Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "barplot and map overlay"
2010 Jan 19
coping with a warning in if()
I'm sure this one is very easy....
I am trying to write a function where one of its arguments has two posible (strings) values,
defaulting to one of them if none is specified. My problem is that when evaluating the function
the following warning is produced:
"the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used"
I've read the help page of if() but I
2009 Jan 19
plotting arrows with different colors and varying head size
Dear list,
I would like to plot arrows with different colors according to arrow length, and also (if
possible) with head size proportional to arrow length. The idea is to make a quiver-like plot of
matlab with wind speed data.
So far, I´ve been able to use different colors, but I need to find a more efficient way to recode
arrow length intervals into colors. On the contrary, I can't define
2009 Aug 10
manipulating text to generate different formulas to use in nls()
In doing a series of non-linear estimations of a function which is a sum of a varying number
of sinusoids, I would like to "autogenerate" the arguments needed by nls() depending on that
For example, when there are two sinusoids:
> nls( y ~ mu + A1 * cos(2*pi*f1*x - P1) + A2 * cos(2*pi*f2*x - P2), data = some.xy.data,
start = list( mu=some.value0,
2008 Nov 27
as.numeric in data.frame, but only where it is possible
I would like to convert my "character" sequences in my matrix/
data.frame into "numeric" where it is possible.
I would also like to retain my alphabetic character strings in their
original forms.
"5.1" > 5.1
"hm" > "hm"
k<-matrix(c("aa", "bb", 1,2, 4.3, 0), nrow=2)
mode(k) <- "numeric"
2009 Dec 02
problems installing R packages
I?m trying to install new package in R (version 2.4.0) under windows vista
and i have problems. I always receive the same message:
Erro en zip.unpack(pkg, tmpDir) : no fue posible abrir el archivo
'C:/Program Files/R/R-2.4.0/library/file2019500d/mprobit/libs/mprobit.dll'
It can?t open the file.
I check the compatibility with the version and is ok, I have no idea where's
the problem
2010 Apr 15
nested (hierarchical) anova
I'm having difficulty to replicate in R a nested (hierarchical) anova example found in p. 308 of
Zar, J.H. 1996. Bostatistical Analysis. Prentice Hall. 3rd ed.
The example (15.1) is as follows:
The variable is blood cholesterol concentration in women (in mg/100 ml of plasma). This
variable was measured after the administration of one of three different drugs, each drug
having been
2002 Apr 17
zero center a group of variables
*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
A simple question, perhaps to simple, but I am new to R:
For a data frame with k variables and n1+n2 observations (two
groups) how can i substract the group means for every variable, so
both group variables become centered to mean zero?
Thanks in advance for your help
2005 Jun 03
Reading biplot function's source code
Hi everybody,
Excuse me for this silly question, but after searching the
help archives I'm still unable to find my way to read the
source code of the "biplot" function in R.
I have installed the mvbutils package, and tried:
> fixr(biplot)
which only gives me:
function (x, ...)
with no further details....
I'd like to read the code to see if
2007 Jul 04
retrieving stats from bwplot
Hi all,
I want to retrieve the stats from a 'bwplot' with one factor. I have read the help for 'panel'
function and I'm aware of the option 'stats' which defaults to 'boxplot.stats' but I didn't
understand it well and therefore I am unable to get what I need.
Thanks in advance.
Héctor Villalobos
Windows XP, R 2.5.0
> bwplot(decrease ~ colpos |
2007 Jun 19
axis labels in multiple plots
I'am trying to make a multiple bar plot over a map and I'm having difficulties with the distance
between axes labels and the axis. Trying to control this with mgp does not help because it
controls both axes simultaneously. For example, with default values (mgp = c(3, 1, 0)) y-axis
labels are ok, but x-axis labels are not. Setting mgp = c(3, 0, 0) gives good x-axis labels but
2000 May 09
Windows 2000 crashes
We used samba 2.0.6 under Redhat 6.1 with W98/NT4 clients without any
problems. Now we upgraded one PC with Windows2000. In the beginning everything
worked fine. But suddenly there are problems: Browsing a specific subdirectory
of a share on the server cause a inmediate crash of W2k with a automatic
restart. I upgraded to Samba2.0.7, again W2k crashes. I connect to this
subdirectory from a
2023 Mar 10
El primer libro sobre R
Hola. Saludos cordiales.
Espero me puedan ayudar en la siguiente consulta. Estoy desarrollando un
resumen de la historia de R para una clase. Pero me surgió una duda ¿Cuál
fue el primer libro enfocado en el lenguaje de programación R?
Gracias por su atención.
[image: alejandrohernandezmorales]
<https://app.ed.team/@alejandrohernandezmorales> *Alejandro Hernández*
Analista de datos
2008 Jun 13
nls() vs lm() estimates
I'm trying to understand why the coefficients "a" and "b" for the model: W = a*L^b estimated
via nls() differs from those obtained for the log transformed model: log(W) = log(a) + b*log(L)
estimated via lm(). Also, if I didn't make a mistake, R-squared suggests a "better" adjustment
for the model using coefficients estimated by lm() . Perhaps I'm
2023 Mar 10
El primer libro sobre R
Estimado Marcelino
Hace mucho tiempo, no recuerdo cuanto, creo que casi todos encontramos en español dos artículos, uno de Argentina otro de Colombia, ambos en español, es lo que yo recuerdo, uno tenía el título de revista de bioingeniería, el otro de R para principiantes, o gráficos en R para principiantes, seguramente aún deben estar en el repositorio de R, documentación en español.
Por lo
2006 Jun 26
paypal ipn from leetsoft
Has anyone had any luck with the paypal gem from leetsoft (Tobias
I''m successfully sending off and making payments, but the ipn doesn''t
send back to my site. I have the notify_url set in the form, have a
action set for the ipn postbacks, but all I get from my sandbox after
payment is a "view shops" page from paypal after payment is made.
Posted via
2013 May 10
paypal-express gem
Hello everyone
I am using paypal-express gem for Payapl payment.
I am using reference transaction method to get money from Paypal.
But i am getting IPN i.e payment notification,
I mentioned like
payment_request = Paypal::Payment::Request.new(
:currency_code => :USD,
:amount => 10.00,
:billing_type => :MerchantInitiatedBilling,
2007 Aug 24
ActiveMerchant Paypal IPN and RESTful design
I''m trying to go all REST of my application. But i''ve come to one problem.
How do i do payment, using IPN, in a RESTful way?
right now i have an Payments controller. With 2 actions.
action "new" shows a page with a paypal button.
action "paypal_ipn" is where paypal sends its notifications.
How would i go about doing this in a REST environment?
2010 Jul 08
rspec-rails how to selectively turn on csrf protection for controller specs?
I''m setting up a Paypal IPN listener and need the create action to not
use rails'' default CSRF protection.
I''ve got that working fine & test it actually works with cucumber
(where I''ve turned CSRF back on, since it''s full-stack testing) but
would like my controller spec to mention the need for
protect_from_forgery :except => [:create] (and fail
2005 Nov 02
how to use ntlm_auth
I want to know how to use ntlm_auth with ntlm-server-1 and freeradius,
with the users login and password information in ldap.
I have read documentation of ntlm_auth (only found the man page), docs
and howtos about pptp and squid, i don't found about freeradius, and i'm
experimenting with the options of ntlm_auth.
I have configured freeradius+ldap+802.1X for a wireless lan, but i
2012 Mar 09
unir 2 dataframe con con igual caso pero distinto valor en igual variable
Estimados usarios de R:
Tengo una base de datos madre en formato .sav de SPSS y la quiero
modificar usando datos de otras base de datos .sav y otra en .csv a
las que llamare hijos.
No tengo problema en convertirlas en data.frame.
Todos los archivos tienen en común una variable que es única.
En aquellos casos que les falta un valor a una variable en el archivo
madre lo relleno con el valor del