similar to: Avoiding for-loops

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Avoiding for-loops"

2012 Jan 30
Quantum scalar i40 tape partitions
Hi All, I have a Quantum scalar i40 tape library. I need to configure it to TWO tape partition libraries, e.g., library_a and library_b, so that each library has its own tape drive. Then connect this physical tape library to two different CentOS servers so that each server can see its own media changer and tape drive. I once had a successful configuration on one host but NOT on the other. One
2005 Feb 23
H-F corr.: covariance matrix for interaction effect
Hi, I'm still not quite there with my H-F (G-G) correction code. I have it working for the main effects, but I just can't figure out how to do it for the effect interactions. The thing I really don't know (and can't find anything about) is how to calculate the covariance matrix for the interaction between the two (or even n) main factors. I've looked through some books
2005 Feb 23
H-F corr.: covariance matrix for interaction effect
Hi, I'm still not quite there with my H-F (G-G) correction code. I have it working for the main effects, but I just can't figure out how to do it for the effect interactions. The thing I really don't know (and can't find anything about) is how to calculate the covariance matrix for the interaction between the two (or even n) main factors. I've looked through some books
2008 Dec 09
errors with compilation
Hi, i'm trying to compile R on a Cray XT3 using pgi/7.2.1 - CNL (compute node linux) The R version is 2.8.0 this is the option -enable-R-static-lib=yes --disable-R-shlib CPICFLAGS=fpic FPICFLAGS=fpic CXXPICFLAGS=fpic SHLIB_LDFLAGS=shared --with-x=no SHLIB_CXXLDFLAGS=shared --disable-BLAS-shlib CFLAGS="-g -O2 -Kieee" FFLAGS="-g -O2 -Kieee" CXXFLAGS="-g -O2
2010 Nov 07
How do I order xyplot line points?
I have the following xyplot figure: The data are organized in a matrix file as follows: Type Elements Chromosome Time bedGz 12000000 chr1 14.240 bedGz 12000000 chr2 7.949 bedGz 12000000 chr3 5.103 bedGz 12000000 chr4 5.290 bedGz 12000000 chr5 5.161 ... The x-axis labels in the Chromosome column are ordered
2007 Nov 16
Efficient way to compute power of a sparse matrix
Dear all, I would like to compute power of a square non symmetric matrix. This is a part of a simulation study. Matrices are quite large (e.g., 900 by 900), and contains many 0 (more than 99 %). I have try the function mtx.exp of the Biodem package: library(Biodem) m <- matrix(0, 900, 900) i <- sample(1:900, 3000, replace = T) j <- sample(1:900, 3000, replace = T) for(x in 1:3000)
2008 Mar 13
Overland Arcvault 12 and sequential/random settings
My unit's firmware: library 05.03, tape d22h, shows the device as set to random mode. But mtx -f /dev/st0 status gives an error that google says the device is in sequential mode. dmesg|grep -i hp does reflect CentOS thinks the device is a sequential unit. I've tried this with Fedora 8, too, and both show the same, so it is either an issue with CentOS/Fedora RPMs, or the version of
2004 Nov 02
n-th power of a matrix
Hello all, To calculate the power of a matrix, I used the command "mtx.exp(X, n)", but there is an error saying "Error: couldn't find function "mtx.exp"". How can I deal with this problem? Jing
2005 Feb 18
Two-factorial Huynh-Feldt-Test
Hi, I'm currently working on porting some SAS scripts to R, and hence need to do the same calculation (and get the same results) as SAS in order to make the transition easier for users of the script. In the script, I'm dealing with a two-factorial repeated-measures anova. I'll try to give you a short overview of the setup: - two between-cell factors: facBetweenROI (numbering
2005 May 19
R annoyances
Dear R Folks, I'm a big fan of R, but there are a couple of things that repeatedly annoy me, and I wondered if anyone has neat ways to deal with them. (a) When using "apply" row-wise to a matrix, it returns the results column-wise, and to preserve the original orientation, I've to do a transpose. E.g. I've to keep doing a transpose, which I consider to be quite
2010 Apr 30
Flattening and unflattening symmetric matrices
Here's an easy question: I'd like to convert a symmetric matrix to a vector composed of the upper.tri() part of it plus the diagonal, and convert it back again. What's the best way to achieve this? I'm wondering if there are some built in functions to do this easily. I can encode fine: v <- c(diag(A),A[upper.tri(A)]) but I don't see an easy way to recover A from v
2011 Aug 16
how to sort the levels of a table
Dear colleagues, I have really heavy problems in sorting the results of a table according to certain features of the levels in the table. Prerequisites: It all starts with a fairly simple data set, which stores observations of 21 observers (horizontally from 1 to 21; 21 is reference/goldstandard) who diagnosed 42 videos (vertically from 1 to 42). See dump of R-object "input" below in
2004 Nov 29
[BASIC] Solution of creating a sequence of object names
Dear R-users, I state that this is for beginners, so you may ignore this in order not to be irritated. By the way, "patience" is another important thing, together with "kindness", we should keep in mind when we teach students and our own children as Jim Lemon pointed out well in the context of the Socratic method. You may know that being kind does not mean giving
2009 Feb 24
Polycom Spectralink 8002 Configuration
I have a new Polycom Spectralink 8002 and am having trouble with the configuration or the unit but I can't see what's wrong. The unit does not seem to even attempt to register with the Asterisk proxy but I can make calls to it. I have viewed the syslog from the device which it will actually write to the asterisk server so I know it can be reached. I have also run a sip debug and
2011 Feb 09
Generate multivariate normal data with a random correlation matrix
Hi All. I'd like to generate a sample of n observations from a k dimensional multivariate normal distribution with a random correlation matrix. My solution: The lower (or upper) triangle of the correlation matrix has n.tri=(d/2)(d+1)-d entries. Take a uniform sample of n.tri possible correlations (runi(,-.99,.99) Populate a triangle of the matrix with the sampled correlations Mirror the
2001 Aug 15
Hi, Can anyone tell me what might cause this error message? Error in .Fortran("swallocate", as.double(mtx), as.double(wt), as.integer(n), : C/Fortran function name not in load table This occurs when I copied the Splus stepwise() function into R. I can source into R fine, but when I need to call that function on some dataset, I got the above error message. Platform
2012 Aug 10
Vector size limit for table() in R-2.15.1
Hi, First, thanks in advance. Some useful info: >version platform x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu arch x86_64 os linux-gnu system x86_64, linux-gnu version.string R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22) I'm trying to use the table() function on a 2 column matrix that has 711 million rows (see below). However, it freezes. If I subset the matrix to be less than or equal
2005 Mar 01
almost lower triangular matrices
I have output from a program which produces a distance matrix I want to read into a clustering program in R. The output is a .txt file and is 'almost' lower triangular in the sense that it is just the triangle below the diagonal. So for example a 4-by-4 distance matrix appears as, 1 2 3 4 5 6 i.e. it looks like a lower triangular of a 3-by3. I thought I might be able
2004 Sep 23
decompose a correlation matrix
Is there a simple way to decompose the upper triangle of a correlation matrix to a linear list; For example: X Y Z X 1 2 3 Y 2 1 4 Z 3 4 1 so you get a list like: xy 2 XZ 3 YZ 4 I suspect you can do it with a matrix transformation, but that beyond me at present. Many thanks Mark _________________________ Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine,
2010 Mar 12
how to plot only the upper triangle using the pairs function?
Hi, I am trying to use function pairs to plot the scatterplot, but I only want to keep the upper triangle, what's the argument to do this? Thanks, -Jack [[alternative HTML version deleted]]