similar to: Kriging for d>3

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Kriging for d>3"

2003 Jan 17
kriging in R
Hi, all, Have anyone used kringing included in R? How is it? Does it handle anisotropy data well? How does it compare with Kriging in Arc/Info? or other geostatistics software customized to do kriging or other geostatistics functions? I tried Easykriging, a geostatistics tool developed for Matlab. It has very nice GUI, but it does not provide library which i can call in my programs. so it is
2011 Oct 05
kriging shapefiles
Hi! Im new to R and I need to interpolate a shapefile using kriging. I've been able to plot/read the shapefile using the package maptools or rgdal. I've searched the internet for sample codes but most of the kriging codes that I've found done in R is done using txtfiles or CSVs.  An example could be of great help. Thanks. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Dec 04
Plotting a kriging on a map
Hi list, Well, this time I’ve a doubt with mapping generation. I was already able to read and plot shapefiles, plot point on this map. All this without any problems, but now I want to do something that I think, only Golden Software Surfer is capable of. I would like to plot a kriging result on the existing map (map script below). Well I looked for on the net, but I was not able to be sure of
2008 Jul 20
Indicator Kriging?
Hello All! I like to do some indicator kriging with R. So far I used geoR for simple and ordinary kriging. Does anybody know which package I should use? Thanks for your help! Sascha! -- Jetzt dabei sein: at gmx
2010 Feb 17
Bayesian Block Kriging?
Hello, I'm interested in doing Bayesian kriging using R. I see that the package geoR has a function that will allow one to do this (krige.bayes). However, my data are not in the form of points, but rather they are blocks that represent spatial averages (i.e., the number of fishing hooks per month in a given lat x long square). I am therefore interested in treating the data as
2003 Oct 21
Indicator Kriging
Hi R-Users Is there any package in R that work Indicator Kriging? Or somebody is working in a link between GSLIB library in FORTRAN for R? Thank you very much for your help. --
2010 Apr 07
kriging problem - very urgent
Hi everybody, I have a longitude vector and a latitude one. Associated to these coordinates, i have a matrix with some data at some coordinates but not all. Lon <- seq(136.025,144.975,0.05) Lat <- rev(seq(-66.975,-65.525,0.05)) dim(z) <- c(Lon,Lat) And i have tried to apply to these data a kriging function. But first i need to reshape these 3 variables to have a dataframe
2004 Feb 23
border of a polygon in contour.kriging - geoR
Dear all, When a conventional kriging and then a contour plot is limited with a polygon (as possible with krige.conv and contour.kriging), the polygon border is displayed in black by default. > kc<-krige.conv(CZdata,loc=pred.grid,borders=czpoly,krige=krige.control(obj.m=ls)) > plot(CZcoord,xlab="x",ylab="y",type="n",asp=1) >
2002 Mar 27
kriging C/C++ code
Hello to everybody ! I don't have a question directly connected with R, but it takes starting point from the use of the R function Krig for kriging interpolation and from the idea of making a different implemetation of the function for my purposes. Doas anyone know where can I find free C or C++ codes of kriging ? As always, thanks a lot in advance, Paola.
2003 Oct 31
Therotical basis of Kriging
hello I want to know about therotical basis of Kriging in elemantary level. I will appreciate if anyone sends me address,link,e-documents, etc.. kind regards -- Ahmet Temiz General Directory of Disaster Affairs Ankara TURKEY ______________________________________ Inflex - installed on mailserver for domain Queries to: postmaster at
2004 Mar 17
FreeBSD-SA-04:05.openssl question
Hello there. The FreeBSD-SA-04:05.openssl Security Advisory announced a "null-pointer assignment during SSL handshake" DoS vulnerability. However, the OpenSSH Security Advisory of 17 March 2004 announced the same vulnerability with one more vulnerability. Look at Isn't FreeBSD vulnerable to the second "Out-of-bounds read affects
2013 Apr 04
help with kriging interpolation
All, I am new to using R and know some basics. I wish to use kriging in R to do the following: given data Y =f(X1,X2,X3,.....,Xn) --1000+ irregular measured data set. I would like to be able to get a single value y given sinle input set (x1,x2,x3,...xn) A google search on this takes me lierally to the same example on involving analysis with soil sampling and I cannot figure out how to
2012 Dec 17
How to make Ordinary Kriging using gstat predict?
Hi, I am new in R and trying to implement an algorithm which makes ordinary kriging by using gstat library and the predict method. I use the predict method as following: First, I create an object g: g <- gstat(id="tec", formula=TEC ~ 1, data=data) ## Create gstat object called g And then I use this object in the predict. p <- predict.gstat(g, model=mod, newdata=predGrid,
2011 Oct 04
shapefile kriging
I'm new to R and I'm working on point shapefiles. Is there a way that you could interpolate a shapefile via kriging in R using an attribute? All examples on the internet are using txt files and CSVs. Thanks a lot. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Dec 29
Help with Kriging
R Experts, I'm looking for some help with the geoR package. I'm trying to krig some data without using a global neighborhood. I would like to set my moving neighborhood to a distance, say 100 meters, where I know my data is spatially correlated. I have tried the ksline function, but that only allows my moving neighborhood to be set to a number of data points. But, since my data
2008 Jul 04
kriging problem(?)
Hei, I have two spatial datasets Sa and Sb, both with lat-lon coordinates and from same geographic area, but from different localities within the area (independent samples). Sa is biotoc data, Sb is some environmental parameter (fertility). I 'know' that Sb affects Sa, but wonder on which scale. I tried different interpolations by creating different grids of Sb (e.g. 20x20 and 100x100
2003 Sep 30
non-linear trends in kriging model
Hi I am struggling to fit a non-linear trend using the likfit function in geoR. Specifically I want a sigmoidal function, something like SSfpl in the nls package to fit the trend. But it seems trend.spatial in geoR only works with lm or glm type models. Any ideas how I can specify the model to calculate the kriging parameters using REML, including the parameters of a sigmoidal trend function
2010 Jan 07
kriging with geoR package
Hi all, I have to draw a map of microorganisms repartition in a sample. I use the "image" function of geoR package to build the map but there are three problems: 1) the legend is Horizontal (with or without vert.leg=TRUE) 2) I want to plot the position of organisms and level curves of density on the map but I don't find the script to insert these data on the map. 3)the grey range
2011 Jan 05
Prediction error for Ordinary Kriging
Hi ALL, Can you please help me on how to determine the prediction error for ordinary kriging?Below are all the commands i used to generate the OK plot: rsa2 <- readShapeSpatial("residentialsa", CRS("+proj=tmerc +lat_0=39.66666666666666 +lon_0=-8.131906111111112 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs")) x2 <- readShapeSpatial("ptna2",
2010 Jun 25
variograms and kriging
Hello Trying to develop variograms and kriged surfaces from a point file. Here is what I've done so far. library(gstat) # also loads library(sp) library(lattice) soilpts$x <- soilpts$UTM_X soilpts$y <- soilpts$UTM_Y soil.dat <- subset(soilpts, select=c(x, y, Area, BulkDensity, LOI, TP, TN, TC, Total_Mg)) dim(soil.dat) [1] 1292 7 coordinates(soil.dat) <- ~ x+y