyone done this or any recommendation on what commands I
2006 May 03
Outreg-like command?
It would be nice to have something like stata's outreg that lets regression
output go into a form like
Specification (1) Specification (2)
Var 1 coef(1,1) coef(1,2)
se(1,1) se(1,2)
Var 2 coef(2,1) coef(2,2)
se(2,1) se(2,2)
I don't think this can be done in xtable?
Thomas Davidoff
Assistant Professor
Haas School of Business
UC Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94618
Phone: (510)
2006 May 12
optimal way to compute matrix subtotals?
I have large matrices, one column per variable and I have a vector of factors / grouping symbols. Then I am computing subtotals for the groups but it takes pretty long and thus I wanted to ask if there is a better way to do it or if this is already the best way:
subTotals <- function(x, groupvec) do.call("rbind",lapply(split(x,groupvec),colSums,na.rm=T))
Thanks reading my
2010 Jul 15
Backslash \ in string
Dear R community,
is there any way to include a backslash in a charakter string without meaning some escape sequence?
E.g. i need a string like:
a <- '\hline'
Error: '\h' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting "\h"
to include some latex code in a xtable object, but I only mange to do:
a <- '\\hline'
which is not what I want.
2008 Jul 27
Object-oriented programming in R for Java programmers?
I was wondering if anybody might have a reference for
me: My R code is growing and getting more and more
confusing. Thus, I figure it's time to switch to
object-oriented again. I have done oo programming in
C++ and Java before but the first few tutorial on R oo
were a bit confusing for me.
Is there any brief tutorial on oo programming in R
especially for people who have done oo in Java
2006 Dec 14
Nicely formatted tables
If I use latex(summary(X)) where X is a data frame with four
variables I get something like
Rainfall Education Popden Nonwhite
Min. :10.00 Min. : 9.00 Min. :1441 Min. : 0.80
1st Qu.:32.75 1st Qu.:10.40 1st Qu.:3104 1st Qu.: 4.95
Median :38.00 Median :11.05 Median :3567 Median :10.40
Mean :37.37 Mean :10.97 Mean :3866
2004 Jul 15
formatting tables with long column names via package:xtable within Sweave
I use the excellent Sweave tools for writing documents
but was wondering how to neatly print a data.frame
with long column headings.
I cant manage to do this via package:xtable.
Typically the labels that I would like use
for each column consist of more than one word,
but even with just one word,
the heading is often wider than the contents of the column.
So the number of columns that fits
2008 Feb 21
column name handling and long labels
I have two loosely related questions which could make
my live again a bit easier:
1) Is there a simple way to select a range of columns
in a data frame using column names?
I am thinking of something like mydf[1,"col4":"col8"]
2) I have a data frame with many columns and they all
have short variable names which is good in most cases
but sometimes it would be nice to have
2005 Aug 30
Convert ftable to latex?
Dear list,
I cannot make the latex command to output a ftable objet the way I
want it. Is it posible?
I found a post in the archives saying that one should use the rgroup
and n.rgroup arguments to supply the row names, but so far I have been
This is what I have:
2012 Oct 10
Exporting summary plm results to latex
Dear all,
I am trying to export my fixed effect results to Latex. I am using the plm package with the summary function. However, it does not look like apsrtable, stargazer, or any other package can accompany using the plm package.
I am interested in a classic table with the coefficient in one row followed by the standard error in paranthesis in the next row and stars by the coefficient to show
2009 Mar 02
portable R editor
I have been dreaming about a complete R environment on my USB stick for a long time. Now I finally want to realize it but what I am missing is a good, portable editor for R which has tabs and syntax highlighting, can execute code, has bookmarks and a little project file management facility pretty much like Tinn-R has those. I like Tinn-R but it seems like there is only a very old version of
2003 Jun 13
problem with latex of object summary reverse
I have the following problem (library Hmisc loaded,
iris data loaded, R Version 1.7.0 (2003-04-16), packages
updated, running on a linux Debian i386):
> summary(Species~Sepal.Length,method="reverse")->a
> a
Descriptive Statistics by Species
| |setosa |versicolor |virginica
2010 Jul 13
latex table question
My head is spinning with this latex doc so hopefully after I align my tables to
the left of the page
my headache are going to be over. I always use:
to move my figures horizontally to the left margin of the page but the table
below doesn't move at all,
but instead it gets sideways. Not sure if \begin{landscape} has something to do
with it or is just me.
I? hope someone
2011 Aug 21
Multiple R linear models into one Latex table
Dear community,
I had been looking for an easy way to produce latex tables from R
output. xtable() and the package apsrtable produce good outputs but they are not
exactly what I was looking for.
I wrote this code that generates regression tables from multiple R
linear models. I want to share it because it might be
useful for someone else, and because I would appreciate comments on how to