Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "plot.POSIXct plot.POSIXlt"
2006 Jul 23
diff, POSIXct, POSIXlt, POSIXt
Dear Listers,
I have encountered a strange problem using diff() and POSIXt:
dts <- strptime(dts, "%d/%m/%Y")
[1] "POSIXt"
2006 Jul 23
diff, POSIXct, POSIXlt, POSIXt
Dear Listers,
I have encountered a strange problem using diff() and POSIXt:
dts <- strptime(dts, "%d/%m/%Y")
[1] "POSIXt"
2008 Apr 22
plot(x) in 2.7.0 (with y=NULL) proposed code correction
Hi all:
following the previous discussion, it looks like plot(x) with y=NULL
still does not work correctly. If one tries for example plot(1:5) it
works, but already for plot(runif(100)) it does not. I posted the
proposed correction for plot.POSIXct and plot.POSIXlt before. Please
voice your opinions whether the following fix for plot.default could be
reasonable? I include the full function and
2003 Aug 04
as.POSIXct Bug when used with POSIXlt arg and tz= arg (PR#3646)
Tracking down this bug was joint work with Jermoe Asselin (jerome at
hivnet.ubc.ca) and Patrick Connolly (p.connolly at hortresearch.co.nz). We
collectively were able to determine that this is a problem in both Windows 2000
and in Linux and by testing it in our three time zones that it seems to be
daylight savings time related.
Conversion of POSIXlt datetimes to POSIXct appears to have problems.
2008 Mar 26
as.POSIXct/as.POSIXlt generics
I am trying to define the as.POSIXct as an S4 method for one of my
classes. Trying to define a generic, I am getting an error that it is
already differently defined in base. However, if I query for it, there
is no definition. Being in base, I also cannot really import it. If I
define methods without definig a generic, they will work but with a
warning that a new generic will be automatically
2009 Feb 27
POSIXlt, POSIXct, strptime, GMT and 1969-12-31 23:59:59
Some very inconsistent behavior, that I can't seem to find documented.
str(unclass(strptime("1969-12-31 23:59:59","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
List of 9
$ sec : num 59
$ min : int 59
$ hour : int 23
$ mday : int 31
$ mon : int 11
$ year : int 69
$ wday : int 3
$ yday : int 364
$ isdst: int 0
- attr(*, "tzone")= chr
2006 Nov 09
POSIXlt converted to POSIXct in as.data.frame()
In trying to use as.Date(), I've come across the conversion of POSIXlt to
POSIXct when a POSIXlt variable is included in a data frame:
my_POSIX <- strptime(c("11-09-2006", "11-10-2006", "11-11-2006",
"11-12-2006", "11-13-2006"), "%m-%d-%Y")
my_Date <- as.Date(my_POSIX)
data <- format(my_Date)
2007 Nov 01
daylight saving / time zone issues with as.POSIXlt/as.POSIXct (PR#10393)
tplate at acm.org wrote:
> Running under Windows XP 64 bit, as.POSIXlt()/as.POSIXct() seem
> to think that US time zones (EST5EDT, MST7MDT) switched from daylight
> savings back to standard time on Oct 28, 2007, whereas the switch
> is actually on Sun Nov 04, 2007.
> =20
Not Our Problem. (This sort of thing never is. We are wholly dependent=20
on the OS for this information).
2006 Sep 01
Date conversion with as.POSIXct and as.POSIXlt (PR#9196)
Full_Name: Erich Neuwirth
Version: 2.3.1
OS: Windows XP, Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
Converting Sys.Date() to a POSIX compliant time type in different ways
produces inconsistent results:
> Sys.date()
[1] "2006-09-01"
> as.POSIXct(Sys.Date())
[1] "2006-09-01 02:00:00 CEST"
> as.POSIXlt(Sys.Date())
[1] "2006-09-01"
2011 Mar 08
Date arithmetic coerces POSIXlt to POSIXct?
Hi. This feels like a bug to me, or at least an undocumented feature,
but I thought I'd see what people here thought of it. Consider a POSIXlt
object like this one:
> a <- as.POSIXlt ("2011-01-23 12:45:45")
> class (a)
[1] "POSIXlt" "POSIXt"
Fine. Now, if I do some arithmetic on that object, the result is
converted to POSIXct.
> class (a
2012 Mar 28
Hello R users
I am searching for a descriptive summary of the use of POSIXlt as
compared to POSIXct date/time formats. I have been using them
extensively for different purposes, but still can't quite understand
when to use which one for the most efficient coding and use. I typically
use them in graphics, comparison of times, interpolation of values
between times, computation of
2010 Oct 28
Unexpected behabiour of min, tapply and POSIXct/POSIXlt classes?
I found rather surprising the behaviour of POSIXct and POSIXlt classes
when combined with min and tapply.
The details can be deduced from the script below:
############# Start of the script ####################
before <- Sys.time()
Sys.sleep( 1 )
now1 <- now2 <- Sys.time()
my.times <- c( before, now1, now2 )
class( my.times ) ## [1] "POSIXct"
2010 Apr 29
Request - adding recycled "lwd" parameter to polygon
Hello dear members of R-help and R-core mailing list,
I am not sure if this request is a "ticket" that should be filled somewhere
outside the mailing list. If so, I apologize for not doing and would like
to know where I should have filled it.
And to the subject matter:
I would like to use a command like this:
plot(c(1,8), 1:2, type="n")
polygon(1:7, c(2,1,2,NA,2,1,2),
2010 Apr 29
Request - adding recycled "lwd" parameter to polygon
Hello dear members of R-help and R-core mailing list,
I am not sure if this request is a "ticket" that should be filled somewhere
outside the mailing list. If so, I apologize for not doing and would like
to know where I should have filled it.
And to the subject matter:
I would like to use a command like this:
plot(c(1,8), 1:2, type="n")
polygon(1:7, c(2,1,2,NA,2,1,2),
2007 Nov 01
daylight saving / time zone issues with as.POSIXlt/as.POSIXct (PR#10392)
Running under Windows XP 64 bit, as.POSIXlt()/as.POSIXct() seem
to think that US time zones (EST5EDT, MST7MDT) switched from daylight
savings back to standard time on Oct 28, 2007, whereas the switch
is actually on Sun Nov 04, 2007.
> Sys.timezone()
[1] "Mountain Daylight Time"
> as.POSIXct("2007-10-30 12:38:47")
[1] "2007-10-30 12:38:47 Mountain
2019 Aug 02
Infrequent but steady NULL-pointer caused segfault in as.POSIXlt.POSIXct (R 3.4.4)
In an optimized build, debug info is just an approximation. It might
help to debug in a build of R and packages without compiler
optimizations (-O0), where the debug information is accurate. However,
first I would try to modify the example to trigger more often, or try to
find external ways to make it trigger more often (e.g. via gctorture).
Then I would try to make the example smaller (not
2011 Mar 24
subset and as.POSIXct / as.POSIXlt oddness
Dear R users,
Given this data:
x <- seq(1,100,1)
dx <- as.POSIXct(x*900, origin="2007-06-01 00:00:00")
dfx <- data.frame(dx)
Now to play around for example:
subset(dfx, dx > as.POSIXct("2007-06-01 16:00:00"))
Ok. Now for some reason I want to extract the datapoints between hours
10:00:00 and 14:00:00, so I thought well:
subset(dfx, dx >
2007 Nov 24
patch proposal for plot.ts
Hi all.
Currently, if you try:
> lag.plot(1:10)
you get superposed labels '1' and '10'. Things go worse in more extreme cases:
x <- ts(1:10)
x1 <- lag(x, 4)
plot(x1, x)
This is due to a mistake in plot.ts. My suggestion is the following
really minimal patch to plot.ts:
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ plot.ts <-
text(xy, labels =
2006 Oct 16
help with plot()
I am new to R and I have been trying it out. I ran into a problem with the
plot() function. Below is my code:
> d <- read.table("c:/test/sp.txt",header=0)
> spval <- d[,2]
> plot(spval,type="l")
Warning messages:
1: graphical parameter "type" is obsolete in: plot.window(xlim, ylim, log,
asp, ...)
2: graphical parameter "type" is
2011 Oct 19
Square ended segments
Good Afternoon R Community,
I am working on plotting behavior codes over short durations of time (a few seconds at a time over 1-2 hrs). I am utilizing as.POSIXct to store the time. I wanted to make a quasi time line using these time. I utilized the segments function to represent these times. However the segments rounds off at the ends and does not have the crisp look I need for my purposes.