similar to: Using svm.plot with mlbench.spirals.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Using svm.plot with mlbench.spirals."

2006 Jan 18
Help with plot.svm from e1071
Hi. I'm trying to plot a pair of intertwined spirals and an svm that separates them. I'm having some trouble. Here's what I tried. > library(mlbench) > library(e1071) Loading required package: class > raw <- mlbench.spirals(200,2) > spiral <- data.frame(class=as.factor(raw$classes), x=raw$x[,1], y=raw$x[,2]) > m <- svm(class~., data=spiral) > plot(m,
2006 Jan 27
Classifying Intertwined Spirals
I'm using an SVM as I've seen a paper that reported extremely good results. I'm not having such luck. I'm also interested in ideas for other approaches to the problem that can also be applied to general problems (no assuming that we're looking for spirals). Here is my code: library(mlbench) library(e1071) raw <- mlbench.spirals(194, 2) spiral <-
2008 Jan 02
Plot.svm error
Hi all, Sorry to be bothering again with probably an easy error to fix, but I've been trying to solve the problem and haven't been able yet to do it. So I'm doing this: > dados<-read.table("b.txt",sep="",nrows=30000) >
2008 Jan 03
Svm formula
Hi all, I don't know how to choose the formula to use when plotting an svm model, I think I'm using the wrong one and so that is why I'm having trouble. I should be very grateful if someone could help me on this.. > dados<-read.table("b.txt",sep="",nrows=30000) >
2008 Jan 04
Plot error
Hi all, I'm trying to plot an svm model and I'm the following error: > plot(model, data= dados[,-1], formula=formula(dados[,2]~dados[,3]),svSymbol = 1, dataSymbol = 2, symbolPalette = rainbow(4),color.palette = terrain.colors) Error in terms.default(x) : no terms component Anyone knows how to solve this??? Best regards, Pedro Marques
2009 Jul 06
mlbench dataset question
Dear R-users, Recently, I am facing some problems when converting mlbench data into matrix format. library(mlbench) data(BostonHousing) X<- BostonHousing[,1:13] y<-BostonHousing[,14] I want to convert X and y into matrix form. I am getting these obvious errors... > t(X)%*%y Error in t(X) %*% y : requires numeric/complex matrix/vector arguments > t(as.matrix(X))%*%(as.matrix(y))
2009 Apr 01
smv() in "e1071" and the BreastCancer data from "mlbench"
R-help, I am trying to perform a basic anlaysis of the BreastCancer data from "mlbench" using the svm() function in "e1071". I use the following code library("e1071") library("mlbench") data(BreastCancer) BC <- subset(BreastCancer, select=-Id) pairs(BC) model <- svm(Class ~ ., data=BC, cross=10) ## plot(model, BC, ) tobj <- tune.svm(Class ~ .,
1997 Jun 09
R-beta: mlbench-0.1 --- machine learning benchmark problems
I've made a package from some benchmark datasets for use with R and uploaded it to CRAN. Here's the Index entry: mlbench-0.1.tar.gz: A collection of artificial and real-world machine learning benchmark problems, including, e.g., the boston housing data from the UCI repository. Written/packaged by Fritz Leisch <Friedrich.Leisch at> Original data sets from
1997 Jun 09
R-beta: mlbench-0.1 --- machine learning benchmark problems
I've made a package from some benchmark datasets for use with R and uploaded it to CRAN. Here's the Index entry: mlbench-0.1.tar.gz: A collection of artificial and real-world machine learning benchmark problems, including, e.g., the boston housing data from the UCI repository. Written/packaged by Fritz Leisch <Friedrich.Leisch at> Original data sets from
1997 Jun 09
R-beta: mlbench-0.1 --- machine learning benchmark problems
I've made a package from some benchmark datasets for use with R and uploaded it to CRAN. Here's the Index entry: mlbench-0.1.tar.gz: A collection of artificial and real-world machine learning benchmark problems, including, e.g., the boston housing data from the UCI repository. Written/packaged by Fritz Leisch <Friedrich.Leisch at> Original data sets from
1999 Aug 24
package mlbench updated
Hi, Evgenia and I have copied an updated version of the mlbench package to CRAN which contains several new data sets. We have also changed some of the variable names to avoid name conflicts. Best, -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Friedrich Leisch Institut f?r Statistik Tel: (+43 1) 58801 10715 Technische
1999 Aug 24
package mlbench updated
Hi, Evgenia and I have copied an updated version of the mlbench package to CRAN which contains several new data sets. We have also changed some of the variable names to avoid name conflicts. Best, -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Friedrich Leisch Institut f?r Statistik Tel: (+43 1) 58801 10715 Technische
2002 Jul 08
rsync 2.5.5 consuming memory and spirals server down
Hi there, I've a problem with rsync - see below. (by the way: I'm using rsync since 2 years now, good work!) my environment: - linux, 2.4, Dual-PIII-1.2GHz, 1 GB RAM. more of these machines. - rsync 2.5.5 - openssh 3.3 the machines are on a lan, so bandwith is not a problem. I sync large directories (about 6 GB growing) between the machines, no problem - memory consumtion of rsync is
2020 Jun 21
Possible bug in heatmap()?
Dear All, There might be a bug in heatmap(): x <- matrix(rnorm(10*5), 10, 5) heatmap(x, labCol=1:5) Error in axis(1, 1L:nc, labels = labCol, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0, : 'at' and 'labels' lengths differ, 5 != 10 Works fine under 4.0.1. Looking at the code from 4.0.1 vs. Rdevel, esp. this part sticks out: labRow <- labRow[rowInd] %||% rownames(x) %||%
2011 Feb 23
svm(e1071) and scaling of weights
I expected, that I will get the same prediction, if I multiply the weights for all classes with a constant factor, but I got different results. Please look for the following code. > library(e1071) > data(Glass, package = "mlbench") > index <- 1:nrow(Glass) > testindex <- sample(index, trunc(length(index)/5)) > testset <- Glass[testindex, ] > trainset <-
2006 Feb 11
heatmap.2 in gplots (PR#8587)
Full_Name: Shane Neph Version: 2.2.1 OS: mac os x Submission from: (NULL) ( While I found the names of the package authors and maintainer, I was unsuccessful in finding any contact information. The preliminary documentation for heatmap.2 is inconsistent in at least a couple of places when discussing the suppression of one or more dendrograms (and column/row ordering in general).
2004 Feb 16
labRow/labCol options in heatmap()
The function heatmap() allows to specify row/column labels via the options labRow/labCol. From the code of heatmap(), I understand that when no labels are specified, the row/column labels (or indices) of the input matrix are taken as labels and re-ordered together with the rows and columns of the matrix before plotting, whereas labels supplied via labRow/labCol are plotted in the original order.
2006 Sep 11
problems in installing packages with R version 2.4.0 alpha (2006-09-05 r39134)
I just downloaded the windows version R version 2.4.0 alpha (2006-09-05 r39134) 1. When I downloaded the packages, the following two were not found. > utils:::menuInstallPkgs() --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- dependency ''fCalendar'' is not available dependency ''SparseM'' is not available I am not sure which other packages
2010 Jun 01
BreastCancer Dataset for Classification in kknn
Dear All, I'm getting a error while trying to apply the BreastCancer dataset (package=mlbench) to kknn (package=kknn) that I don't understand as I'm new to R. The codes are as follow: rm = (list = ls()) library(mlbench) data(BreastCancer) library(kknn) BCancer = na.omit(BreastCancer) d = dim(BCancer)[1] i1 = seq(1, d, 2) i2 = seq(2, d, 2) t1 = BCancer[i1, ] t2 =
2010 Feb 23
Hello again, lately I have been playing a lot with heatmap functions, in particular I complemented heatmap.2 with a nice feature from, i.e. the possibility of assigning a matrix to ColSideColors so to take into account more annotations. Below is the code I introduced in heatmap.2, everything else is maintained equal to heatmap.2: if (!missing(ColSideColors)) { #if