Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "more simplified output from glht object"
2003 May 19
multcomp and glm
I have run the following logistic regression model:
options(contrasts=c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly"))
m <- glm(wolf.cross ~ null.cross + feature, family = "binomial")
wolf.cross = likelihood of wolves crossing a linear feature
null.cross = proportion of random paths that crossed a linear feature
feature = CATEGORY of linear feature with 5 levels:
2003 May 05
multcomp and lme
I suppose that multcomp in R and multicomp in S-Plus are related and it
appears that it is possible to use multicomp with lme in S-Plus given the
following correspondence on s-news
sally.rodriguez at philips.com 12:57 p.m. 24/04/03 -0400 7 [S] LME summary
and multicomp.default()
Is it possible to use multicomp with lme in R and if so what is the syntax
from a simple readily available
2006 Feb 07
post-hoc comparisons following glmm
Dear R community,
I performed a generalized linear mixed model using glmmPQL (MASS
library) to analyse my data i.e : y is the response with a poisson
distribution, t and Trait are the independent variables which are
continuous and categorical (3 categories C, M and F) respectively, ind
is the random variable.
Do you think it
2010 Oct 27
(no subject)
I am interested in using "multcompLetters" after running "kruskalmc" but
I'm a newbie and I'm not having luck figuring it out. I can run "kruskalmc" just fine,
but after studying the documentation for "multcompletters" for a long time,
I cannot figure out how to make it work. Any ideas? R input is below
>> #here is my data set
2009 Dec 04
csimtest function in multcomp package
Hello all,
Quick question: I want to do posthoc contrasts for a linear mixed
effects model. However, when trying to use the csimtest function in
multcomp package I receive an error message saying it cannot find the
function, even after installing and loading package multcomp.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated
2006 Jul 11
Multiple tests on 2 way-ANOVA
Dear r-helpers,
I have a question about multiple testing.
Here an example that puzzles me:
All matrixes and contrast vectors are presented in treatment contrasts.
1. example:
n<-60; sigma<-20
# n = sample size per group
# sigma standard deviation of the residuals
cov1 <- matrix(c(3/4,-1/2,-1/2,-1/2,1,0,-1/2,0,1), nrow = 3, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE,
dimnames =
2003 May 14
Multiple comparison and lme (again, sorry)
Dear list,
As a reply to my recent mail:
> simint and TukeyHSD work for aov objects.
> Can someone point me to similar functions for lme objects?
Douglas Bates wrote
There aren't multiple comparison methods for lme objects because it is
not clear how to do multiple comparisons for these. I don't think the
theory of multiple comparisons extends easily to lme models. One
2012 Aug 24
TukeyHSD output
Hi all,
Is there a R-function that orders Tukey results with conveniant letters, similar to the SPSS output (A, AB, ABC, C, etc.) .
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Dec 12
two-way categorical anova post-hoc data extraction
Hi list,
I have a question regarding post-hoc extraction of data from a two-way categorical anova.
I have a categorical anova of this form:
width ~ steepness + patchiness (4 steepness levels, 4 patchiness levels)
This simple setup answers if for the widths I collected across different levels of steepness and patchiness significant differences can be found. Is there a way to look at these
2005 Mar 09
multiple comparisons for lme using multcomp
Dear R-help list,
I would like to perform multiple comparisons for lme. Can you report to me
if my way to is correct or not? Please, note that I am not nor a
statistician nor a mathematician, so, some understandings are sometimes
quite hard for me. According to the previous helps on the topic in R-help
list May 2003 (please, see Torsten Hothorn advices) and books such as
Venables &
2018 Jan 16
Letters group Games-Howell post hoc in R
Hello everybody,
I use the sweetpotato database included in R package:
data(sweetpotato) This dataset contains two variables: yield(continous
variable) and virus(factor variable).
Due to Levene test is significant I cannot assume homogeneity of variances
and I apply Welch test in R instead of one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey
Nevertheless, the problems come from when I apply posthoc
2004 Feb 20
nlme and multiple comparisons
This is only partly a question about R, as I am not quite sure about the
underlying statistical theory either.
I have fitted a non-linear mixed-effects model with nlme. In the fixed
part of the model I have a factor with three levels as explanatory
variable. I would like to use Tukey HSD or a similar test to test for
differences between these three levels.
I have two grouping factors:
2006 Jul 25
Multiple tests on repeated measurements
Dear R-helpers:
My question is how do I efficient and valid correct for multiple tests in a repeated measurement design:
Suppose we measure at two distinct visits with repeated subjects a treatment difference on the same variable.
The treatment differences are assessed with a mixed model and adjusted by two methods for multiple tests:
# 1. Method: Adjustment with library(multcomp)
2007 Oct 31
Performance of concatenating strings
I would like to ask how the paste(S1, S2, sep="") function internally
works. Are the two stings copied to a new String?
I have a program where successively strings are build up. First the
program calls an external function and depending on the result it
builds up strings to visualize the result. The external function is
really fast, also for huge input data. But the
2007 Jun 20
extending package with function calling an Objective Caml program
we are trying to extend the R package multcompView in agreement with
the author Hans-Peter Piepho. The function multcompLetters implements
so far a heuristic. We would like to add a function that implements
an exact algorithm and returns a provable optimum result. This
algorithm has been implemented in Objective Caml and we would like to
reuse this code. We wrote an R function
2002 Oct 14
Post hoc Multiple comparison
Dear R-listers
I'm a new R-user who needs some help with a test that I want to do. I
have done a field experiment: four treatments (cont, x, y and xy) at
three sites (A, B and C), the response is count data (0 - 15). I've done
a Poisson regression:
>glm(response~as.factor(treatment)*as.factor(site), family=quasipoisson,
offset(max.response), data=dat)
The "offset" is the
2005 Jan 10
Multiple comparisons following nlme
Dear Madam or Sir,
I need to do multiple comparisons following nlme analysis (Compare the
effects of different treatments on a response measured repeatedly over time;
fixed = response ~ treat*time). On the web I found the notion that one might
use the L argument from ANOVA. Do you have an example to show how this works
together with nlme? Are there other ways to do a post-hoc analysis in
2003 May 08
multcomp and lme (followup)
I just realized that in the call to `csimint' the argument `asympt=TRUE'
is missing since we need to compute the confidence intervals for a glm
based on the normal approximation.
# a factor at three levels
group <- factor(c(rep(1,10), rep(2, 10), rep(3,10)))
# Williams
2002 Jun 20
new package `multcomp'
New package `multcomp' for general multiple comparisons
written by Frank Bretz, Torsten Hothorn and Peter Westfall
We've uploaded the package `multcomp' to CRAN.
The R package allows for multiple comparisons of
k groups in general linear models. We use the unifying
representations of multiple contrast tests, which include all
common multiple comparison procedures, such as the
2002 Jun 20
new package `multcomp'
New package `multcomp' for general multiple comparisons
written by Frank Bretz, Torsten Hothorn and Peter Westfall
We've uploaded the package `multcomp' to CRAN.
The R package allows for multiple comparisons of
k groups in general linear models. We use the unifying
representations of multiple contrast tests, which include all
common multiple comparison procedures, such as the