similar to: Graph Axis

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Graph Axis"

2007 May 24
object getConnection
Hi, I use the functions socketConnections() and getConnection() which are working fine. Thanks to the authors. After opening nicely some socketConnection, getConnection(3) returns something like : description class mode text opened can read can write "->" "socket" "wb" "binary" "opened" "yes"
2009 May 09
Reading large files quickly
I'm finding that readLines() and read.fwf() take nearly two hours to work through a 3.5 GB file, even when reading in large (100 MB) chunks. The unix command wc by contrast processes the same file in three minutes. Is there a faster way to read files in R? Thanks!
2008 Feb 06
inserting text lines in a dat frame
Hi Jim I am trying to prepare a bed file to load as accustom track on the UCSC genome browser. I have a data frame that looks like the one below. > x V1 V2 V3 1 chr1 11255 55 2 chr1 11320 29 3 chr1 11400 45 4 chr2 21680 35 5 chr2 21750 84 6 chr2 21820 29 7 chr2 31890 46 8 chr3 32100 29 9 chr3 52380 29 10 chr3 66450 46 I would like to insert the following 4 lines at the beginning:
2004 Oct 07
Read.Table Reading a Text file
Dear R users and Helpers I am beginner with using R and interested in carrying out certain task for my statistical research. I am reading data for a text file, which could contain data in following pattern x y 8 10 11 14 16 16 18 15 6 20 4 4 20 18 As per the example I have two columns and 7 rows of data in each. However is real life data situation I may not know how many columns are present
2008 Jul 03
Migrating from S-Plus to R - Exporting Tables
Does something like this get you close: x <- list() keys <- LETTERS[1:6] # create for (i in keys){ x[[i]] <- data.frame(a=1:5, b=1:5, c=1:5) } # output output <- file('tempxx.txt', 'w') for (i in keys){ write.table(i, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, file=output, quote=FALSE) write.table(x[[i]], file=output, quote=FALSE) } close(output) On Wed, Jul 2,
2007 Aug 28
data formatting: from rows to columns
Hi All, I have some data I need to write as a file from R to use in a different program. My data comes as a numeric matrix of n rows and 2 colums, I need to transform each row as a two rows 1 col output, and separate the output of each row with a blanck line. Foe instance I need to go from this: V2 V3 27 2032567 19 28 2035482 19 126 2472826 19 132 2473320 19 136 2035480 135
2009 May 06
X and Y axis labels on a barplot
Dear all, I have produced a barplot and wish to alter the axes a little. In place of the variable names appearing on the x-axis, I'd like to have the numbers 1986 to 1995. I have tried using the argument xlim=c(1986,1995) in the barplot command but receive: "Error in plot.window(xlim, ylim, log = log, ...) : invalid 'xlim' value" Also, on the y-axis, the values are
2012 Apr 26
How to plot graph with different scale (y axis) on same graph?
Hi, I have my data in below format. position var1 var2 2 .1 10 3 .29 89 12 .56 100 425 .34 1234 6546 .12 21 .... ..... ..... .... ..... ......
2009 Jun 16
Superscript in y-axis of plot
Dear all, I've been trying to superscript the '2' in the following command (I don't want the '^' displayed), but as yet haven't had much luck. I've tried both the paste and expression commands, but neither have brought me any joy! mtext(side=2, line=5.5, "Monthly Precipitation (mm x 10^2/month)", font=2, cex=1.1) Any advice would be much appreciated,
2006 Jan 28
Regex question
Dear R useRs, is there any simple, build in function to match specific regular expression in data file and write it to a vector. I have the following text file: *NEW RECORD *ID-001 *AB-text *NEW RECORD *ID-002 *AB-text etc. Now I have to match all ID fields and print them to a vector: 001 002 etc. I know that this is very simple with Perl or R-Perl interface, but if possible, I want to do
2009 May 26
Finding and removing non-printable ascii characters in a file
Hi! I'm completely confusing myself attempting to solve this one. Is there a simple way of removing particular ASCII characters from a CSV file using R. Hopefully something simpler and faster than cycling through each individual character and comparing them to a list of characters to remove then deleting as necessary. As always, any help would be appreciated. Thanks! Dan [[alternative
2010 Sep 22
How to skip x-axis in gruff line-graph
Please open the below link... In "Multi-Line Graph Test 400" graph. How to make white-color-line to start from 5/24(x-axis) instead of 5/6? -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2013 Feb 08
plot ᵒ C in graph axis label
Readers, For a part of the 'plot' command: ...ylab=expression(paste('rate (',degree~C^-1,')'))... Is it possible to introduce 'thinspace' (e.g. '\thinspace' in LaTeX) between the degree (?) sign and the centigrade (C) symbol? -- r2151
2005 Jun 15
Graph with values of coordinates of points in x axis
Hi all, I want to draw a line with the values of x marked in X axis. I tried with x <- c(0,6,12,18,24,30) #coordinates of points x y <- c(2,5,7,5,7,16) #coordinates of points y plot(x,type="n",xlab="Months",ylab="Y values",main="main",ylim=c(0,16),xlim=c(0,30)) lines(x,y) The graph shows by default an increment of the sequence in x axis that
2008 Sep 23
superscript text style in axis label in graph
Hi all, I'd like to use superscript or subscript in the axis label of a graph. Is that possible in R? For instance in xlab="Ce (mmol/m3)", I'd need the "3" of cubic meter in superscript. Regards/Cordialement ------------- Benoit Boulinguiez Ph.D Ecole de Chimie de Rennes (ENSCR) Bureau 1.20 Equipe CIP UMR CNRS 6226 "Sciences Chimiques de Rennes" Campus
2009 Jan 09
Graph Script/X-axis label Problem
Hi, I created the script below to plot multiple graphs. It seems to work pretty well (see BYX7) except when the max value for catch or TACC is very small. In this case the x-axis labels are removed from the x-axis (see BYX10). I can't figure out why given that y co-ordinate for the text function is par("usr")[1] - 0. Shouldn't this mean that it is flush to the x-axis? Can
2010 Feb 24
Adjust lattice graph axis label on final page
Dear R-users, I was wondering if there was a way to adjust the placement of the axis titles for the last page of a multi-page lattice plot (see example below). Depending on the total number of panels, the placement of these titles might look strange on the last page, if the layout is not adjusted (e.g. in some template code). Any thought on this issue would be welcome. Sebastien
2007 Jun 09
write.table: last line should differ from usual eol
Dear R-Team, I have a problem with writing an array to (for example) a .txt-file. Because of the .txt-file must be read from another programm (OPL ILOG), the syntax of the output must be from a special form: name_of_the_object = [ [1,2, ... ], [1,...], ... ]; I think it's easier to understand with a small example: X<-array(1:4,c(2,2)) should be written as: X = [[1,3],
2012 Jul 19
A graph with a positive y-axis intercept
Dear all,   I have a challenge with a supposedly simple graph (a scatter). I wanted to use R to create a plot/graph with a positive y-axis intercept but it does not seem to give me what I expect to see. As an example, I used the following values   > X<- c(0, 4, 8, 11) > Y<- c(8, 12, 15, 22) then I used the plot function in the base package   > plot(X, Y)   This gave me a graph
2009 Oct 02
plot ᵒ C in graph axis label
Readers, I have tried to use a plotmath command to add the temperature degree sign (i.e. ? C) to the axis label of a graph: > x<-(1:10) > y<-(200:191) > plot(x~y,ylab=expression(*degree~C)) Error: syntax error, unexpected '*', expecting ',' in "plot(x~y,ylab=expression(*" According to plotmath manual, the syntax is '*degree' and I am able to use