Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "affy quality"
2004 Apr 13
from .csv file to a pca plot
I'm just a beginner, who has just encountered a problem!
1. - I wanted to load a csv file with names in the rows (1st column)
and and numbers in the 2nd til 10th column. The file contains
names in the headers.
- I used; a <- as.matrix(read.table("filename", sep=',",
row.names=1, header=TRUE)
Question; 1 - I would like to select the first four columns
2 -
2004 Oct 05
How to install affy package in R?
I am trying to install affy package in R as follow:
>R CMD INSTALL -l lib ~/rstuffs/affy_1.4.32.tar.gz
Then I get an error at the end:
Warning message:
There is no package called 'Biobase' in: library(package,
character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, warn.conflicts = warn.conflicts,
[1] "ProgressBarText"
2005 Jul 21
principal component analysis in affy
I have been using the prcomp function to perform PCA on my example microarray data, (stored in metric text files) which looks like this:
1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f ...................................................4r 4s 4t
g1 1.2705 1.2766 ...........................................................2.0298
g2 0.1631
2009 Dec 08
read.affy.mixed - subscript out of bounds error
I have a problem with read.affy.mixed function. I want to read in
together a set of CEL files from chip types Affymettrix HGU133A_2 and
HGU133_Plus_2. I have my files to be read in in one directory together
with a white space delimited file describing them (covdesc). In this
directory I give a command:
> merge <- read.affy.mixed()
Error in merged[[i]] : subscript out of
2004 Jul 19
An image() problem related to Affy package in BioC
Dear All,
There is a question I met when using Affy package in Bioconductor. I asked
it in BioC and didn't get any responses. Sorry to post again:
Could anyone tell me how to draw a deep-blue Affymetrix image through
Image() function in Affy package? The default settings of image() draw me a
black-white image and if I modify it to 256 colors, I get a somehow
yellowish image. The reason
2010 Sep 20
select affy probes of cancer-related genes
I would like to select probes (affy expression set) of genes that are
"cancer-related". Conventionally the decision whether a gene is
cancer-related or not is made by looking up the literature. Since this
is not possible for all genes on the array I wonder if there is a way of
doing this automatically?
Best wishes
Dr Kristian Unger
Imperial College London
2009 Mar 17
Need to build package for Affy HT HG-U133+ PM arrays
I would like to build a package for the HT HG-U133+ PM arrays from affy,
but I can't find any good documentation on how to go about it. Naively
using makecdfenv's make.cdf.package() causes R to seg-fault.
I'm unfamiliar with the CDF format as such, but I'm guessing that it's
changed somewhat because the PM arrays no longer have P/A and mismatches.
I'm looking to build
2011 Nov 18
how to normalize a subset of affy data using MAS5 method
Dear all,
I was trying to normalize a subset of affy data those transcribe
are either P or M (called pm_filter). I am able to normalize pm_filter
subset by using RMA method, however MAS5 is not working.
For RMA method, I used the following commend: est<-rma(affydata,
subset=pm_filter). Could any help me; how do I do this by using MAS5
Anup Som
Dr. Anup Som,
2005 Feb 25
calculatingmean value for duplicates in affy array
Hi ,
I was trying read in an affy array/matrix and then to calculate the mean value for all the duplicates. Is there a function in the R package that would do this?
I tried the help function and searched for 'duplicate'. Although it provides a list of functions that would eliminate the duplicate probe ids, I couldn't find one that would calculate the mean for the duplicates.
2009 Aug 10
Help with the internal functions
Hi, folks:
I have used R for some time and have not explore deep inside the codes
of the packages.
Today, I try to modify some code in a package of arrayQuality (I do not
think it matters which package it is).
There is a function called maQualityPlots and I use fix(maQualityPlots)
that I can view and edit the code of this function.
However, there is another function qpMAPlots that I want to edit,
2007 Apr 28
normalizing affy data caused an error
Hi all,
I tried to do normalization of affymetrix data with bioconductor on a
Linux server. When I read in the cel files all seemed ok. But the next
step caused an error. With Win XP all works fine. Did anyone experience
similar problems?
> PI <- ReadAffy()
> PI
AffyBatch object
size of arrays=712x712 features (14 kb)
cdf=ATH1-121501 (??? affyids)
number of
2005 May 06
Change class factor to numeric
I am attempting to develop a multiple regression model using selected
model variables that should all be treated as numeric (mostly real)
However, R considers one specific variable "mass" automatically to be of
class "factor", probably because "mass" consists of integer values that
are repeated.
I now want to force R to treat "mass" as a numeric
2010 Mar 29
stuck with affy / limma
I have a question concerning the analysis of some affymetrix chips. I
downloaded some of the data from GEO GSE11324 (see below). In doing so I'm
stuck after I identified the probesets with significant changes. I have
problems in assigning probeset specific gene names as well as getting the
genomic coordinates. Furthermore I have no clue how to deal with the fact,
that most genes have
2005 Feb 24
Forward Stepwise regression based on partial F test
I am hoping to get some advise on the following:
I am looking for an automatic variable selection procedure to reduce the
number of potential predictor variables (~ 50) in a multiple regression
I would be interested to use the forward stepwise regression using the
partial F test.
I have looked into possible R-functions but could not find this
particular approach.
There is a function
2007 Oct 02
Moving email from a folder to another using IMAP isvery slow (sometimes)
Hi to all,
very strange! I tried to debug why imap process takes 100% CPu and it is
very slow when I move an email from an imap folder to another imap folder
and then I typed:
strace -tt -o /log-imap.txt -p <process number>
well, during the trace the imap process doesn't crash and it is very fast.
If I stop the tracing, I have again the problem and sometimes the crash of
2006 Apr 23
Comparing GLMMs and GLMs with quasi-binomial errors?
Dear All,
I am analysing a dataset on levels of herbivory in seedlings in an
experimental setup in a rainforest.
I have seven classes/categories of seedling damage/herbivory that I want to
analyse, modelling each separately.
There are twenty maternal trees, with eight groups of seedlings around each.
Each tree has a TreeID, which I use as the random effect (blocking factor).
There are two
2007 Sep 03
Wanted: VoIP Engineer for Warsaw!
Peoplefone AG jest firm? oferuj?c? us?ugi telekomunikacyjne oparte na
technologii Voice over IP (VoIP) w wyj?tkowo niskich stawkach. Peoplefone
jest certyfikowanym partnerem firm
AVM/FRITZ!Box <http://www.fritz-shop.ch/>. W zwi?zku z naszym dynamicznym
rozwojem, do nowo tworzonej
2011 Oct 16
background normalization in rma() in the affy package
i was looking into the documentation for the rma() function in affy()
package, and was trying to figure out how exactly the background
normalization is done. I read all three papers cited in the rma()
documentation, but the most detailed explanation i could find was in Irizary
et al., 2003, where they state that they compute
B(PM_{ijn}) = E[s_{ijn} | PM_{ijn}]
where s_{ijn} is assumed to
2004 Feb 09
Affy library: error on ReadAffy()
When I try to load cel files (hgu133a) using the ReadAffy() in R 1.8.1
command I get an error message:
> x<-ReadAffy()
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 102973 Kb
Does anybody know what does this error mean and how to overcome it?
I have tried to load the same data with R 1.7.1 and it works. There is
also no error when I use R 1.8.1 to load moe430 cel files.
Thanks very much for any
2013 Apr 03
Select single probe-set with median expression from multiple probe-sets corresponding to same gene -AFFY
Hello All,
I need your help. I am analysing affymetrix data and have to select the
probe-set that has median expression among all the probe-sets for same
gene. This way I want to remove the redundancy by keeping the analysis
to single gene entry level. I am fully aware that it is not a nice thing
to do but I just have to do it.
To do so, I came across 'findLargest' function of