Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "install own packages"
2004 Sep 22
>>x <- c(1, 2, NA)
> [1] TRUE
> For data such as c(1, 1, 1, NA), I should think the safest answer should be
> NA, because one really doesn't know whether that last number is 1 or not.
> Andy
My version is
is.constant <- function(x) {
if (is.numeric(x) & !any(is.na(x))) identical(min(x), max(x)) else FALSE
2004 Mar 24
First Variable in lm
Hi all,
I just cannot think of how to do it:
I want to take the first variable (column) of a data frame and regress
it against all other variables.
bla <- function (dat) {
reg <- lm(whateverthefirstofthevariablenamesis ~., data=dat)
What kind of function do I have to take instead of the
eval(), substitute(), get(), ...
2004 Sep 22
is.constant 2
>>x <- c(1, 2, NA)
>> [1] TRUE
>> For data such as c(1, 1, 1, NA), I should think the safest answer
should be
>> NA, because one really doesn't know whether that last number is 1 or
>> Andy
>My version is
>is.constant <- function(x) {
> if (is.numeric(x)
2004 Nov 25
eval in correct frame?
I am trying, without success, to find out how to formulate correctly the
parameters of "eval".
My code snippet looks like:
proutside <- function(txt) {
print(eval(parse(text = txt)))
vari <- function(Ob) {
prininside <- function(txt) {
print(eval(parse(text = txt)))
2000 May 18
attach (S-style)?
Hi everyone,
Being new to the crowd of R users I am wondering what the equivalent of
(S style) is in R.
What I want is a split of .RData repositories. One in a central place where I keep functions and interesting stuff important for all work I am doing, an several others which contain stuff of an dividual project only. When I start in a
2008 Dec 05
How to retrieve a method
Hi there,
I am interested in the inner workings of wilcox.test:
> wilcox.test
function (x, ...)
<environment: namespace:stats>
how can I get at the code, if it is R-code? For Methods one should be able to learn what extension to use, but here default or such do not help.
Is there a wayplot.default to learn which different versions of
2004 Sep 13
*.Rd: line breaks incorrect (?) \examples
Hi all,
I am using
R, Version 1.9.1 alpha (2004-05-25), ISBN 3-900051-00-3
SunOS fluke 5.9 Generic_117171-02 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-480R
Version: sparc-sun-solaris2.9
arch = sparc
os = solaris2.9
system = sparc, solaris2.9
status = alpha
major = 1
minor = 9.1
year = 2004
month = 05
day = 25
language = R
Search Path:
.GlobalEnv, package:methods, package:stats, package:graphics,
2006 Jan 26
construct a bundle, subdirs do not exist?
Sorry to bother, but I checked around and did not succed creating a
bundle from six existing packages (which are checkable, installable,
etc. individually). I carefully followed the procedure given in ch.
1.1.5 Package bundles. However, I am getting
hoffmann at fluke:~/R/Sources >R CMD check cwhmisc
* checking for working latex ... OK
* using log directory
2004 Jul 01
path related problem XEmacs Unix
Hi there,
May I ask the following question.
Our Solaris installation of Xemacs and R:
SunOS fluke 5.9 Generic_117171-02 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-480R
one cannot start R inside xemacs:
M-x R
"symbol's function definition is void".
Also, loading a *.tex file into Xemacs will result in
"loading tex mode .. done", but the additional buttons to call TeX
related processes
2002 Sep 04
logical and NA
Hi there, (sorry Martin, ich habe den falschen Empfaenger erwischt :-( )
Is there a function in the base package or elsewhere which returns TRUE and
not NA, even if NA is involved: (I did not find in the help system :-( )
if ( x==something & !is.na(something))
if ( x==something & !is.na(x==something))
If "something" is complicated, a function would be handy.
2001 Feb 05
packages, help
Using help under help.start() is working fine (html)
using > ?solve results in the message
"sh: ~/R/tmp/R4f32S1cfb: cannot open"
displayed in the XEmacs buffer "help[R](solve)". BUT there exists a file
in that directory. (not quite the same name).
Does the "sh: " prefix suggest that the shell "sh" is run, although my
2004 Jun 16
start-up problems
After some reading and experimentation I found that I cannot solve this
I am starting R and check:
> system("pwd")
> system("echo $HOME")
> system("echo $R_PROFILE")
> system("ls $R_PROFILE/.Rprofile")
2006 Jan 11
Browser problem, Misrepresentation of .html in Solaris Firefox (PR#8471)
Hi there
I hope that I am in the right forum.
I am working on Win2000 PC connected via Exceed to a
SunOS fluke 5.9 Generic_118558-11 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-480R
There I am using Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7 as a browser.
I am having
difficulties viewing .html files. Their first pages are displayed
normally, black on white, links in blue. When I scoll down, the pages
appear black
2001 Feb 14
assignment function
I am trying to create the assignment function:
"substring<-" <- function(text, first, last=100000, sub) {
if(is.character(first)) {
if(!missing(last)) stop('wrong # arguments')
return(sedit(text, first, sub))
lf <- length(first)
if(length(text)==1 && lf > 1) {
if(missing(last)) last <- nchar(text)
last <- rep(last,
2001 Mar 01
Using csh
Hi all,
I am fancying the idea of using my preferred shell (t)csh when invoking
system(). How can I do that? (I didn't find anything about that in the FAQ).
Thanks for help,
Dr.sc.math.Christian W. Hoffmann
Mathematics and Statistical Computing
Landscape Modeling and Web Applications
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Zuercherstrasse 111
CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland
2006 May 09
2.3.0 problems
Since the installation of R-2.3.0 I have the following problems:
1. Startup
.First() produces
Started in /home/woodstock/hoffmann/Projects/RtoZ/Windwurf/R with
'~/R/.Rprofile' edited on 2006-04-28, 11:08
During startup - Warning messages:
1: use of NULL environment is deprecated
2: use of NULL environment is deprecated
3: use of NULL environment is
2002 Nov 06
"chemical" plot
Hi all,
May be there is a plot which shows 3 variables in a triangle, their sum
being constant. I have forgotten its name, and a search in the engine using
"plot" did not help.
Does anyone know of such a procedure in R or S?
Thank you
Dr.sc.math.Christian W. Hoffmann
Mathematics and Statistical Computing
Landscape Dynamics and Spatial Development
Swiss Federal Research
2001 Jul 12
I am running R-1.3.0 on Solaris 8:
Under Solaris I do
setenv dendro_us hoffmann
echo $dendro_us gives back:
which is correct.
When in R I do:
Sys.getenv("dendro_us") I get
which is NOT correct:
Inverse effect (taken from help of Sys.getenv)
Under R:
print(Sys.putenv("R_TEST"="testit", ABC=123))
2002 Aug 19
CONTENTS, TITLE not generated
Hi all,
Using R Version 1.5.0 (2002-04-29) under Solaris I am reinstalling own
packages useing the script
cd ~/R/Sources
R CMD check --no-latex --no-perms --no-install $1
R CMD INSTALL --library=lib $1
R CMD Rdindex $1 > INDEX
R CMD build --force $1
Everything echoes with OK, *but* the files CONTENTS and TITLE will not be
generated. What has changed in the process of
2001 Mar 05
Rggobi install
I am trying to install ggobi for R under Solaris
SunOS 5.5.1 Generic_103640-27 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-Enterprise
following the instructions in INSTALL under e) R interface, although I have
some modifications in mind:
I am planning to keep the sources (untarred and unzipped) in
and I have set
setenv GGOBI_ROOT $HOME/R/Sources/Rggobi
(with $HOME =