Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "install.packages saying the car package is not in the repositories"
2001 Nov 23
trouble downloading package car
Dear helpful person,
I have been trying to download package car from the CRAN website using the
install.packages command from within R. I have successfully used this
command to install other packages but can't make it work for car.
When I try I get the following messages:
trying URL `http://cran.uk.r-project.org//bin/windows/contrib/PACKAGES'
Content type `text/plain' length 5677
2005 Oct 14
zip package
Dear all
I can not understand how to install the package lpsolve_1.1.9.zip
I have read the FAQ and the help pages carefully, but it still not
clear for me.
I have tried the following (and obtained the respective error
Mensagem de aviso:
2005 Nov 11
no package 'Matrix' at the repositories
Yesterday, I installed R2.2.0 for Windows [Version 2.2.0 (2005-10-06
r35749)]. Unfortunately, 'install.packages("Matrix")' produced the
following message:
Warning in download.packages(pkgs, destdir = tmpd, available =
available, :
no package 'Matrix' at the repositories
I installed lme4, maps, mapproj, CircStats, scatterplot3d, gregmisc,
Hmisc without
2015 Jan 26
problem with update.packages() in R-Devel (3.2.0) on Windows
Dear all,
I've noticed the following problem for the past several days:
---------------- snip ----------------
> update.packages(ask=FALSE)
. . .
trying URL 'http://cran.utstat.utoronto.ca/src/contrib/zoo_1.7-11.zip'
Error in download.file(url, destfile, method, mode = "wb", ...) :
cannot open URL
2006 Mar 09
lsa and Rstem?
Dear r-helpers,
I can't get lsa to run because:
> library(lsa)
Loading required package: Rstem
Error in library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, lib.loc
= lib.loc) :
'Rstem' is not a valid package -- installed < 2.0.0?
In addition: Warning message:
cannot create HTML package index in: make.packages.html()
> install.packages('Rstem')
Warning in
2004 Dec 31
install.packages() for local source file
Wish to install a local source package on Un*x platform from
within R. Same thing as I can accomplish from cmdline as
$ export R_LIBS=~/R/library
$ cd /path/to/pkg
$ R CMD INSTALL -l $R_LIBS <pkgname>
So, how do you go about this anyway?
And isn't this a bug in 'install.packages'?
$ R
R : Copyright 2004, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Version 1.9.0
2004 Oct 22
install.packages question / suggestion
when trying to write an R-file, which automatically installs and updates a
given list of packages, I had two problems with install.packages()
1) install.packages("<package>") will install <package>, no matter if
<package> has already been installed.
2) the readline() at the end of install.packages, which asks the user, if
the downloaded files should be
2005 Jul 11
misc3d package
I am trying to install the misc3d package on a Windows (XP) installation of R 2.0.1 using install.packages("misc3d") but with no success. I have used this approach with other packages OK, but for misc3d I get the following output...
trying URL `http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/contrib/2.0/PACKAGES'
Content type `text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1' length 27996 bytes
2006 Dec 13
I try to type this in my R-winEdt.
but I got these. Do you know?
Warning in download.packages(pkgs, destdir = tmpd, available = available, :
no package
at the
2007 Jan 12
Package is not on the repository (PR#9450)
Full_Name: Alexandra R Mendes de Almeida
Version: 2.4.1
OS: Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
The packahe SGAx is not on the repository.
See the message returned by R when i tried to install it:
> install.packages("SAGx")
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
Warning in download.packages(unique(pkgs),
2008 Dec 09
bayesm package not downloading via any mirror or repository
I am a pretty new R user, I am running the latest linux version on xandros,
updated with some extra debian packages, and I also run the latest windows
version, but prefer linux.
I am having trouble downloading "bayesm", it won't do it all from any of the
sites on the web, I resorted to this one,
http://packages.debian.org/unstable/math/r-cran-bayesm. and got slightly
further, but I
2006 Dec 01
package installation fails only for "sp"
I have escaped Splus for Windows (mostly) and have started using
R (v 2.3.1 on i686 redhat). Installing packages has been routine except
for "sp" (classes and methods for spatial data). I get the following error
> install.packages("sp")
Warning in download.packages(unique(pkgs),destdir=tmpd,available=available,:
no package 'sp' at the
2004 Apr 14
mvtnorm problems (II)
Thanks a lot for your help!
Obviously I've tried to load it before by using the install.packages
function but it didn't work. This is what I got
> install.packages("mvtnorm")
trying URL `http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/contrib/1.7/PACKAGES'
Content type `text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1' length 12485 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 12Kb
Warning message:
No package
2006 Jan 16
Matrix package download problem
Trying to install the Matrix package with install.packages fails for me
on Linux, it is trying to fetch the wrong version 0.99-4, downloading
the tgz which is 0.99-6 and using R CMD INSTALL works fine
The output from the failed install was
> install.packages(c("Matrix"))
trying URL 'http://cran.uk.r-project.org/src/contrib/Matrix_0.99-4.tar.gz'
Error in
2015 Jan 27
problem with update.packages() in R-Devel (3.2.0) on Windows
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Henrik Bengtsson" <hb at biostat.ucsf.edu>
> To: "John Fox" <jfox at mcmaster.ca>
> Cc: "R-devel" <r-devel at r-project.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 10:15:36 AM
> Subject: Re: [Rd] problem with update.packages() in R-Devel (3.2.0) on Windows
> It works again using:
> % R
2015 Jan 23
issue with update.packages()
I see the following issue in R-devel since 'both' has become the default pkgType for binary platforms.
update.packages() fails when you set options(repos). Looks like it is trying to download a tgz file from the src/contrib section of a repository (on a mac).
To reproduce this you need to have an older version of AnnotationDbi installed, which I accomplished by faking it,
2010 Feb 23
scatterplots in car package
Hi, using scatterplot in 'car' package.
There are 4 plots to be pictured together (ignore data used):
scatterplot(rnorm(100),rnorm(100),boxplot="",smooth=T) # scatter with
non-parametric fit
problem is that the last one comes 'always' separate.
Is there any way to solve it?? of course can use
2006 Jul 16
install.packages for local zip files
O/S: Linux
R version : 2.2.1
The R server doesn't have http internet access. And the sys admins will
not install the R libraries that I requested. So I have downloaded the
packages that I want to intall and have moved them into my home
directory on the server. These are a series of *.tar.gz files. I want
to install the R libraries in my home directory, but I can't get it to
2006 Jul 05
install RMySQL under Mac OS X 10.4.7
Hello All,
I tried to install RMySQL package, but the error
messages says there is no such package, even though I
did see RMySQL is there in the contributed package
list in all mirror sites of CRAN I tried. Not sure
what is the problem.
> mysql.home <- '/usr/local/mysql'
2003 Sep 18
R-1.7.1 package installation problem
Hi there,
I am a bioinformatician working in DFCI. I am new to R. Yesterday I installed
the R-1.7.1 to my Linux (since I am not able to find R-1.8 on the webpage). But
I have some package installation problems ...
1. install.packages2() function isn't available. If I type at R prompt:
Error: couldn't find function