Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100000 matches similar to: "Cluster validation"
2007 Feb 12
V fold cross validation
Does any package available in R contain the V-fold cross-validation method for determining the right number of clusters?
Any help greatly appreciated
Kind regards
Dr Graham Leask
Economics and Strategy Group
Aston Business School
Aston University
Aston Triangle
B4 7ET
Tel: Direct line 0121 204 3150
email g.leask@aston.ac.uk
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2007 Feb 17
help with cluster stopping rules
Is there a function available in R that implements Mojena's Upper Tail Rule or that draws a Mojena plot?
I would also like to find a function that implements Duda and Hart's stopping rule.
Finally with function cophenet how can I achieve a straightforward Cophenet correlation coefficient (i.e. one number for example 0.876) that gives the agreement between the structure of the
2007 Feb 09
RE gap statistic in cluster analysis
Has anyone implemented Tibrishani's gap statistic in R or S plus? If so I would greatly appreciate the relevant script file.
Any help will be much appreciated
Kind regards
Dr Graham Leask
Economics and Strategy Group
Aston Business School
Aston University
Aston Triangle
B4 7ET
Tel: Direct line 0121 204 3150
email g.leask@aston.ac.uk
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2009 May 26
cross-validation in rpart
Dear R users,
I know cross-validation does not work in rpart with user defined split
functions. As Terry Therneau suggested, one can use the xpred.rpart function
and then summarize the matrix of the predicted values into a single
"goodness" value.
I need only a confirmation: set for example xval=10, if I correctly
understood a single column of the matrix obatined by xpred.rpart gives
2012 Dec 02
e1071 SVM: Cross-validation error confusion matrix
I ran two svm models in R e1071 package: the first without cross-validation
and the second with 10-fold cross-validation.
I used the following syntax:
#Model 1: Without cross-validation:
> svm.model <- svm(Response ~ ., data=data.df, type="C-classification",
> kernel="linear", cost=1)
> predict <- fitted(svm.model)
> cm <- table(predict,
2006 Jun 07
knn - 10 fold cross validation
I was trying to get the optimal 'k' for the knn. To do this I was using the following function :
knn.cvk <- function(datmat, cl, k = 2:9) {
datmatT <- (datmat)
cv.err <- cl.pred <- c()
for (i in k) {
newpre <- as.vector(knn.cv(datmatT, cl, k = i))
cl.pred <- cbind(cl.pred, newpre)
cv.err <- c(cv.err, sum(cl != newpre))
2012 Mar 02
e1071 SVM: Cross-validation error confusion matrix
I ran two svm models in R e1071 package: the first without cross-validation
and the second with 10-fold cross-validation.
I used the following syntax:
#Model 1: Without cross-validation:
> svm.model <- svm(Response ~ ., data=data.df, type="C-classification",
> kernel="linear", cost=1)
> predict <- fitted(svm.model)
> cm <- table(predict,
2006 May 01
cluster validation
Hi there,
I'm trying clustering methods on flow cytometry data. We want to
evaluate the clustering results and compare the validation methods. So
far the cluster validation functions I found in R are:
Are there other validation functions in R?
Thank you!
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2012 Feb 16
Repeated cross-validation for a lm object
Dear R users
I'd like to hear from someone if there is a function to do a repeated k-fold
cross-validation for a lm object and get the predicted values for every
observation. The situation is as follows:
I had a data set composed by 174 observations from which I sampled randomly
a subset composed by 150 observations. With the subset (n = 150) I fitted
the model: y = a + bx. The model
2012 Feb 14
cross validation in rvm not working? (kernlab package)
according to ?rvm the relevance vector machine function as implemented in the kernlab-package
has an argument 'cross' with which you can perform k-fold cross validation.
However, when I try to add a 10-fold cross validation I get the following error message:
Error in match.arg(type, c("C-svc", "nu-svc", "kbb-svc", "spoc-svc",
2003 Aug 27
How to do leave-n-out cross validation in R?
Seems crossval from library(bootstrap) can only be
used for leave-one-out and k-fold cross validation?
Here is a dumb question, suppose n=80, how to do
exactly leave-50-out cross validation? K-fold cross
validation is not eligible for this case since
n/ngroup is not an integer. Thanks!
2006 Nov 02
Question on cross-validation in rpart
Hi R folks,
I am using R version 2.2.1 for Unix. I am exploring the rpart function,
in particular the rpart.control parameter. I have tried using different
values for xval (0, 1, 10, 20) leaving other parameters constant but I
receive the same tree after each run. Is the10 fold cross-validation
default still running every time? I would expect the trees to change at
least a little when I
2001 Jun 28
: k-fold cross validation for fda,mda etc
Hi all,
Has anyone tried to do k-fold cross validation for flexible discriminant
analysis ( mda library), for example, using crossval() in bootstrap?
The problem is that the function crossval() requires a separate matrix
for predictors and another for responses, whereas the function fda(),
using the formula argument only.
Is there another way of doing k-fold cross validation for functions
2012 Nov 09
10-Fold Cross Validation AND Random Forest
I am using the Random Forest package to classify observations into one of two classes. My data is unbalanced with the minority class accounting for 7% of total data set.
I have heard the 10-Fold Cross validation can help me with improving classification. But being new at most of this it's not something I can do from scratch on my own. So I have spent all this morning trying to find a
2004 Apr 26
Cluster validation statistics in fpc
this is to announce a new version (1.1-2) of my package fpc. Apart from
the stuff already present in the older version (methods for fixed point
clustering and clusterwise regression, somewhat bug-cleaned and with
faster examples) there is now a function cluster.stats, which computes
some distance-based statistics often used for cluster validation,
description and decision about the number of
2004 Apr 26
Cluster validation statistics in fpc
this is to announce a new version (1.1-2) of my package fpc. Apart from
the stuff already present in the older version (methods for fixed point
clustering and clusterwise regression, somewhat bug-cleaned and with
faster examples) there is now a function cluster.stats, which computes
some distance-based statistics often used for cluster validation,
description and decision about the number of
2013 Mar 28
using cvlm to do cross-validation
I did a cross-validation using cvlm from DAAG package but wasn't sure how to assess the result. Does this result means my model is a good model?
I understand that the overall ms is the mean of sum of squares. But is 0.0987 a good number? The response (i.e. gailRel5yr) has min,1st Quantile, median, mean and 3rd Quantile, and max as follows: (0.462, 0.628, 0.806, 0.896, 1.000, 2.400) ?
2011 Dec 31
Cross-validation error with tune and with rpart
Hello list,
I'm trying to generate classifiers for a certain task using several
methods, one of them being decision trees. The doubts come when I want to
estimate the cross-validation error of the generated tree:
tree <- rpart(y~., data=data.frame(xsel, y), cp=0.00001)
ptree <- prune(tree,
2008 Jul 03
cross-validation in rpart
Hello list,
I'm having a problem with custom functions in rpart, and before I tear my
hair out trying to fix it, I want to make sure it's actually a problem. It
seems that, when you write custom functions for rpart (init, split and eval)
then rpart no longer cross-validates the resulting tree to return errors. A
simple test is to use the usersplits.R function to get a simple, custom
2006 May 02
Cluster validation methods
Hi All,
Except the "Rand Index", "Dunn Index" and "Silhouette width", are there
other cluster validation methods in R? Could you please also specify the
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