Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Reshaping data from wide to tall format for multilevel modeling"
2010 Mar 06
Plot interaction in multilevel model
I am trying to plot an interaction in a multilevel model. Here is some
sample data. In the following example, it is longitudinal (i.e., repeated
measures), so the outcome, score (at each of the three time points), is
nested within the individual. I am interested in the interaction between
gender and happiness predicting score.
id <- c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3)
age <-
2006 Jul 16
Can scaffold do tall tables instead of wide?
I''m trying to get data in rows instead of columns by default.
The default scaffold behavior is to create an initial table layout with
column headers along the top. In some cases this creates really wide
tables which require horizontal scrolling. Is there a parameter I can
use with scaffolding or a hack to get the header cells along the left
side of the table instead?
2010 Mar 26
Multilevel modeling with count variables
I am using a multilevel modeling approach to model change in a person's
symptom score over time (i.e., longitudinal individual growth models). I
have been using the lme function in the multilevel package for the analyses,
but my problem is that my outcome (symptoms) and one of my predictors
(events) are count data, and are non-normal. Do you have any suggestions
for how to deal with them?
2012 Feb 23
Calculating Pseudo R-squared from nlme
I am fitting individual growth models using nlme (multilevel models with
repeated measurements nested within the individual), and I am trying to
calculate the Pseudo R-squared for the models (an overall summary of the
total outcome variability explained). Singer and Willett (2003) recommend
calculating Pseudo R-squared in multilevel modeling by squaring the sample
correlation between observed and
2005 Mar 04
Multilevel modeling of animal behavior
Hello all,
My question is how do I write a multilevel regression model of individual responses to environmental predictors that accounts for social interactions between individuals.
1) Individual response is nested within a group response.
2) The same environmental predictors apply to both hierarchical levels but,
3) Lower level slope/intercept are also affected by high-level response.
2006 Mar 01
Book: Multilevel Modeling in R ETA?
Hi R folks (Dr. Bates in particular),
In August 2005, Dr. Bates mentioned that the documentation for lme4
"will be in the form of a book with the working title 'Multilevel
Modeling in R'" and I'm just wondering if there is an estimated date of
publication or if it's still a long way off. The Rnews article does a
great job of introducing the package, but I'm
2009 Mar 11
Multilevel Modeling using glmmPQL
I'm trying to perform a power simulation for a simple multilevel
model, using the function glmmPQL in R version 2.8.1. I want to extract
the p-value for the fixed-effects portion of the regression, but I'm
having trouble doing that. I can extract the coefficients
(summary(fit)$coeff), and the covariance matrix (summary(fit)$varFix),
but I can't grab the p-value (or the
2003 May 06
Workshop on multilevel modeling in R
We will present a workshop on "Multilevel Modeling in R" June 18-19,
2003 in Madison, WI, USA. Details are available at
2009 Mar 17
Multilevel modeling using R
Dear All,
I use R to conduct multilevel modeling. However, I have a problem about the interpretation of random effect. Unlike the variables in fixed effects, the variables in random effects have not shown the p-value, so I don't know whether they are significant or not? I want to obtain this figure to make the decision. Thanks a lot!
Below is the syntax and output of my program:
2009 Dec 13
Reshape a data set
I am trying to reshape a data set. Could someone please help me with the
reshape, cast, and melt functions? I am new to R and I have tried reading
up on how to use the reshape package, but I am very confused. Here is an
example of what I am trying to do:
subject coder score time
[1,] 1 1 20 5
[2,] 1 2 30 4
[3,] 2 3 10 10
[4,] 2 2
2010 Jan 18
a question about "multilevel"model
Hello all:
I've read the document named "A Brief Introduction to R, the multilevel package and the nlme package".
At p68, one can transform the dataset to the required format by using "make.univ".
I wanna know,how the new variable "MULTDV" is calculated(can you show me the formula if possible please?)?And what's the usage of this new variable in the following
2007 Jul 23
Multilevel package: Obtaining significance for waba within-group correlation?
Hello everyone,
I am employing the waba method from the multilevel package for obtaining
a within-group correlation (Description:
Does anybody know a way or a calculation for obtaining a significance
value for that correlation?
And another question: Does anybody know whether it is possible to save
2012 May 26
Plotting interactions from lme with ggplot
I'm fitting a lme growth curve model with two predictors and their
interaction as predictors. The multilevel model is nested so that level 1 is
time within the individual, and level 2 is the individual. I would like to
plot the mean group-level trajectories at plus and minus 1 SD from the mean
of the main effects composing the interaction term. Thus, the plot should
have 4 lines (mean
2006 Nov 07
question on multilevel modeling
I am trying to run a multilevel model with time nested in people and
people nested in dyads (3 levels of nesting) by initially running a
series of models to test whether the slope/intercept should be fixed or
random. The problem that I am experiencing appears to arise between the
random intercept, fixed slope equation AND.
2010 Jul 14
Multilevel IRT Modelling
Dear All,
does anybody know of a package (working under Linux) for multilevel IRT
I'd love to do this without having to go on WINSTEPS or the like..
thanks for the attention!
Federico Andreis
Dr. Federico Andreis
Universit? degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, PhD Student
MEB Department, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Visiting PhD Student
View this message in context:
2005 Nov 27
multilevel models and sample size
It is not a pure R question,but I hope some one can give me advices.
I want to use analysis my data with the multilevel model.The data has 2 levels---- the second level has 52 units and each second level unit has 19-23 units.I think the sample size is quite small,but just now I can't make the sample size much bigger.So I want to ask if I use the multilevel model to analysis the data set,will
2011 Jun 10
Multilevel pseudo maximum likelihood
Dear all,
I posted this two years ago, getting no answers or suggestions - now I
am trying again, hoping something new is available in R.
I am interested in an application of linear multilevel model with
unequal selection probabilities at both levels.
Do you know if there is an R function for multilevel pseudo-maximum
likelihood estimation? Or is it possible to obtain these estimates using
2018 Apr 13
Longitudinal and Multilevel Data in R and Stan: 5-day workshop May 28 to June 1, 2018
Longitudinal and Multilevel Data in R and Stan
ICPSR short course: May 28 to June 1, 2018
May 28: Introduction to R by John Fox
May 29 to June 1: Longitudinal and Multilevel Data in R and Stan by Georges Monette
Sponsored and organized by ICPSR, University of Michigan and
held at York University in Toronto, Ontario
Course description:https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/sumprog/courses/0226
2012 Oct 19
impute multilevel data in MICE
Dear list,
Is there any one use MICE package deal with multilevel missing values here? I have a question about the 2lonly.pmm() and 2lonly.norm(), I get the following error quite often. Here is the code the error, could you give me some advice please? Am I using it in the right way?
> ini=mice(bhrm,maxit=0)
> pred=ini$pred
> pred
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15
2012 Jun 10
sampling weights for multilevel models
Dear all,
I am struggling with a problem which I have been reading on the forums about
and it did not seem to me that there is a precise answer to my question.
However, I still hope there is one.
I am working with http://timss.bc.edu/ PIRLS data and trying to conduct
multilevel analysis. There are different weights for each level of analysis
in the PIRLS dataset (e.g. there is a school