Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "change maxiter for nls"
2006 Aug 15
Is there anyway to change any y[i] value (i=2,...6) to make following NLS workable?
x <- c(0,5,10,15,20,25,30)
y <- c(1.00000,0.82000,0.68000,0.64000,0.66667,0.68667,0.64000)
lm(1/y ~~ x)
nls(1/y ~~ a+b*x^c, start=list(a=1.16122,b=0.01565,c=1), trace=TRUE)
#0.0920573 : 1.16122 0.01565 1.00000
#Error in numericDeriv(form[[3]], names(ind), env) :
# Missing value or
2006 Nov 08
> y
[1] 1 11 42 64 108 173 214
> t
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
> nls(1/y ~ c*exp(-a*b*t)+1/b, start=list(a=0.001,b=250,c=5), trace=TRUE)
29.93322 : 0.001 250.000 5.000
Error in numericDeriv(form[[3]], names(ind), env) :
Missing value or an infinity produced when evaluating the model
# the start value for b is almost close to final estimates,
# a is usually
2006 Nov 08
query in R
how to realize the following SQL command in R?
select distinct A, B, count(C)
from TABLE
group by A, B
Best Regards
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2005 Oct 21
curve fit
How to obtain the FUNCTION for the following smooth curve?
x 0 100 250 500 1000 4000
y 1.8 1.2 1.02 0.99 0.97 0.85
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2005 Jun 02
nls.control: increasing number of iterations
I'm using the nls function and would like to increase the number of
iterations. According to the documentation as well as other postings on
R-help, I've tried to do this using the "control" argument:
nls(y ~ SSfpl(x, A, B, xmid, scal), data=my.data,
but no matter how much I increase "maxiter", I get the following error
2006 Jul 07
convert ms() to optim()
How to convert the following ms() in Splus to Optim in R? The "Calc" function is also attached.
ms(~ Calc(a.init, B, v, off, d, P.a, lambda.a, P.y, lambda.y,
10^(-8), FALSE, 20, TRUE)$Bic,
start = list(lambda.a = 0.5, lambda.y = 240),
control = list(maxiter = 10, tol = 0.1))
Calc <- function(A.INIT., X., V., OFF., D.,
P1., LAMBDA1., P2., LAMBDA2.,
2000 Jul 28
Using the nls package
I'm a bit confused about the nls package, I'm trying to use it for curve fitting.
First off, the documentation for nls says ``see `nlsControl' for the
names of the settable control values'' -- this is wrong, it should be
nls.control (minor point but had me confused for a moment).
Now I'll try something very simple (maybe too simple):
2007 Sep 05
'singular gradient matrix’ when using nls() and how to make the program skip nls( ) and run on
Dear friends.
I use nls() and encounter the following puzzling problem:
I have a function f(a,b,c,x), I have a data vector of x and a vectory y of
realized value of f.
I tried to estimate c with (a=0.3, b=0.5) fixed:
nls(y~f(a,b,c,x), control=list(maxiter = 100000, minFactor=0.5
The error message is: "number of iterations exceeded maximum of
2006 May 21
nls & fitting
Dear All,
I may look ridiculous, but I am puzzled at the behavior of the nls with
a fitting I am currently dealing with.
My data are:
x N
1 346.4102 145.428256
2 447.2136 169.530634
3 570.0877 144.081627
4 721.1103 106.363316
5 894.4272 130.390552
6 1264.9111 36.727069
7 1788.8544 52.848587
8 2449.4897 25.128742
9 3464.1016 7.531766
10 4472.1360 8.827367
2012 Jan 25
solving nls
I have some data I want to fit with a non-linear function using nls, but it
won't solve.
> regresjon<-nls(lcfu~lN0+log10(1-(1-10^(k*t))^m), data=cfu_data,
> start=(list(lN0 = 7.6, k = -0.08, m = 2)))
Error in nls(lcfu ~ lN0 + log10(1 - (1 - 10^(k * t))^m), data = cfu_data, :
step factor 0.000488281 reduced below 'minFactor' of 0.000976562
Tried to increase minFactor
2007 Apr 16
nls with algorithm = "port", starting values
The documentation for nls says the following about the starting values:
start: a named list or named numeric vector of starting estimates.
Since R 2.4.0, when 'start' is missing, a very cheap guess
for 'start' is tried (if 'algorithm != "plinear"').
It may be a good idea to document that when algorithm = "port", if start
is a named
2007 Apr 15
nls.control( ) has no influence on nls( ) !
Dear Friends.
I tried to use nls.control() to change the 'minFactor' in nls( ), but it
does not seem to work.
I used nls( ) function and encountered error message "step factor
0.000488281 reduced below 'minFactor' of 0.000976563". I then tried the
1) Put "nls.control(minFactor = 1/(4096*128))" inside the brackets of nls,
but the same error message
2008 Aug 11
Peoblem with nls and try
I can`t figure out how can increase the velocity of the fitting data by nls.
I have a long data .csv
I want to read evry time the first colunm to the other colunm and analisy with thata tools
a<-read.table("Normalizzazione.csv", sep=",", dec=".", header=F)
for (i in 1:dim(a[[2]]]) {
#preparazione dati da analizzare
2009 Mar 12
avoiding termination of nls given convergence failure
Hello. I have a script in which I repeatedly fit a nonlinear regression to
a series of data sets using nls and the port algorithm from within a loop.
The general structure of the loop is:
for(i in 1:n){
… extract relevant vectors of dependent and independent variables …
… estimate starting values for Amax and Q.LCP…
2005 Nov 21
arima prediction
x<-c(-1.873....,-0.121) # 23 numerics;
x.arma12 <- armaFit(x ~ arma(1,2))
#estimates y[t]= -0.11465 - 0.23767 y[t-1] - 0.14230 e[t-1] -0.85770 e[t-2] + e[t];
# ? how to predict 46 steps ahead based on 23 data points?
# the following doesn't work since n is in armaSim rather than armaFit;
predict(x.arima12, n.ahead=46)
# Thanks
2005 Feb 22
problems with nonlinear fits using nls
Hello colleagues,
I am attempting to determine the nonlinear least-squares estimates of
the nonlinear model parameters using nls. I have come across a common
problem that R users have reported when I attempt to fit a particular
3-parameter nonlinear function to my dataset:
Error in nls(r ~ tlm(a, N.fix, k, theta), data = tlm.data, start =
list(a = a.st, :
step factor 0.000488281
2007 Aug 04
multiple nls - next fit even after convergence problem
Hello R-gurus,
I'm trying to adjust different growth curves to a rather extensive dataset.
I wrote up a function to go through all of them, but am encountering a problem :
among the more than 1000 curves I have, obviously for some of them I encounter conversion problems.
I'd like for my function to keep going to the next curve and store the fact that for curve number X I had a convergence
2013 Jan 03
nls problem with iterations
I am using the nls function and it stops because the number of
iterations exceeded 50, but i used the nls.control argument to allow for
500 iterations. Do you have any idea why it's not working?
fm1 <- nls(npe ~ SSgompertz(npo, Asym, b2, b3),
Thanks for your help,
2006 Aug 15
nls convergence problem
I'm having problems getting nls to agree that convergence has occurred in a
toy problem.
nls.out never gets defined when there is an error in nls. Reaching the
maximum number of iterations is alway an error, so nls.out never gets
defined when the maximum number of iterations is reched.
>From ?nls.control:
tol: A positive numeric value specifying the tolerance level for
2005 Jan 06
nls - convergence problem
Dear list,
I do have a problem with nls. I use the following data:
time conc dose
0.50 5.40 1
0.75 11.10 1
1.00 8.40 1
1.25 13.80 1
1.50 15.50 1
1.75 18.00 1
2.00 17.00 1
2.50 13.90 1
3.00 11.20 1
3.50 9.90 1
4.00 4.70 1
5.00 5.00 1
6.00 1.90 1
7.00 1.90 1
9.00 1.10 1
12.00 0.95 1