similar to: .jinit() problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: ".jinit() problem"

2007 May 25
iplots problem
Hi. I try to load iplots using the following commands > library(rJava) > library(iplots) but then I get the following error: Error in .jinit(cp, parameters = "-Xmx512m", silent = TRUE) : Cannot create Java Virtual Machine Error in library(iplots) : .First.lib failed for 'iplots' What do I have to do to correct this? Thanks -- View this message in context:
2007 May 17
rJava problem
Basically, I?m trying to install rJava on my windows XP machine. I think I have succeeded in doing so as it appears in the list when i type library() in R. However, when i type ?library(rJava)? I get an error dialog box saying: 'This application has failed to start because jvm.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem' When I press 'OK' on the dialog
2013 Nov 11
problem using rJava with parallel::mclapply
Dear all, I got an issue trying to parse excel files in parallel using XLConnect, the process hangs forever. Martin Studer, the maintainer of XLConnect kindly investigated the issue, identified rJava as a possible cause of the problem: This does not work (hangs): library(parallel) require(rJava) .jinit() res <- mclapply(1:2, function(i) {
2009 Apr 05
RJava question(class not found with rJava's vm, though found with alternate vm)
Not sure if this the right place, but I can't seem to subscribe to the rJava mailing list. Sorry for the noise. I have a jar file in the CLASSPATH variable. On running .jinit and checking .jclassPath, i can see the jar file containing the class. Yet when trying to instantaite the class, i get a class not found error. Now If if, create my own vm (see below), and then run .jinit (which will
2017 Oct 21
Problem when trying to run Java in R:
Hello All, Although running Java from R used to work, for some mysterious reason, it's stopped. Today when I tried to load a basic JDBC driver (or the sample .jinit()) code, I got: - JavaVM: requested Java version ((null)) not available. Using Java at "" instead. - JavaVM: Failed to load JVM: /bundle/Libraries/libserver.dylib - JavaVM FATAL: Failed to load the jvm library. I
2010 Apr 28
rJava (installation?) problem: unable to find the basic String class
Hello, I have experienced the following problem after installing rJava (it being a prerequisite for another package in which I am relly interested). Any helpful thoughts would be appreciated: OS: Windows XP Professional 2002 SP3, have Java 6 Update 20 from Sun, also installed the JDK from (or at least I suspect I installed it as it asked to re-boot
2017 Jun 26
rJava Broken on Linux + R 3.4
Dear All, I think there is something wrong with rJava on any Debian based distribution. I may be wrong, but I experiencing exactly the problems mentioned at and at A couple of packages (RJSDMX and xlsx) are now impossible to install on my debian stretch platform running R 3.4. It seems I am not the only one
2012 Aug 08
Cannot create Java virtual machine (-1)
All, I am trying to get the XLConnect package to work on one of my servers and I am getting an error that XLConnectJars cannot create the java virtual machine. The server is a 32-bit Windows Server 2003 machine with R 2.15.1. The version of Java installed on the server is J2SE Environment 5.0 update 8. I know this not the latest version of Java, and I will try to update it when I get
2011 Nov 14
.jinit() : Cannot create Java virtual machine
Dear all, when using .jinit() I get the message .jinit() : Cannot create Java virtual machine (-1). The details: I am using the Dismo package.Dismo has a function 'maxent' that communi-cates with this program(MaxEnt).MaxEnt is available as a stand-alone Java program. It is normal when I execute the command : "jar <- paste(system.file(package="dismo"),
2007 Sep 27
rJava and RJDBC
I am desperate for help. I am trying to get the RJDBC and rJava .5to work on both my windows xp and linux Redhat EL5 Server. On both I get a ava.lang.ClassNotFoundException when calling JDBC(). My example is require(RJDBC) classPath='C:\\libraries\\mysql-connector-java-5.1.3-rc\\mysql-connector-java-5.1.3-rc-bin.jar' driverClass=c("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") drv <-
2012 Oct 19
Mac and Windows binaries of rJava broken for R-devel?
Hi, Here is a problem we see with the Mac and Windows binaries of rJava (0.9-3) currently available on CRAN for R-devel (i.e. under bin/macosx/leopard/contrib/2.16/ and bin/windows/contrib/2.16/): > library(rJava) > .jinit("gaggle/inst/jars/gaggleRShell.jar") Error in .Call("R_do_new_object", ClassDef, PACKAGE = "base") :
2012 Nov 30
CreateThread failure since R 2.15.2 (32-bit)
Dear R users & developers, I coming across the following issue since R 2.15.2 32-bit (running on Windows XP 32.bit; some output left out for conciseness): > setInternet2(TRUE) > require(rJava) > .jinit() > getCRANmirrors() > system("ls" , intern = TRUE) Error in system("ls", intern = TRUE) : CreateThread failed My details are as follows: >
2017 Jun 26
rJava Broken on Linux + R 3.4
Hi Dirk, It was unclear to me to which extent it is a kernel/security patch vs (r)Java issue. In any case, this is really problematic for me as it prevents me de facto from running some key R packages for my daily work. I'll post again if I see some solution (other than downgrading the kernel) somewhere. Meanwhile, any suggestions for a fix is welcome. Cheers Lorenzo On Mon, Jun 26, 2017
2010 Aug 03
xlsx package
HI, I was trying to install xlsx package for reading in Excel 2007 files. The installation went smoothly. But when I tried to load the library, I got the following error message: > library(xlsx) Loading required package: xlsxjars Loading required package: rJava Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'xlsxjars', details: call: .jinit() error: cannot obtain
2011 Apr 30
Copying to R a rectangular array from a Java class
Bare test code: My simple Java test class source and R test code follow: public class RJavTest { public static void main(String[]args) { RJavTest rJavTest=new RJavTest(); } public final static String conStg="testString"; public final static double con0dbl=10000001; public final static double[]con1Arr=new double[] { 10001,10002,10003,10004,10005,10006 }; public final static
2017 Jun 25
rJava Broken on Linux + R 3.4
Dear All, I think there is something wrong with rJava on any Debian based distribution. I may be wrong, but I experiencing exactly the problems mentioned at and at A couple of packages (RJSDMX and xlsx) are now impossible to install on my debian stretch platform running R 3.4. It seems I am not the only one
2006 Mar 05
Hi, I downloaded RWeka successfully. (At least I do not see, where I could have made a mistake.) Then I tried to load it by the library-command. To my surprise this did not work. Result: library(RWeka) Fehler in .jinit(c(system.file("jar", "weka.jar", package = "RWeka"), system.file("jar", : Cannot create Java Virtual Machine Fehler: .onLoad in
2007 Jul 23
Error in .jinit() : Cannot create Java Virtual Machine
Hey I have seen a few posts asking this question and nobody has replied to them so I will ask it again. I have intalled java 1.6.0_22 on XP and rJava. I get the following msg when i run .jinit() "Error in .jinit() : Cannot create Java Virtual Machine". can anybody help? Java is working fine. -- View this message in context:
2008 Feb 19
rJava and matrices
Hi list, I'm wanting to use a matrix as input to some java code, but I seem to be unable to do this (See code below). When searching online for a solution I found that rJava 0.5-2 (the version under development not yet in CRAN) is adding "direct support for raw vectors as method parameters". Is this related? I also tried to use .jarray / .jcast in various combinations to no avail.
2011 Jan 08
Error on loading libraries -
Hello everyone! I'm working this school project in R and everything was fine until I moved to other computer. The problem is that I can't load few libraries like "Snowball" or "openNLP". Like I said, everything was fine on other computers, but at the moment, the only computer is this one that I'm finding error on. So here is the problem: I install library