similar to: Clustering over strata using a Cox proportional hazard model

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Clustering over strata using a Cox proportional hazard model"

2005 Dec 13
Problem with understanding output of Cox model
Hi all, I am using a 'tricked' Cox Hazard regression model for discrete choice habitat modelling. However, I'm having a hard time understanding the meaning of the first line the following part of the summary() output: Rsquare= 0.307 (max possible= 0.475 ) Likelihood ratio test= 91.8 on 12 df, p=2.23e-14 Wald test = 26.3 on 12 df, p=0.00977 Score (logrank) test = 58.6 on 12 df,
2006 Apr 06
weighted kernel density estimate
Dear R-users, I intend to do a spatial analysis on the genetic structuring within a population. For this I had thought to prepare a kernel density estimate map showing the spatial distribution of individuals, while incorporating the genetic distances among individuals. I have a dataset of locations of N unique individuals (XY-coordinates) and an NxN matrix with the genetic distances given as a
2008 May 07
predict lmer
Hi, I am using lmer to analyze habitat selection in wolverines using the following model: ( <- lmer(USED~1+STEP+ALT+ALT2+relM+relM:ALT+(1|ID)+(1|ID:TRKPT2),data=vdata, control=list(usePQL=TRUE),family=poisson,method="Laplace")) Here, the habitat selection is calaculated using a so-called discrete choice model where each used location has a certain number of alternatives
2006 Feb 02
error message in cox regression cph()
Hi, I have been trying to get the cph() function of the Design package to work but get an error message I don't understand: Error in if (!length(fname) || !any(fname == zname)) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed I have tried the same for a dummy dataset I made, and than it seems to work fine. However, it doesn't do it for my own data. Does anyone have a clue as to what
2007 May 17
Stratified Cox proportional Hazard Model
Hello everyone, I am a new user of R. Does anybody know how hazard ratios are extracted for each factor level in a stratified Cox proportional hazard regression model? I have a cancer data set where the variable ?differentiation? is a factor with three levels: poor, intermediate and good. I would like to extract the hazard ratio for each grade level and relate it to another prognostic factor.
2004 Sep 22
Cox proportional hazards model
Good afternoon, I am currently trying to do some work on survival analysis. - I hope to seek your advice re: 2 questions (1 general and 1 specific) (1) I'm trying to do a stratified Cox analysis and subsequently plot(survfit(object)). It seems to work for some strata, but not for others. I have tumor grade, which is a range of 1 - 4. When I divide this range of 1:4 into 2 groups, it
2015 Feb 04
Interpretación de coeficientes en un cox proportional hazards con variable strata
Buenas. Abajo pongo la salida de un modelo de cox , dónde he estratificado por una variable de país (Countryb) y por otra (Q6). Además hay interacción entre la variable mobilityPDurG2 (es una variable 0,1, y 0 es la categoría de referencia) país. La categoría de referencia para país es "united kingdom". Mi duda surge si quiero calcular el hazard ratio para los que tienen un 1
2004 Sep 21
SV: compilation failed for package
Thanks to Roger Bivand, my problem was solved. binutils 2.14 was updatet to binutils 2.15, as indicated under. Geir Helge Systad Norwegian Institute for Nature Research Arctic Ecology, Polarmilj??senteret, N-9296 Troms??, Norway Adress aug-04 to feb-05: Albert Pettersonsvei 13, N-5750 Odda fax +47 85 03 82 14 phone +47 53 64 24 94 mobil +47 91 63 70 55 E-mail: geir.systad at
2005 Jun 09
Prediction in Cox Proportional-Hazard Regression
He, I used the "coxph" function, with four covariates. Let's say something like that > model.1 <- coxph(Surv(Time,Event)~X1+X2+X3+X4,data=DATA) So I obtain the 4 coefficients B1,B2,B3,B4 such that h(t) = h0(t) exp(B1*X1+ B2*X2 + B3*X3 + B4*X4). When I use the function on the same data > predict.coxph(model.1,type="lp") how it works in making the prediction?
2006 Apr 03
testing proportional hazard in a Cox model including a time-varying covariate
I am using a syntax like coxph(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ X, data) to estimate the effect of X, which may change at each measurement (every 6 months). Is there anyone who knows a way to test the proportional hazard assumption in that case? Thank you in advance Jean-François Boudreau Sherbrooke University [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Jul 12
Cox proportional hazard model and coefficients
Hi, Here is the summary-output of the Coxph-model I used (the output is based on the best final model i.e. all significant explanatory variables and their interactions are included): coxph(formula = Y ~ LT + Food + Temp2 + LT:Food + LT:Temp2 + Food:Temp2 + LT:Food:Temp2) n= 555 coef exp(coef) se(coef) z
2012 Feb 20
Reporting Kaplan-Meier / Cox-Proportional Hazard Standard Error, km.coxph.plot, survfit.object
What is the best way to report the standard error when publishing Kaplan-Meier plots? In my field (Vascular Surgery), practitioners loosely refer to the "10% error" cutoff as the point at which to stop drawing the KM curve. I am interpreting this as the *standard error of the cumulative hazard*, although I'm having a difficult time finding some guidelines about this (perhaps I am
2010 Nov 24
Is there an equivalent to predict(..., type="linear") of a Proportional hazard model for a Cox model instead?
Hi all, Is there an equivalent to predict(...,type="linear") of a Proportional hazard model for a Cox model instead? For example, the Figure 13.12 in MASS (p384) is produced by: ( <- survreg(Surv(survtime + 0.9, status) ~ state + T.categ + pspline(age, df=6), data = Aidsp)) zz <- predict(, data.frame(state = factor(rep("NSW", 83), levels =
2011 Dec 10
p-value for hazard ratio in Cox proportional hazards regression?
Hi, I'm new to R and using it for Cox survival analysis. Thanks to this great forum I learned how to compute the HR with its confidence interval. My question would be: Is there any way to get the p-value for a hazard ratio in addition to the confidence interval? Thanks, Thierry -- Thierry Panje Visiting Student Researcher Department of Psychology Stanford
2009 May 05
Cox Proportional Hazard with missing covariate data
Dear friends, I have used R for some time now and have a tricky question about the coxph-function: To sum it up, I am not sure whether I can use coxph in conjunction with missing covariate data in a model with time-variant covariates. The point is: I know how "old" every piece that I oberserve is, but do not have fully historical information about the corresponding covariates. Maybe you
2009 Oct 27
cox regression extract strata as numeric
Hi there, I perform a stratified cox and then I need the strata as a  numeric array "straft.ln" ft.ln <- coxph(Surv(times,deaths)~ages+chemos+chemos:f1+chemos:f2+horms+horms:f1+horms:f2+grades+grades:f1+grades:f2+positives+positives:f1+positives:f2+sizes+sizes:f1+sizes:f2+strata(stra),data=ddd) basehazzft.ln=basehaz(ft.ln,centered=FALSE) H0ft.ln=c(basehazzft.ln[,1])
2006 Sep 20
Stats question - cox proportional hazards adjustments
Hi useRs, Many studies of the link between red meat and colorectal cancer use Cox proportional hazards with (among other things) a gender covariate. If it is true that men eat more red meat, drink more alcohol and smoke more than women, and if it is also true that alcohol and tobacco are known risk factors then why does it make sense to "adjust" for gender? I would think that in this
2003 Feb 20
Variable selection in Cox proportional hazards model?
Hello, I need to implement variable selection procedures (such as stepwise and backward selection) in Cox proportional hazards model, but can't seem to find an R or S-plus command for these procedures. I am aware that these can be done in SAS. I would appreciate help from anyone who knows how to implement these procedures in Cox models using S-plus or (preferably) R. Thanks! Regards,
2009 Mar 26
Centring variables in Cox Proportional Hazards Model
Dear All, I am contemplating centering the covariates in my Cox model to reduce multicollinearity between the predictors and the interaction term and to render a more meaningful interpretation of the regression coefficient. Suppose I have two indicator variables, x1 and x2 which represent age categories (x1 is patients less than 16 while x2 is for patients older than 65). If I use the following
2005 Sep 29
cox proportional-hazards regress for interval censor data
Hi. I used coxph(surv(start,end,event)~~event,data) to deal with interval censor data. Does anyone know similar samples using coxph(surv(start,end,event)~~event,data)? If you knows, can you tell me? I'll really appreciate it. Thank you very much R learner.