similar to: nlme error message

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "nlme error message"

2005 May 12
R2.1.0: Bug in list.files
R2.0.1 (MS Windows) > list.files(myloc,"*.zip",full=T) [1] "P:/SARsoftware/Rlibraries/" [2] "P:/SARsoftware/Rlibraries/" R2.1.0: > list.files(myloc,"*.zip",full=T) Error in list.files(path, pattern, all.files, full.names, recursive) : invalid 'pattern' regular expression Bug? or have I missed something
2006 Feb 06
question about corStruct
dear list, I am wondering if one can find examples and/or more detailed descriptions of modifications needed when going beyond standard corStruct classes (i.e. those already provided for use in lme/nlme)? When I looked at pages 238-239 of Pinheiro/Bates (2000): Mixed-effects models in S and S-plus, I found that I would need a bit more explicit guidance what to do for implementing a new
2003 Dec 09
PROC MIXED vs. lme()
I'm trying to learn how to do a repeated measures ANOVA in R using lme(). A data set that comes from the book Design and Analysis has the following structure: Measurements (DV) were taken on 8 subjects (SUB) with two experimental levels (GROUP) at four times (TRIAL). In SAS, I use the code: PROC MIXED DATA=[data set below]; CLASS sub group trial; MODEL dv = group trial group*trial;
2009 Jun 24
gnls : Rho
Hello list: How to extract the value of "Rho" from a gnls() object. I am using gnls() function similar to res <- gnls(y~SSmicmen(),correlation=corCompSymm(form~1|b),data=dat) Thanks in advance, Mahbub. -- Mahbub Latif School of Mathematical Sciences Queen Mary, University of London United Kingdom [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Oct 14
commands overwritten
Hi, I am often re-use commands in R by using the arrows to retype them and modify for the new needs. This way, I don't need to write commands again, and I can modify the command by inserting/deleting/re-writing the command. Today, suddenly, re-writing change the commands as the "insert" function does in Word. for example - if I am standing in the middle of
2011 Oct 14
heritability estimation
Hello, I'm looking for a method to estimate narrow sense heritability of traits in a RIL population. Papers I've checked either use either SAS or SPSS or do not give any details at all. I've found some reference to using variance components in ANOVA, using the kinship or wgaim packages, but I don't have a clue as to how to do any of this. Is there any way fro a very R illiterate
2011 Jun 24
Performance on GlusterFS
Hi.... I have setup a 4 node cluster on virtual servers on RHEL platform. Not able to get better performance statistics on glusterFS as compared to local file system. Kindly suggest a test run that can be checked to differentiate between them. Regards, Anish Kumar "Confidentiality Warning: This message and any attachments are intended only for the use of the intended recipient(s). are
2009 May 07
Controller redirect_to to leave iframe
Inside an iframe, I want the controller to redirect_to to the parent (i.e. target =''_parent''). Any ideas? (Everything I''ve tried- via redirect_to - just keeps it inside the iframe)
2007 May 21
can I get same results using lme and gls?
Hi All I was wondering how to get the same results with gls and lme. In my lme, the design matrix for the random effects is (should be) a identity matrix and therefore G should add up with R to produce the R matrix that gls would report (V=ZGZ'+R). Added complexity is that I have 3 levels, so I have R, G and say H (V=WHW'+ZGZ'+R). The lme is giving me the correct results, I am
2009 Jan 29
Hi I Have a very large dataset that I would like to conduct ANOVA tests on. Im not a very strong programmer so any help would be appreciated. the format is Identifier             A1       A2        B1      B2       C1   C2      Norm1         Norm2 1234                  1        1            NA     NA      4       3        NA               NA 4567                  2        2              4     
2012 Mar 28
discrepancy between paired t test and glht on lme models
Hi folks, I am working with repeated measures data and I ran into issues where the paired t-test results did not match those obtained by employing glht() contrasts on a lme model. While the lme model itself appears to be fine, there seems to be some discrepancy with using glht() on the lme model (unless I am missing something here). I was wondering if someone could help identify the issue. On
2017 May 10
bug report: nlme model-fitting crashes with R 3.4.0
lme() and gls() models from the nlme package are all crashing with R.3.4.0. Identical code ran correctly, without error in R 3.3.3 and earlier versions. The behavior is easily demonstrated using one of the examples form the lme() help file, along with two simple variants. I have commented the errors generated by these calls, as well as the lines of code generating them, in the code example below.
2012 May 02
Consulta gráfica
  Hola,   Por favor, ¿podríais indicarme qué recursos (librerías o ideas) pueden resultar de utilidad para crear un gráfico del estilo del de la figura 3.8 del siguiente link?   Actualmente estoy utilizando funciones muy básicas y la verdad es que no me encuentro muy satisfecha con el resultado.   Muchas gracias.   Eva [[alternative HTML
2007 Nov 30
lmer and method call
Hello all, I'm attempting to fit a generalized linear mixed-effects model using lmer (R v 2.6.0, lmer 0.99875-9, Mac OS X 10.4.10) using the call: vidusLMER1 <- lmer(jail ~ visit + gender + house + cokefreq + cracfreq + herofreq + borcur + comc + (1 | code), data = vidusGD, family = binomial, correlation = corCompSymm(form = 1 | ID), method = "ML") Although the model fits, the
2008 Jun 23
Win32/Wine applications feeding Ubuntu 8.04/Apache 2?
Hi all, I just got to know about Wine, and I'm a newbie on Ubuntuy/linux as well, but I got so far as to test some apps I've made in Delphi if they work on Wine (and they do work). (A COM version of my app is about 120% slower on Wine than on XP/SP2, and without the COM stuff enabled (running in "integrated mode") my app is about 30% slower (very CPU intensive string
2007 Jan 01
Error Help Needed
Hello everyone, I need a little help finding an issue one of my machines. I have 4 setup all the same way and just this one gives the errors. Here are the errors from Logwatch; ?################### LogWatch 5.2.2 (06/23/04) #################### ?--------------------- Arpwatch Begin ------------------------ Argument "4444'service' option expects either the name of a
2007 Oct 23
[LLVMdev] me being stupid: me vs the llvm codebase...
well, as it so seems I need to bother everyone on the list with my pointless newb crap, but here goes. maybe there was a FAQ for all this, but I missed it. well, I am not trying to demean LLVM in any way here, only trying to understand and evaluate things from my POV is all... sorry if at all I seem arrogant or condescending... well, running a linecounter, it is about 223 kloc (c++ ...), +
2008 Jul 28
Negative Binomial Regression
Hello. I am attempting to duplicate a negative binomial regression in R. SAS uses generalized estimating equations for model fitting in the GENMOD procedure. proc genmod data=mydata (where=(gender='F')); by agegroup; class id gender type; model count = var1 var2 var3 /dist=NB link=log offset=lregtm; repeated subject=id /type=exch; run; Since my dataset has several observations for
2007 Aug 21
Sphericity test in R for repeated measures ANOVA
Hi, Is there a way to do a sphericity test in R for repeated measures ANOVA (using aov or lme)? I can't find anything about it in the help. Thanks Orou [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Jan 17
An "unsubsettable object" in a mixed model
I am having problems using the /lme /command to fit mixed models. I have a data set similar to longitudinal data, except the hypothesised correlation is between observations taken from different individuals in the same family rather than from the same individual at different times. As soon as I try to specify any correlation structure other than independent, I get the error message