similar to: polr: attempt to find suitable starting values failed

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "polr: attempt to find suitable starting values failed"

2007 Jun 04
How to obtain coefficient standard error from the result of polr?
Hi - I am using polr. I can get a result from polr fit by calling result.plr <- polr(formula, data=mydata, method="probit"); However, from the 'result.plr', how can I access standard error of the estimated coefficients as well as the t statistics for each one of them? What I would like to do ultimately is to see which coefficients are not significant and try to refit the
2007 Jun 11
How do I obtain standard error of each estimated coefficients in polr
Hi, I obtained all the coefficients that I need from polr. However, I'm wondering how I can obtain the standard error of each estimated coefficient? I saved the Hessian and do something like summary(polrObj), I don't see any standard error like when doing regression using lm. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you! - adschai
2007 Jun 10
initial value for optim in polr question
Hi, I have a problem with initial value for optim in polr that R report. After a call to polr, it complains that: Error in optim(start, fmin, gmin, method="BFGS", hessian= Hess, ...) : initial value in 'vmin' is not finite. Would you please suggest a way round to this problem? Thank you so much in advance. Rgds, - adschai
2007 Jun 05
Question using stepAIC
Hi - I use stepAIC to automatically select the model. The stepAIC was applied on polr as follow:objPolr <- polr(formula=myformula, data=dat, method=METHOD);objPolr.step <- stepAIC(objPolr, trace=T);Then R complaints that it doesn't know about 'dat' when it executes the second line. Below is the exact error that I got when executing the stepAIC line above:Error in eval(expr,
2007 Jun 09
How to plot vertical line
Hi,I have a result from polr which I fit a univariate variable (of ordinal data) with probit function. What I would like to do is to overlay the plot of my fitted values with the different intercept for each level in my ordinal data. I can do something like:lines(rep(intercept1, 1000), seq(from=0,to=max(fit),by=max(fit)/1000))where my intercept1 is, for example, the intercept that breaks between
2007 Jun 13
specify constraints in maximum likelihood
Hi,I know only mle function but it seems that in mle one can only specify the bound of the unknowns forming the likelihood function. But I would like to specify something like, a = 2b or a <= 2b where 'a' and 'b' could be my parameters in the likelihood function. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you!- adschai [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Dec 30
odd results from polr vs wilcoxon test
Dear R helpers, I would like to ask why polr occasionally generates results that look very odd. I have been trying to compare the power of proportional odds logistic regression with the Wilcoxon test. I generated random samples, applied both tests and extracted and compared the p-values, thus:- library(MASS) c1=rep(NA,100); c2=c1 for (run in 1:100) { dat=c(rbinom(20,12,0.65),rbinom(20,12,0.35))
2004 Oct 09
polr problem solved
I'd like to thank John Fox and Chuck Cleland for their help in resovling this issue. It turned out to be something simple, but perhaps others have had similar problems In my original data frame, I had 4 categories of race/ethnicity. One of the categories (other) was very small, and not similar to any of the other three categories, so I created a new data frame deleting those people.
2010 May 06
cannot update polr model if I specify "start" parameters
Hi, I am trying to build an ordinal regression model using polr (from the MASS package). In order to construct an initial model (without an error aborting it) in my setting, I must pass in a "start" parameter. I would then like to use the "step" function to remove unnecessary variables from the model. However, this fails with the error message: > mod1 <-
2012 Jul 09
Package 'MASS' (polr): Error in svd(X) : infinite or missing values in 'x'
Hello, I am trying to run an ordinal logistic regression (polr) using the package 'MASS'. I have successfully run other regression classes (glm, multinom) without much problem, but with the 'polr' class I get the following error: " Error in svd(X) : infinite or missing values in 'x' " which appears when I run the "summary" command. The data file is
2007 Feb 20
R: Re: summary polr
Hi all, The problem is that when you try to use the function summary of a polr object in a function, it does not work. The problem is not related to the formula or the structure of data involved. It is probably related to the use of the function "vcov" in the code of summary for polr, and the iterative procedure to estimate the Hessian. Anyway, here there is an example extracted from
2007 Jul 25
Function polr and discrete ordinal scale
Dear all, To modelize the abundance of fish (4 classes) with a set of environmental variables, I used the polr and predict.polr functions. I would like to know how to bring the cumulated probabilities back to a discrete ordinal scale. For the moment I used the predict.polr function with the argument "class". Is there an other way? polrf <- polrf <- polr_mod(formula =
2003 Feb 25
Dear all, I have used polr in MASS but I am uncertain about the summary(polr.object) interpretation and would be happy for help on that. This is my summary: > summary(shade.polr) Re-fitting to get Hessian Call: polr(formula = as.ordered(shade) ~ as.factor(objekt), data = sof, weights = as.numeric(frek)) Coefficients: Value Std. Error t value 2.1699520 0.3681840 5.8936612
2005 Nov 12
Error message in polr
Dear members of the list, I'm fitting ordinal regressions using polr, and in some models I get the error copied below. Dependent variable is an ordered factor of bird abundance categories, and predictors are continuous habitat variables. > ro6 <- polr(formula = abun ~ InOmbrot + Oliva.OC + ToCultAr + DivCulArb + AltitMax + COORXY) > summary(ro6) Re-fitting to get Hessian
2007 Nov 15
kalman filter estimation
Hi, Following convention below: y(t) = Ax(t)+Bu(t)+eps(t) # observation eq x(t) = Cx(t-1)+Du(t)+eta(t) # state eq I modified the following routine (which I copied from: to accommodate u(t), an exogenous input to the system. for (i in 2:N){ xp[[i]]=C%*%xf[[i-1]] Pp[[i]]=C%*%Pf[[i-1]]%*%t(C)+Q siginv=A[[i]]%*%Pp[[i]]%*%t(A[[i]])+R
2002 Feb 07
newbie question: polr and glm.control
I'm running polr() and getting warning messages from It seems reasonable to use glm.control() to turn on the trace and follow what does when called by polr(); or is it? glm.control(maxit=10, trace=TRUE) polr(act~., data=mm) The glm.control() sets the trace TRUE, but there's no change in the output from polr(). Many thanks in advance for any help/pointers.
2010 Sep 06
likelyhood maximization problem with polr
Dear community, I am currently trying to fit an ordinal logistic regression model with the polr function. I often get the same error message : "attempt to find suitable starting values failed", for example with : require(MASS) data(iris) polr(Species~Sepal.Length+Sepal.Width+Petal.Length+Petal.Width,iris) (I know the response variable Species should be nominal but I do as levels
2007 Nov 10
polr() error message wrt optim() and vmmin
Hi, I'm getting an error message using polr(): Error in optim(start, fmin, gmin, method = "BFGS", hessian = Hess, ...) : initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite The outcome variable is ordinal and factored, and the independant variable is continuous. I've checked the source code for both polr() and optim() and can't find any variable called
2011 Mar 01
How to understand output from R's polr function (ordered logistic regression)?
I am new to R, ordered logistic regression, and polr. The "Examples" section at the bottom of the help page for polr<>(that fits a logistic or probit regression model to an ordered factor response) shows options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) house.plr <- polr(Sat ~ Infl +
2009 Jan 13
deviance in polr method
Dear all, I've replicated the cheese tasting example on p175 of GLM's by McCullagh and Nelder. This is a 4 treatment (rows) by 9 ordinal response (cols) table. Here's my simple code: #### cheese library(MASS) options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) y = c(0,0, 1, 7, 8,8,19, 8,1, 6,9,12,11, 7,6, 1, 0,0, 1,1, 6, 8,23,7,