similar to: weight cases?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "weight cases?"

2007 Jan 09
a question of substitute
Hi all, I want to write a wrapper for an analysis of variance and I face a curious problem. Here are two different wrappers: fun.1 <- function(formula) { summary(aov(formula)) } fun.2 <- function(formula) { oneway.test(formula) } values <- c(15, 8, 17, 7, 26, 12, 8, 11, 16, 9, 16, 24, 20, 19, 9, 17, 11, 8, 15, 6, 14) group <- rep(1:3, each=7) # While the first
2007 Jan 30
jump in sequence
Dear list, This should be a simple one, I just cannot see it. I need to generate a sequence of the form: 4 5 6 13 14 15 22 23 24 That is: starting with 4, make a 3 numbers sequence, jump 6, then another 3 and so on. I can create a whole vector with: myvec <- rep(rep(c(F, T, F), rep(3, 3)), 3) Then see which are TRUE: which(myvec) [1] 4 5 6 13 14 15 22 23 24 I'd like to avoid
2006 Aug 09
objects and environments
Dear list, I have two functions created in the same environment, fun1 and fun2. fun2 is called by fun1, but fun2 should use an object which is created in fun1 fun1 <- function(x) { ifelse(somecondition, bb <- "o", bb <- "*") ## mymatrix is created, then myresult <- apply(mymatrix, 1, fun2) } fun2 <- function(idx) { if (bb == "o) { #
2007 Jan 21
multiple bases to decimal (was: comparing two matrices)
Hi again, I was contemplating the solution using base 3: set.seed(3) mat2 <- matrix(sample(0:2, 15, replace=T), 5, 3) Extracting the line numbers is simple: bases <- c(3, 3, 3)^(2:0) # or just 3^(2:0) colSums(apply(mat2, 1, function(x) x*bases)) + 1 [1] 7 23 25 8 1 The problem is sometimes the columns have different number of levels, as in: mat1 <- expand.grid(0:2, 0:2,
2007 May 29
pie initial angle
Dear all, I'd like to produce a simple pie chart for a customer (I know it's bad but they insist), and I have some difficulties setting the initial angle. For example: pie(c(60, 40), init.angle=14) and pie(c(80, 20), init.angle=338) both present the slices in the same direction, where: pie(c(60, 40)) pie(c(80, 20)) present the slices in different directions. I read everything I
2005 Nov 21
attributes of a data.frame
Dear all, I noticed that a data.frame has four attributes: - names - row.names - class - variable.labels While one can use the first three (i.e. names(foo) or class(foo)), the fourth one can only be used via: attributes(foo)$variable.labels (which is kind of a tedious thing to type) Is it or would be possible to simply use: variable.labels(foo) like the first three attributes? I tried: varlab
2005 Sep 09
measurement unit
Dear R-list, Could anybody tell me where to find information about changing the measurement unit from inch to centimeters? I read the help from X11, I read R-intro and I did some searhing in the R archives, but I couldn't find the answer. For example, I would like to produce a plot of a certain width and height: X11(width=10, height=5) and I would like these to be centimeters, rather
2006 Mar 10
ifelse problem
Dear all, There is something I'm missing in order to understand the following behavior: > aa <- c("test", "name") > ifelse(any(nchar(aa) < 3), aa[-which(nchar(aa) < 3)], aa) [1] "test" > any(nchar(aa) < 3) [1] FALSE Shouldn't the ifelse function return the whole aa vector? Using if and else separately, I get the correct result... >
2007 Dec 16
read.table and double quotes in strings
Dear all, Some very wise data entry person gave me about an hour of a headache, trying to find out why a 2000x500 dataframe won't be read into R. After much trial and error, I pinpointed the problem to an accidentally inserted double quote into a string variable (some comments from an open question). This can be replicated by: aa <- data.frame(id=1:2, var1=c("some \"
2012 Apr 05
"NA" vs. NA
Dear All, I assume this is an R-devel issue, apologies if I missed something obvious. I have a dataframe where the row names are country codes, based on ISO 3166, something like this: ------------ "v1" "v2" "UK" 1 2 "NA" 2 3 ------------ It happens that "NA" is the country code for "Namibia", and that creates problems on
2007 Oct 06
list matching
Dear list, Given a list of elements like: aa <- list(one=c("o", "n", "e"), tea=c("t", "e", "a"), thre=c("t", "h", "r", "e")) Is there a function that returns the intersection between all? Both match() and intersect() only deal with two arguments, but sometimes I
2014 Jun 16
Dear r-devel, I am trying to automatically check if two successive versions of a package have the same results (i.e. code not broken), by parsing the example sections for each function against a previously tested version. While trying to replicate the code from example(), I am facing an error related with te "" function (line 7 in the example() code). This is the code I am
2012 Jun 19
R and C pointers
Dear R devel, Apologies for these (most probably trivial) questions, doing my first attempt to call C from R (and actually learning C in the process). I need to pass a matrix to C, and after reading R-exts.pdf (many times), I was unable to find how to handle matrices at C-level... except for, what probably is the answer, that matrices are in fact vectors with dimensions. This is a sample code I
2009 Apr 10
split a character variable into several character variable by a character
Dear Mao Jianfeng, "r-help-owner" is not the place for help, but: r-help at (CC-ed here) In any case, strsplit() does the job, i.e.: > unlist(strsplit("BCPy01-01", "-")) [1] "BCPy01" "01" You can work with the whole variable, like: splitpop <- strsplit(df1$popcode, "-") then access the first part with >
2012 Jun 21
debug R objects at C level
Dear R-devel, I am now at a debugging phase, and would like to inspect the (individual) values in an arbitrary R vector. It should be simple, but after hours of reading I am simply unable to find the right information. A possible C code is: ????????????????? # include <R.h> # include <Rinternals.h> # include <R_ext/Rdynload.h> SEXP foo(SEXP x) // where x is a vector passed by
2007 Sep 16
programming question
Dear list, I have a vector of numbers, let's say: myvec <- c(2, 8, 24, 26, 51, 57, 58, 78, 219) My task is to reduce this vector to non-reducible numbers; small numbers can cross-out some of the larger ones, based on a function let's say called reduce() If I apply the function to the first element 2, my vector gets shorted to: > (myvec <- reduce(myvec[1])) [1] 2 24 51
2005 Dec 15
millions of comparisons, speed wanted
Dear all, I have a 10 columns matrix which has 2^10=1024 unique rows, with values 0 and 1. What I would like to do is a little complicated; in a simple statement, for a subset (say 1000 rows) I want to perform pairwise comparisons between all rows, find out which rows differ by only one value, replace that value by "x", get rid of the comparisons that differ by more than one value
2007 Feb 22
Sorting rows of a binary matrix
Hallo, The command: x <- 3 mat <- as.matrix(expand.grid(rep(list(0:1), x))) generates a matrix with 2^x columns containing the binary representations of the decimals from 0 to (2^x-1), here from 0 to 7. But the rows are not sorted in this order. How can sort the rows the ascending order of the decimals they represent, preferably without a function which converts binaries to decimals
2005 Nov 19
help with apply, please
Dear list, I have a problem with a toy example: mtrx <- matrix(c(1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1), nrow=3) rownames(ma) <- letters[1:3] I would like to determine which is the minimum combination of rows that "covers" all columns with at least a 1. None of the rows covers all columns; all three rows clearly covers all columns, but there are simpler combinations (1st and the 3rd, or 2nd
2004 May 27
extract columns using their names
Hello, Is there a way to extract multiple columns from a dataframe using their names instead of their numbers? Currently I use: data2 <- data1[, c(1,3,9)] And I am looking for something like data2 <- data1[, c("XX","YY","ZZ")] I use the same dataframe for many purposes, and I run codes that change the order of the columns every time. Many thanks, Adrian