similar to: deSolve output

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "deSolve output"

2011 Jan 25
deSolve: Problem solving ODE including modulo-operator
I have a problem integrating the 'standard map' ( ) with deSolve: By using the modulo-operator '%%' with 2*pi in the ODEs (standardmap1), the resulting values of P and Theta, should not be greater than 2pi. Because this was not the case, i was thinking that the function 'ode' has some
2011 Aug 16
deSolve, extracting variable values from inside ode function
I'm just getting to grips with using ode function and have used the examples and vignettes to produce a small model of a one-pool, michaelis-menten, enzyme kinetic reaction. The rate of flux of substrate into pool A is constant (fluxoa) however the rate of flux out of pool A is controlled by the HMM equation (v = Vmax/ ( 1 + (Km / Concentration A )) ). This function works fine and
2013 Feb 21
using and event in deSolve
Hi All Having been pointed the use of events and roots in deSolve, I was able to implement the Izchikevich model of spiking neurons. However, I'm not too sure of defining the event. The deSolve documentation says: An event is triggered when the ball hits the ground (height = 0) Then velocity (y2) is reversed and reduced by 10 percent. The root function, y[1] = 0, triggers the event: >
2010 Jun 07
Desolve package: How to pass thousand of parameters to C compiled code?
Hi, I have used DeSolve package for my ODE problem regarding infectious disease transmission and currently am trying to pass lots (roughly a thousand) of model parameters to the C compiled model (I have to use C compiled code instead of R code purely because of the speed). I can't go define it one by one as it gonna take ages to finish and also quite difficult to revise. I have read the
2012 Feb 03
Logistic population growth and deSolve
Hello, I am new to R and I am having problems trying to model logistic population growth with the deSolve package. I would like to run the model for four populations with the same initial population and carrying capacity but with different growth rates and put the results into a data frame. When I run the following lines of code I get unexpected results from "output" but the format is
2009 Jun 12
External signal in ODE written in C (using deSolve and approx1?)
Dear list The deSolve package allows you to specify the model code in C or Fortran. Thanks to the excellent vignette this works fine. However I have not yet managed to use forcing functions in C code. In pure R code this works very well with approxfun() specified outside the model: ############################################### #Model lvml <- function(t, x, parms) {
2013 Jun 18
deSolve question
Dear All wonder if you could provide some insights on the following: currently I have this code which produces the expected results: require(deSolve) pars <- list(k = 0.08,v=15) intimes <- c(0,0.5,12) input <- c(800,0,0) forc <- approxfun(intimes, input, method="constant", rule=2) derivs <- function(t, state, pars) { inp <- forc(t) dy1 <- - pars$k * state[1]
2017 Nov 29
DeSolve Package and Moving Average
Dear all, I am using the DeSolve Package to simulate a system dynamics model. At the problematic point in the model, I basically want to decide how many products shall be produced to be sold. In order to determine the amount a basic forecasting model of using the average of the last 12 time periods shall be used. My code looks like the following. ? [?] # Time units in month START<-0;
2009 Jun 11
deSolve question
Dear All, I like to simulate a physiologically based pharmacokinetics model using R but am having a problem with the daspk routine. The same problem has been implemented in Berkeley madonna and Winbugs so that I know that it is working. However, with daspk it is not, and the numbers are everywhere! Please see the following and let me know if I am missing something... Thanks a lot in advance,
2009 Jun 29
new version of package deSolve on CRAN
Dear R users, an improved version of package deSolve (version 1.3) is now available on CRAN. deSolve, the successor of R package odesolve, is a package to solve initial value problems (IVP) of: - ordinary differential equations (ODE), - differential algebraic equations (DAE) and - partial differential equations (PDE). The implementation includes stiff integration routines based on the ODEPACK
2009 Jun 29
new version of package deSolve on CRAN
Dear R users, an improved version of package deSolve (version 1.3) is now available on CRAN. deSolve, the successor of R package odesolve, is a package to solve initial value problems (IVP) of: - ordinary differential equations (ODE), - differential algebraic equations (DAE) and - partial differential equations (PDE). The implementation includes stiff integration routines based on the ODEPACK
2012 Jan 30
ode() tries to allocate an absurd amount of memory
Hi there R-helpers: I'm having problems with the function ode() found in the package deSolve. It seems that when my state variables are too numerous (>33000 elements), the function throws the following error: Error in vode(y, times, func, parms, ...) : cannot allocate memory block of size 137438953456.0 Gb In addition: Warning message: In vode(y, times, func, parms, ...) : NAs
2018 May 31
Help in dynamic simulation using deSolve
Hi R help, I wanted to simulate two pool model (A&B) using deSolve package for time 0 to 12 by 1.? Initial values of the state variables are A=5, B=3. The fluxes are as follows1) Flux into A= 5 units per unit time?2) Flux from A to B= 0.33) Flux out of A=0.1?4) Flux from B to A=0.35) Flux out of B=0.3 Here is the R code I compiled to estimate the size of A and B and graph the output
2013 Apr 21
lsoda question from deSolve package
Dear List, Wonder if you have some thoughts on the following question using lsoda in desolve: I have the following data and function: require(deSolve) times <- c(0:24) tin  <- 0.5 D <- 400 V    <- 26.3 k <-0.056 k12  <- 0.197118 k21  <- 0.022665 yini <- c(dy1 = 0,dy2 = 0)  events <- data.frame(var = "dy1",time = c(10,15),value = c(200,100),method =
2018 Apr 18
Event-triggered change in value with a time-delay
Hello, I am solving a set of ODEs using deSolve and have run into a problem I would appreciate some advice on. One of the parameters (m) in the ODEs changes between two states when one of the variables (D) crosses a threshold (D_T) for the first time in either direction. Additionally, when the variable crosses the threshold (either by increasing or decreasing), there is a time delay (delay)
2018 Apr 18
Event-triggered change in value with a time-delay
> On Apr 18, 2018, at 1:04 AM, Hannah Meredith <hrmeredith12 at> wrote: > > Hello, > > I am solving a set of ODEs using deSolve and have run into a problem I > would appreciate some advice on. One of the parameters (m) in the ODEs > changes between two states when one of the variables (D) crosses a > threshold (D_T) for the first time in either direction.
2011 Oct 03
deSolve - Function daspk on DAE system - Error (Vince)
Vince, When that happens, one possible reason is that your DAE is of index > 1, which cannot be solved by daspk. The solver radau, also from deSolve can handle DAEs up to index 3, but you need to rewrite the problem in the form M*y' = f(x,y), where M is a mass matrix. If you do that for your problem, and solve it with radau, then radau complains that the "matrix is repeatedly
2012 Apr 25
Using apply() with a function involving ode()
Hello, I am trying to get the output from the numerical simulation of a system of ordinary differential equations for a range of values for three parameters. I am using the ode() function (deSolve package) to run the numerical simulation and apply() to run the simulation function for each set of parameter values. I am having trouble getting the apply() function to work. Here is an
2011 Oct 02
deSolve - Function daspk on DAE system - Error
I'm getting this error on the attached code and breaking my head but can't figure it out. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks, Vince CODE: library(deSolve) Res_DAE=function(t, y, dy, pars) { with(as.list(c(y, dy, pars)), { res1 = -dS -dES-k2*ES res2 = -dP + k2*ES eq1 = Eo-E -ES eq2 = So-S -ES -P return(list(c(res1, res2, eq1, eq2))) }) } pars <- c(Eo=0.02,
2010 Jul 16
Creating symbolic expressions in R
Hello, I'm trying to do some differential equation modeling in R using the package 'deSolve.' Briefly, I'm trying to use the law of mass action (the details of which aren't really important) to structure a vector of rate equation which will be passed into an ODE function and solved with associated functions from 'deSolve.' Roughly what this entails is scanning