similar to: [R-pkgs] odfWeave Package

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "[R-pkgs] odfWeave Package"

2006 Jul 19
odfWeave Package
The odfWeave package is now available on CRAN at and your local mirror. The package extends Sweave to Open Document Format (ODF) text document files. Latex-style code chunks and in-line Sexpr commands can be used to embed R output into ODF file, which can then be exported to doc, rtf, html, pdf and other formats. Other
2006 Sep 06
odfWeave Version 0.4.4
Version 0.4.4 of odfWeave is available from CRAN. A Windows binary should be available shortly. This version requires base R version 2.3.1 or greater. Changes from the last version include - Non-English character sets are handled better. For example, Chinese characters can be included in R code. See the file "testCases.odt" in the examples directory for an example - Image
2006 Sep 06
odfWeave Version 0.4.4
Version 0.4.4 of odfWeave is available from CRAN. A Windows binary should be available shortly. This version requires base R version 2.3.1 or greater. Changes from the last version include - Non-English character sets are handled better. For example, Chinese characters can be included in R code. See the file "testCases.odt" in the examples directory for an example - Image
2006 Jul 29
Version 0.4.3 of odfWeave
A new version of odfWeave is on CRAN. Changes include: - handling of locales. Errors were being produced when locales were set to anything but "C". The fix changes the locale to "C" and changes back to the original locale when the user's code is executed. - a bug fix for default plot device units (to prevent bitmap graphics from being 480x480 inches on non-Windows
2006 Jul 29
Version 0.4.3 of odfWeave
A new version of odfWeave is on CRAN. Changes include: - handling of locales. Errors were being produced when locales were set to anything but "C". The fix changes the locale to "C" and changes back to the original locale when the user's code is executed. - a bug fix for default plot device units (to prevent bitmap graphics from being 480x480 inches on non-Windows
2011 May 13
issue with odfWeave running on Windows XP; question about installing packages under Linux
Good morning R community, I have two questions (and a comment): 1) A problem with odfWeave. I have an odf document with a table that spans multiple pages. Each cell in the table is populated using \sexpr{<R stuff>}. This worked fine on my own machine (windows 7 box using any R2.x.y, for x>=11) and on a colleagues machine (Windows XP box running R2.11.1). However, on a third machine
2009 Jul 06
odfWeave: odt-file damaged
Dear all, I am doing my first steps with odfWeave. After running the r code (see below), I am trying to open the ODF-document with open office, but I am getting the error message: "The file is damaged, but it can be repaired". If I confirm the question and repair the file with open office, I can open it with the desired output, which seems to be fine. My system: R Version 2.9.1
2010 Apr 28
Errors when trying to open odfWeave documents
Hello I tried the odfWeave package today, by running the formatting.odt and example.odt files that are included with the package. They both ran fine, but when I try to open them in my OpenOffice (OpenOffice 3.1.1 on Kubuntu 9.10) I get an error "Format error discovered in the file in sub-document content.xml at 1293,124(row,col)." I also tried to open them in MS Word 2003 (Windows
2010 Mar 17
odfWeave: odt-file damaged
Dear all, I'm resurrecting this old post (about 6 monts old, reproduced thereafter) because I have struggled against the same problem and found a solution so that I found it was worth posting for the record. The simple fix when you want to use odfWeave with 7-ZIP as a compressing/decompressing utility under windows is to use the 'x' instead of the 'e' option so as to preserve
2009 Dec 13
odfWeave produces output file that OO can't open
Dear R-helpers, I'm trying to learn how to use odfSweave. Here is my source file (in /Users/mk/myTeach/2010-1-7720/odfWeave): **************************************** Analysis of the iris Data Created on \Sexpr{date()} <<loadLibs, echo = FALSE, results = hide>>= # I usually load the libraries first so that any output produced by loading the library does not end up in the
2010 Sep 01
OdfWeave and Locale
Dear all, I have a question regarding the odfweave. I created an odt file (test_input.odt) using OO.o for WIndows XP. The code is generic. ---- Code for odt ----------- \Sexpr{dim(iris)[1]} <<listofSpecies, echo=FALSE, results=xml>>= odfItemize(levels(iris$Species)) @ Table 1: <<Table, echo=FALSE, results=xml>>= data.frame(N =tapply(iris$Petal.Length, iris$Species,
2011 Aug 12
odfWeave repeats output
Hello all- I'm having a problem with odfWeave. I'm still testing it out, and have used both of these code chunks, which I copied off a blog: Number 1: A sample document last processed \Sexpr{Sys.time()}. This simply illustrates the output from an R command inserted into our document. This is using \Sexpr{version$version.string}. Number 2: <<Sample1>>= summary(iris) @
2007 Jan 23
Error in odfWeave
Dear R-experts, I have tried this command: #-------------- odfWeave("C:/Documents and Settings/rajdl/Dokumenty/zk/vstup.odt","C:/Documents and Settings/rajdl/Dokumenty/zk/vystupek.odt") #--------------- and the console output was: #-------------- Setting wd to C:\DOCUME~1\rajdl\LOCALS~1\Temp\Rtmpfusjrb/odfWeave23103342397 Copying C:/Documents and
2009 Mar 11
trying to run odfWeave()
Hi there ! I'm working with windows and R GUI and I'm trying to generate an automatic repport using odfWeave. I have taken the basic template available on line at : which is SampleOdf.odt I've imported the package "odfWeave" and the corresponding library. And then I run : >"E:/Tex/SampleOdf.odt"
2011 May 14
odfWeave 0.7.17 stutters on Debian testing 64-bit amd64 systems.
Dear list, This is a copy of a mail sent to Max Kuhn, original author and maintainer of the odfWeave package, which seems not to have received it. It reports a problem that seems to be very implementation specific (reproductible on three Debian testing amd64 machine, does *not* happen on two i686 Debian testing systems, does *not* happen on an Ubuntu 11.06 amd64 machine) and therefore not
2008 Oct 23
odfWeave error
odfWeave is throwing up a cryptic error, after successfully processing a file with a large number of figures (~30) and many \Sexpr{} calls. The error is (at least to me) cryptic. I am not sure where to look to correct this problem. Here's the error: Post-processing the contents Error in .Call("RS_XML_Parse", file, handlers, endElementHandlers, as.logical(addContext), :
2007 Dec 22
odfWeave cross-reference
How can I insert cross-references to odfWeave generated figures in my source odf before the graphic has been created with odfWeave? Many thanks, Chris
2006 Sep 19
odfWeave help
Hi R users I haven't run odfWeave example, R give me: Setting wd to C:\DOCUME~1\MARIOM~1\CONFIG~1\Temp\Rtmph2Nzqb/odfWeave19070343633 Copying C:/ARCHIV~1/R/R-23~1.1/library/odfWeave/examples/simple.odt Decompressing ODF file using unzip -o "simple.odt" Erro en odfWeave(demoFile, outputFile) : Error unzipping file Adem?s: Warning message: unzip no encontrado I have installed
2010 Aug 31
Dear -r-helpers, I'm trying to get my students to use odfWeave. Windows users are having trouble. I would appreciate advice. Comment 1: Hello I have spent a while today trying to get odfWeave to be successful I installed the unzip and zip program but it has not changed the error message.I have copied the error message below but I am sure it is the one others have experienced. >
2006 Dec 23
bug in odfWeave
Hi, I think there is a minor bug in odfWeave. In the function odfStyleGen, the following line has an extra "=": if(length(grep("italic", thisStyle$fontType))) fontText <- c(fontText, tagattr("fo:font-style=", "italic")) This is creating an error if some text needs to be formatted as italic, since the corresponding entry in