similar to: lmer for mixed effects modeling of a loglinear model

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "lmer for mixed effects modeling of a loglinear model"

2001 Apr 15
data manipulation in R
Dear List: I have a data manipulation problem that I was unable to solve in R. I did it in SQL, and it may be that the solution in R is to do it in SQL, but I wondered if people could imagine a vector-based solution. Imagine a list A[i] of observers who observe some set of events B[j]. Each observer i may observe one or more events, and each event j may have been observed by one or more
2009 Apr 20
automatic exploration of all possible loglinear models?
Is there a way to automate fitting and assessing loglinear models for several nominal variables . . . something akin to step or drop1 or add1 for linear or logistic regression? Thanks. --Chris -- Christopher W. Ryan, MD SUNY Upstate Medical University Clinical Campus at Binghamton 40 Arch Street, Johnson City, NY 13790 cryanatbinghamtondotedu "If you want to build a ship, don't drum
2012 Jun 08
Fwd: How to best analyze dataset with zero-inflated loglinear dependent variable?
Dear netters, Sorry for cross-posting this question. I am sure R-Help is not a research methods discussion list, but we have many statisticians in the list and I would like to hear from them. Any function/package in R would be able to deal with the problem from this researcher? ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Heidi Bertels Date: Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 4:31 PM Subject: How to best
2009 May 19
loglinear analysis
Dear R Users, A would like to fit a loglinear analysis to a three dimensional contingency table. But I Don't want to run a full saturated modell. Is there any package in R that could handle somekind of stepwise search to choose out the best soultion? And how can I fit a non fully saturated modell, which only use the important interactions? Best Regards Zoltan Kmetty [[alternative HTML
2013 Jul 06
fitting the null loglinear model with MASS::loglm??
The null loglinear model is an intercept-only model for log frequency, log(f) = \mu For a one-way table the test of the null model is the same as the chisq.test. This can be fit using loglin(), but I don't think there is any way to specify this using MASS::loglm > t1<- margin.table(Titanic,1) > t1 Class 1st 2nd 3rd Crew 325 285 706 885 > loglin(t1, NULL) 0
2005 Aug 30
loglinear model selection
Hi R-masters! I have a problem and need your help. I have 9 discrete variables with 2 levels each. In exploratory analisys I generate one matrix with chi-square for tables with 2 ariables each with this script setwd("F:/") dados<-read.csv("log.csv")[,2:10] dados.x<-matrix(NA,ncol=9,nrow=9) for(i in 1:8){ for(j in (i+1):9){ tab<-table(dados[,i],dados[,j])
2002 Oct 23
loglinear models
I am using the loglin function of the base package to fit log-linear models. I am interested in obtaining the parameter values and their standard errors. Parameters are easily obtained, but I haven't found the way of obtaining their standad errors. Is this possible with the loglin function? If not, is there any other function to get them? Many thanks, -- Vicente Piorno Departamento de Ecolox?a
2000 Oct 06
quasi-symmetry loglinear models
Hi All, I'm trying to implement a quasi symmetry model for data on twin pairs. A crosstabulation of twin 1 by twin 2 (assumed symmetrical) stratified by another variable. There is a good paper on this by Phil (?) McCloud and Darroch in Biometrika (1995) which explains the method, but I've not done this before so am not clear how to code these models. Any help would be greatly
2011 Jan 19
question about result of loglinear analysis
Hi all: Here's a question about result of loglinear analysis. There're 2 factors:area and nation.The raw data is in the attachment. I fit the saturated model of loglinear with the command: glm_sat<-glm(fre~area*nation, family=poisson, data=data_Analysis) After that,I extract the coefficients: result_sat<-summary(glm_sat) result_coe<-result_sat$coefficients I find that all the
2010 Apr 14
Sig differences in Loglinear Models for Three-Way Tables
Hi all, I've been running loglinear models for three-way tables: one of the variables having three levels, and the other two having two levels each. An example looks like below: > <- c("Yes","No") > switch <- c("On","Off") > att <- c("BB","AA","CC") > L <- gl(2,1,12, > T <-
2005 Oct 18
RMySQL problems
I get the following error trying to connect to a MySQL database: > library(RMySQL) Loading required package: DBI > drv<-dbDriver("MySQL") > con<-dbConnect(drv, user="hothand", password=xxx, host="localhost", dbname="hh03"); Error in mysqlNewConnection(drv, ...) : RS-DBI driver: (could not connect hothand at localhost on dbname
2008 Feb 05
Extracting level-1 variance from lmer()
All, How does one extract the level-1 variance from a model fit via lmer()? In the code below the level-2 variance component may be obtained via subscripting, but what about the level-1 variance, viz., the 3.215072 term? (actually this term squared) Didn't see anything in the archives on this. Cheers, David > fm <- lmer( dv ~ time.num*drug + (1 |, )
2007 May 16
lmer error confusion
Hi All. I'm trying to run a simple model from Baayan, Davidson, & Bates and getting a confusing error message. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here? # Here's the data..... Subj <- factor(rep(1:3,each=6)) Item <- factor(rep(1:3,6)) SOA <- factor(rep(0:1,3,each=3)) RT <- c(466,520,502,475,494,490,516,566,577,491,544,526,484,529,539,470,511,528) priming
2006 Mar 09
lsa and Rstem?
Dear r-helpers, I can't get lsa to run because: > library(lsa) Loading required package: Rstem Error in library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, lib.loc = lib.loc) : 'Rstem' is not a valid package -- installed < 2.0.0? In addition: Warning message: cannot create HTML package index in: make.packages.html() > install.packages('Rstem') Warning in
2005 Jul 19
S4 Dispatching
Is it possible for S4 to (continue) dispatch to a class created during dispatching? The code below doesn't work; is this not possible or have I ommitted something? Concept was to create a SEXP with R_AllocatePtr, give it a class attribute, and continue dispatch. Example code below omits multiple parameters that can be different types. Essentially, any parameter would be converted to an
2006 Mar 16
sub returns garbage (PR#8687)
Full_Name: Todd Bailey Version: 2.1 OS: Mac OS-X 10.4.3 Submission from: (NULL) ( sub returns garbage in some strings when replacing something with nothing and fixed=TRUE. For example: > a=c('hello','hello'); sub('lo','',a,fixed=TRUE) [1] "hel" "hel\0\0" > a=c('hello','hello');
2005 Oct 26
Pb encountered with demos
Hi all, I've just installed R on my Mac & PC. The base demo run fine.. But I'm encountering several pb with some packages (installed using CRAN binaries using the menu) - Lattice: > demo(lattice,package='lattice') demo(lattice) ---- ~~~~~~~ Type <Return> to start : > require(grid) [1] TRUE > old.prompt <- grid.prompt(TRUE) > old.settings
2005 Oct 29
dyn.load() error: bad external relocation length
R-helpers, Is there an easy way to call an external (C) program using .C or .Call without including the code in a package. I know how to do it using system(), but that doesn't seem to be a permanent or portable solution. Initially I tried: .Call('', arg1) and got this error: Error in .Call("", "arg1", :
2006 Apr 19
par(tmag) question
Dear list, I'm trying to understand the graphical parameters by a systematic exploration of the par() function (if you are interested by the result it's here, the comments are all in french but it's pure R code under Sweave). I have a problem with par(tmag) illustrated by the following code:
2012 Nov 14
about mib
hi, i have trouble with snmp mib, atemp configured the snmp-ups, but it doesn't work , after the command /lib/nut/snmp-ups -DDDDDD -a katodo -x mibs=mge , the message say "0.006471 Unknown mibs value:". My snmp board is a cp504 netagent , may be someone can help me? what mib i must use? sld2 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: