similar to: Identifying or searching for labels in a hclust/dendrogram/heatmap

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Identifying or searching for labels in a hclust/dendrogram/heatmap"

2004 Jul 21
Cutting heatmap dendrogram
Hello, I've been clustering my data using hclust and cutting the resulting tree with cutree. Separately, I visualize the clusterings with heatmap. Is it possible to have the dendrogram on the heatmap reflect the cutree results? That is, instead of having one large dendrogram, it would have 4 or 25 in the example below. Any guidance on if that's possible or not, and what kinds of
2004 Dec 15
hclust and heatmap - slightly different dendrograms?
Good afternoon, I ran heatmap and hclust on the same matrix x (strictly, I ran heatmap(x), and hclust(dist(t(x))), and realized that the two dendrograms were slightly different, in that the left-right arrangement of one pair of subclusters (columns) was reversed in the two functions (but all individual columns were grouped correctly). Looking through the code for heatmap as a most definite
2011 Apr 01
hc2Newick is different than th hclust dendrogram
Hi R helpers... I am having troubles because of the discrepancy between the dendrogram plotted from hclust and what is wrote in the hc2Newick file. I've got a matrix C: > hc <- hclust(dist(C)) > plot(hc) with the: > write(hc2Newick(hc),file='test.newick') both things draw completely different "trees"... I have also tried with the raw distance matrix D and
2007 Apr 25
heatmap and phylogram / dendogram ploting problem, ape package
I am having trouble displaying a dendrogram of evolutionary relationships (a phylogram imported from the ape package) as the vertical component of a heatmap, but keeping the hierarchical clustering of the horizontal component. The relationships of the vertical component in the generated heatmap are not that of the dendrogram, although the ordering is. In more detail, I am attempting to generate
2011 Jul 01
highlighting clusters in a heatmap
I would like to draw horizontal or vertical lines on a heatmap to highlight the clusters at some specified cut depth of the dendrogram. As a hacked example, the following code would work if I could set the coordinates of the top and bottom of the false color image correctly (ymin and ymax), but the correct values seem to depend on the output device and its size. I realize that heatmaps use a 2x2
2004 Aug 25
Problems with Heatmap
Hi I am having some problems getting my heatmap to be the right size! Let me explain. I am experienced at getting an hclust or a dendrogram object to be the right size. For example, I have a dataset which has 4000 rows, which I clustered using hclust and I wanted to plot it as a horizontal dendrogram. So I used jpeg(), set the image height to be 4000 and plotted the dendrogram and got the
2005 Aug 22
problem building dendrograms to use with heatmap()
Hi, I'm trying to build dendrograms to pass to heatmap(). The dendrograms I build plot properly, but when I pass them to heatmap() I get the error message "row dendrogram ordering gave index of wrong length" (see output log below). I looked in the code of heatmap() and saw that the error was due to a NULL return value from order.dendrogram(), which in turn got a NULL return value
2008 May 16
heatmap on pre-established hclust output?
Hi, Can someone please guide me towards how to produce "heatmap" output from the output of "hclust" run prior to the actual "heatmap" call? I have some rather lengthy clustering going on and tweeking the visual output with "heatmap" recalculating the clustering every time is not feasible. Thanks, Joh
2017 Mar 23
A question on stats::as.hclust.dendrogram
Hi all, This is the first time I'm writing to R-devel, and this time I'm just asking for the purpose for a certain line of code in stats::as.hclust.dendrogram, which comes up as I'm trying to fix dendextend. The line in question is at line 128 of dendrogram.R in R-3.3.3, at stats::as.hclust.dendrogram: stopifnot(length(s) == 2L, all( vapply(s, is.integer, NA) )) Is there any
2009 Aug 24
Saving heatmaps as PDFs
Hi, I'm trying to save heatmaps as PDFs. However, the PDF version of the heatmaps (Heatmap_CAFvsTNF_run2.pdf) is blurred when compared to its counterpart, which was saved manually by using the software "Grab" (Heatmap_CAFvsTNF_run2.tiff). -----R code-------- sample_output <- "stroma_run2" filename <-
2012 May 11
How to re-order clusters of hclust output?
Hello, The heatmap function conveniently has a "reorder.dendrogram" function so that clusters follow a certain logic. It seems that the hclust function doesn't have such feature. I can use the "reorder" function on the dendrogram obtained from hclust, but this does not modify the hclust object itself. I understand that the answer should be within the "heatmap"
2006 Mar 06
Problems with heatmap.2 in the gregmisc package
Hi Sorry to revisit an old problem, I seemed to solve this in 2004, only for it to resurface :-S I am trying to plot a heatmap, and I don't want the columns of my matrix re-ordered. The function doesn't seem to behave as the help would have you believe: a <- matrix(rnorm(100),nr=20) a.d <- dist(a) a.hc <- hclust(a.d) <- as.dendrogram(a.hc) # columns are re-ordered
2004 Jun 17
Re: Clustering in R
Thanks a lot, Michael! I cc to R-help, where this question really belongs {as the 'Subject' suggests itself...} -- please drop 'bioconductor' from CC'ing further replies. >>>>> "michael" == michael watson (IAH-C) <michael.watson at> >>>>> on Thu, 17 Jun 2004 09:16:59 +0100 writes: michael> OK, admittedly it
2010 Sep 17
Question: how to obtain the clusters of genes (basically the ones in the row dendrograms) from an object obtained by heatmap.2 function
Hello R-Helpers, I have a question about extracting the clusters of genes after we make the heatmap (say ht4) using the heatmap.2 function. Basically, I want to get the clusters which are shown as row dendrogram in the heatmap. I understand that ht4$rowDendrogram is an object of dendrogram and it containes details of all the nodes and branches, but lets say I want to know the number of clusters
2010 Sep 08
saving heatmaps in graphical format that can be edited in graphic editor tool
I generated a heatmap in R using the following commands: > mydata <- read.csv(file="Data.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",") > mydata <- mydata[rowSums(mydata[,-1]^2) >0, ] > rownames(mydata)=mydata$Name > mydata <- mydata[,2:253] > mydatamatrix <- data.matrix(mydata) > mydatascale <- t(scale(t(mydatamatrix))) > hr <-
2005 Jun 29
(PR#7972) row-side color bars ... in heatmap
Hi Kevin, >>>>> "krc" == krc <krc at> >>>>> on Mon, 27 Jun 2005 21:55:37 +0200 (CEST) writes: krc> Full_Name: Kevin R. Coombes krc> Version: 2.1.0 krc> OS: Windows XP krc> Submission from: (NULL) ( krc> When revC = TRUE and RowSideColors is set to a list of krc>
2010 Sep 08
saving heatmaps in graphical format that can be edited in graphic editor tools
I generated a heatmap in R using the following commands: > mydata <- read.csv(file="Data.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",") > mydata <- mydata[rowSums(mydata[,-1]^2) >0, ] > rownames(mydata)=mydata$Name > mydata <- mydata[,2:253] > mydatamatrix <- data.matrix(mydata) > mydatascale <- t(scale(t(mydatamatrix))) > hr <-
2004 May 10
Colouring hclust() trees
I have a data set with 6 variables and 251 cases. The people who supplied me with this data set believe that it falls naturally into three groups, and have given me a rule for determining group number from these 6 variables. If I do scaled.stuff <- scale(stuff, TRUE, c(...the design ranges...)) stuff.dist <- dist(scaled.stuff) stuff.hc <- hclust(stuff.dist)
2003 Sep 26
a. crossing branches with hclust, b. plot.dendrogram
Hello, a. when I use hclust with the methods media, centroid, and mcquitty, and plot the results, the dendrograms have lines that are crossing each other. Is this ok? b. My next question refers to plot.dendrogram: How can I use parameters as "hang" or "cex" here? E.g. for st <- as.dendrogram(subtreeshc[[x]]) I would like to have something like this, where cex and hang
2003 Oct 17
heatmap function
Hi all, By default, the heatmap function gives an image with a dendrogram added to the left side and to the top. Is it possible to only add the dendrogram to the left side and let the order of the columns unchanged ? I tried heatmap(mat, col=rbg,Rowv=res.hclust$order,Colv=1:dim(mat)[[2]]). In this case, the order of the columns are unchanged but a dendrogram is added to the top. How can I