similar to: testing for error

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "testing for error"

2012 Aug 31
fitting lognormal censored data
Hi , I am trying to get some estimator based on lognormal distribution when we have left,interval, and right censored data. Since, there is now avalible pakage in R can help me in this, I had to write my own code using Newton Raphson method which requires first and second derivative of log likelihood but my problem after runing the code is the estimators were too high. with this email ,I provide
2012 May 03
overlapping confidence bands for predicted probabilities from a logistic model
Dear list, I'm a bit perplexed why the 95% confidence bands for the predicted probabilities for units where x=0 and x=1 overlap in the following instance. I've simulated binary data to which I've then fitted a simple logistic regression model, with one covariate, and the coefficient on x is statistically significant at the 0.05 level. I've then used two different methods to
2013 Sep 27
Best and Worst values
Ira, obj_name<- load("arun.RData") Pred1<- get(obj_name[1]) Actual1<- get(obj_name[2]) dat2<- data.frame(S1=rep(Pred1[,1],ncol(Pred1)-1),variable=rep(colnames(Pred1)[-1],each=nrow(Pred1)),Predict=unlist(Pred1[,-1],use.names=FALSE),Actual=unlist(Actual1[,-1],use.names=FALSE),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) dat2New<- dat2[!($Predict)|$Actual)),] ?dat3<-
2013 Sep 25
Best and worst values for each date
Hi, May be you can try this: obj_name<- load("arun.RData") Pred1<- get(obj_name[1]) Actual1<- get(obj_name[2]) library(reshape2) dat<-cbind(melt(Pred1,id.vars="S1"),value2=melt(Actual1,id.vars="S1")[,3])? # to reshape to long form colnames(dat)[3:4]<- c("Predict","Actual") dat$variable<- as.character(dat$variable) #not that
2011 Oct 21
plotting average effects.
hi... i am a phd student using r. i am having difficulty plotting average effects. admittedly, i am not really understanding what each of the commands mean so when i get the error i am not sure where the issue is. here is my code... i will include the points at which there are errors.... > dat2 <- dat3 <- dat > dat2$popc100 <- dat2$popc100 + 1000 >
2008 Aug 10
(Un-)intentional change in drop1() "Chisq" behaviour?
Dear List, recently tried to reproduce the results of some custom model selection function after updating R, which unfortunately failed. However, I ultimately found the issue to be that testing with pchisq() in drop1() seems to have changed. In the below example, earlier versions (e.g. R 2.4.1) produce a missing P-value for the variable x, while newer versions (e.g. R 2.7.1) produce 0 (2.2e-16).
2008 Dec 13
weird pasting of ".value" when list is returned
could someone explain why the name of FPVAL gets " .value" concatenated onto it when the code below is run and temp is returned. I've been trying to figure this out for too long. It doesn't matter when I put the FPVAL in the return statement. It happens regardless of whether it's first or last. Thanks. f.lmmultenhanced <- function(response, pred1, pred2) {
2004 Jun 16
hi, i'm working with mgcv packages and specially gam. My exemple is: >test<-gam(B~s(pred1)+s(pred2)) >plot(test,pages=1) when ploting test, you can view pred1 vs s(pred1, edf[1] ) & pred2 vs s(pred2, edf[2] ) I would like to know if there is a way to access to those terms (s(pred1) & s(pred2)). Does someone know how? the purpose is to access to equation of smooths terms
2012 Aug 29
Estimation parameters of lognormal censored data
Hi, I am trying to get the maximum likelihood estimator for lognormal distribution with censored data;when we have left, interval and right censord. I built my code in R, by writing the deriving of log likelihood function and using newton raphson method but my estimators were too high " overestimation", where the values exceed the 1000 in some runing of my code. is there any one can
2009 Feb 23
Follow-up to Reply: Overdispersion with binomial distribution
THANKS so very much for your help (previous and future!). I have a two follow-up questions. 1) You say that dispersion = 1 by definition ....dispersion changes from 1 to 13.5 when I go from binomial to quasibinomial....does this suggest that I should use the binomial? i.e., is the dispersion factor more important that the 2) Is there a cutoff for too much overdispersion - mine seems to be
2008 Sep 11
how to calcaulate matrices for two subsets
I am an R beginner and trying to run a market model using event study in R framework. First, I run a market model, that is lm(stock security~SP500 index, subset=Obs[197, 396]) ->result1 Then I get predict results for a new dataset using predict (result1, newdata=Obs[397,399]) ->pred1 Pred1 should have three numbers. Now I need to calculate abnormal return by the formula stock
2009 May 12
ROCR: auc and logarithm plot
Hi, I am quite new to R and I have two questions regarding ROCR. 1. I have tried to understand how to extract area-under-curve value by looking at the ROCR document and googling. Still I am not sure if I am doing the right thing. Here is my code, is "auc1" the auc value? " pred1 <- prediction(resp1,label1) perf1 <- performance(pred1,"tpr","fpr") plot(
2012 Mar 19
glm: getting the confidence interval for an Odds Ratio, when using predict()
Say I fit a logistic model and want to calculate an odds ratio between 2 sets of predictors. It is easy to obtain the difference in the predicted logodds using the predict() function, and thus get a point-estimate OR. But I can't see how to obtain the confidence interval for such an OR. For example: model <- glm(chd + male + lowed, family=binomial(logit)) pred1 <-
2011 Sep 06
Question about Natural Splines (ns function)
Hi - How can I 'manually' reproduce the results in 'pred1' below? My attempt is pred_manual, but is not correct. Any help is much appreciated. library(splines) set.seed(12345) y <- rgamma(1000, shape =0.5) age <- rnorm(1000, 45, 10) glm1 <- glm(y ~ ns(age, 4), family=Gamma(link=log)) dd <- data.frame(age = 16:80) mm <- model.matrix( ~ ns(dd$age, 4)) pred1 <-
2010 Sep 23
Error: attempt to apply non-function
This code worked fine for me, then did some cleaning up of formatting using ESS (Emacs) and now I get this error, no idea what is causing it, all the brackets/parentheses seem to be balanced. What have I done wrong? Thanks Jim p0.trial01 <- 0.25 TruOR01 <- 0.80 num.patients.01 <- 50 num.trials.01 <- 5 <- 0.00 num.sims <- 1 simLOR01 <-
2011 Apr 06
ROCR - best sensitivity/specificity tradeoff?
Hi, My questions concerns the ROCR package and I hope somebody here on the list can help - or point me to some better place. When evaluating a model's performane, like this: pred1 <- predict(model, ..., type="response") pred2 <- prediction(pred1, binary_classifier_vector) perf <- performance(pred, "sens", "spec") (Where "prediction" and
2007 Jun 04
Extracting lists in the dataframe $ format
I'm new to R and am trying to extract the factors of a dataframe using numeric indices (e.g. df[1]) that are input to a function definition instead of the other types of references (e.g. df$out). df[1] is a list(?) whose class is "dataframe". These indexed lists can be printed successfuly but are not agreeable to the plot() and lm() functions shown below as are their df$out
2005 Mar 03
creating a formula on-the-fly inside a function
I have a function that, among other things, runs a linear model and returns r2. But, the number of predictor variables passed to the function changes from 1 to 3. How can I change the formula inside the function depending on the number of variables passed in? An example: <- function(response.dat, pred1.dat, pred2.dat = NULL, pred3.dat = NULL) { res <- lm(response.dat ~
2007 Sep 04
data.frame loses name when constructed with one column
Not sure why the data.frame function does not capture the name of the column field when its being built with only one column. Can anyone help? > data out pred1 predd2 1 1 2.0 3.0 2 2 3.5 5.5 3 3 5.5 11.0 > data1=data.frame(data[,1]) > data1 data...1. 1 1 2 2 3 3 > data1=data.frame(data[,1:2]) > data1 out pred1 1 1 2.0 2 2
2013 Jun 24
Nomogram (rms) for model with shrunk coefficients
Dear R-users, I have used the nomogram function from the rms package for a logistic regresison model made with lrm(). Everything works perfectly (r version 2.15.1 on a mac). My question is this: if my final model is not the one created by lrm, but I internally validated the model and 'shrunk' the regression coefficients and computed a new intercept, how can I build a nomogram using that