similar to: convert a matrix to binaryMatrix in Recommenderlab

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "convert a matrix to binaryMatrix in Recommenderlab"

2010 Nov 10
clustering association rules
Hello. I have a general question regarding to clustering of association rules. According to "4.7 Distance based clustering transactions and associations" there is possibility for creating clusters of association rules. I do not understand, how I have to interpret clusters of rules. Let us have next association rules and
2010 May 30
solve_TSP ignores control data, or I'm reading the help doc incorrectly.
I read the documentation below to mean that: solve_TSP( tsp_input, '2-opt', rep=99 ) will use the 2-opt method on the tsp_input variable 99 times. Catch: I get an "unused input" error. Q: Am I reading the docs (Item 1, below) correctly or is this a problem with solve_TSP ignoring its inputs (Item 2, below). Item 1: solve_TSP doc: > library(TSP) >
2011 Aug 19
Multiple Traveling Salesperson Problem
While R has library TSP to help solve traveling salesperson problems, does anyone know if it has any libraries to help solve multiple traveling salesperson problems? For instance, suppose one is planning school bus routes and one has multiple buses. Thank you for your time. -- View this message in context:
2010 Dec 20
package "arules" - 'transpose' of the transactions
Suppose this is my list of transactions: set.seed(200) tran=random.transactions(100,3) inspect(tran) items transactionID 1 {item80} trans1 2 {item8, item20} trans2 3 {item28} trans3 I want to get the 'transpose' of the data, i.e. transactionID items 1 {trans2} item8 2 {trans2} item20 3 {trans3} item28 4 {trans1} item80 I
2011 Aug 19
ATSP to TSP reformulation
Greetings, I am having trouble getting the function reformulate_ATSP_as_TSP to work for me. I have provided a simple example of some of the code I've been using. In particular, I'm not sure why I'm getting the error "Error in dimnames(tsp) <- list(lab, lab) : length of 'dimnames' [1] not equal to array extent" since I created the object ATSP with a valid
2015 Mar 19
RFC: Matrix package: Matrix products (%*%, crossprod, tcrossprod) involving "nsparseMatrix" aka sparse pattern matrices
This is a Request For Comment, also BCCed to 390 package maintainers of reverse dependencies of the Matrix package. Most users and package authors working with our 'Matrix' package will be using it for numerical computations, and so will be using "dMatrix" (d : double precision) matrix objects M, and indirectly, e.g., for M >= c will also use "lMatrix" (l:
2014 Nov 30
Using FPP preprocessor for Fortran Code
Dear R Developers, For package seriation I use Fortran code. I recently got a request to add #if defined(__ICC) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) USE IFPORT #endif to the code since the Intel Fortran compiler otherwise has problems with rand(). However, to enable the FPP preprocessor I have to either add a compiler flag (-cpp for gFortran) which is possibly not portable or change the
2009 Jul 20
S4 method dispatch with inheritance
Hi, I'm trying to create a new S4 class (myMatrix) which for now just extends dgCMatrix (from package Matrix). Then I want to use "[" which is defined in Matrix. Out of the box with "[" (defined in Matrix) I lose the class information and the result is an object of class dgCMatrix. If I specify a "["-method for myMatrix, it is not used because a signature
2010 Feb 18
how to change number of itemes appeare in right-hand-side of the rule with apriori in R(arules)?
Hi All, I use arules library, and try to create an association rules for this transaction file: a,c,f,3,4,5 b,e,1,2,4 a,c,e,f,1,3,4,5 d,5 b,c,e,f,1,2,3,4 a,c,e,f,1,3,4,5 b,c,e,f,1,3,4 b,e,1,2,4 a,c,e,f,1,3,4,5 a,b,c,e,f,1,3,4 a,c,d,f,3,4,5 I want to get the rule such: {c,e,f}=> {3,4,5} I used this command: ar=apriori(tr, parameter=list(support=.4, confidence=0.8, maxlen=11), appearance
2009 Jul 17
Arules questions. I need some help please
Question 2a) I am also working with arules package and I have the following problem let suppose the matrix b like: b<-matrix(c(1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),nrow=6) rownames(b)=c("T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6") colnames(b)=c("It1", "It2", "It3", "It4") bt<-as(b,
2009 Dec 02
Arules - Association Rules
Hello everybody! I'm trying some datamining, but i'm having some problems with arule package, in the end of processing R "had to be closed". I already tryied to reinstall the 2.10 version, change the computer and realocated more virtual memory. Does anyone had this problem to? I had a hiphoteses that i have to prepare the data, somehow i don't know. Thanks for helping!!!
2011 Jan 28
arules package question- apriori/S4 object export question
I am new to R( but quickly being awed by the range of this it can accomplish, you have one more convert to the useR universe). I have successfully implemented the apriori function and are getting great results. My question concerns how to export these results. I have read lots about write.csv functions and exporting data frames and other standard objects. Im having difficulty working with these S4
2015 Aug 27
Column name expansion in data.frame()
Dear R developers: I am trying to add a column to a data.frame. The following does the trick by expanding the name of the first data frame with the prefix foo: > data.frame(foo = as.list(data.frame(items = 1:3, bar=1:3)), items = 1:3) foo.items items 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 However, the following special case produces an
2015 Mar 20
RFC: Matrix package: Matrix products (%*%, crossprod, tcrossprod) involving "nsparseMatrix" aka sparse pattern matrices
Hi Martin, package arules heavily relies on ngCMatrix and uses multiplication and addition for logical operations. I think it makes sense that in a mixed operation with one dgCMatrix and one ngCMatrix the ngCMatrix should be "promoted" to a dgCMatrix. The current behavior of %*% and friends is in deed confusing: > m <- matrix(sample(c(0,1), 5*5, replace=TRUE), nrow=5) >
2010 Aug 25
Documenting S4 Methods
I'm in the process of converting some S3 methods to S4 methods. I have this function : setGeneric("enrichmentCalc", function(rs, organism, seqLen, ...){standardGeneric("enrichmentCalc")}) setMethod("enrichmentCalc", c("GenomeDataList", "BSgenome"), function(rs, organism, seqLen, ...) { ... ... ... })
2006 Sep 20
Call for Abstracts: Tools for Intelligent Data Analysis (GfKl 07)
*** Call for Abstracts *** Tools for Intelligent Data Analysis Session at the 31th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society (GfKl): Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Applications March 7-9, 2007 University of Freiburg Providing innovative tools for data analysis is extremely important for making techniques available for a broader community. In the session 'Tools for
2008 May 01
Adding script line give errors Help!
I am trying to add this script <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://"></script> To my idex page and it give me errors, when I delete this line <script src="js/lightbox/prototype.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2006 Feb 05
[OT] How to get a deal for INTL speakers?
This is pretty far off topic, but seeing as though it directly affects the upcoming Canada on Rails ( conference in April, I figure it kind of applies to Rails :) I need to find the best place to get discount tickets for the international speakers coming from Europe, and figure you guys would know where the best places are to get deals. I have checked, and
2003 Oct 23
generic algorithm
Dear all, Is there any generic algorithm code for optimization implemented in R? I searched without success. Thanks, -- Zhu Wang Statistical Science Department Southern Methodist University Phone: (214)768-2453 Fax: (214)768-4035 Email: zhuw at
2008 Sep 26
issue with varSel.svm.rfe in package MCRestimate
Hello all, I would like to perform SVM-RFE (Guyon et al. 2002) in R and have only found one implementation of this algorithm. The function belongs to the MCRestimate package but when I try to use it I encounter a problem - the function appears to be missing a required package or other function that I simply cannot find available anywhere. Here is my session info followed by a simple example