similar to: 0.10.0, Routes and Query strings

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "0.10.0, Routes and Query strings"

2007 Sep 18
Help with RESTful named url options
I''ve found quite a few posts on the subject, but no satisfactory answers. Maybe Rails just doesn''t support this yet. How do I create a url with a named RESTful route that also has parameters? I want to write this: link_to_remote "Show Details", {:url => item_url(@item, :details => 1), :method => :get} And get this: <a href="#"
2008 Jan 23
bug in external apps
I was connecting directly to my server to try to debug something. I disabled the ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user check, then tried to connect to my index action. Got this error: SystemStackError in FacebookController#index stack level too deep RAILS_ROOT: script/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
2006 May 08
script/generate scaffold errors
Hi, I''m following the Agile Development With Rails book and having some trouble. Specifically, I''ve typed: % ruby script/generate scaffold Product Admin and received the following error: /usr/local//lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.3.1/lib/active_support/core_ext/hash/keys.rb:27:in `symbolize_keys'': undefined method `to_sym'' for
2006 Dec 20
undefined method `to_sym' for #<YAML::Syck::MergeKey...
I have a stock gentoo rails install. I get something like this when I try to use script/generate, rake migrate or script/console and probably others. 0 wicked www/sharkwatch % ./script/console Loading development environment. /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.3.1/lib/active_support/core_ext/hash/keys.rb:27:in `symbolize_keys'':NoMethodError: undefined method `to_sym''
2006 May 14
Beware of HashWithIndifferentAccess#symbolize_keys!
Hi, I just posted a patch tot he rails trac for a bug we found where running symbolize_keys! on a HashWithIndifferentAccess will delete all items from the hash. Please make sure you either never call symbolize_keys! (or to_options! which just alias it) on a HashWithIndifferentAccess, or apply the path attached from the ticket at: I also posted a much longer
2006 Mar 22
stack level too deep error : Pulling my hairs out
Hello, I''ve changed something in my test application and since I can''t find the cause of the "stack level too deep" raising on every request. I''ve removed almost every part of code and the error still occurs, eg with this url : routes.rb (nothing else in this file) map.connect '':controller/:action/:id''
2008 Aug 20
Re: Help with RoR partial views
Your partial uses a simple form_for(@product) call. By default that will do a POST to the products/create action, which if it''s successful, does a redirect to products/show/<<id for the new product>> (see the create method in your products_controller.rb file). My advice is to just play around w/rails for a bit & get used to its conventions before you try to bend it to
2008 Apr 19
How to find nil object error in the rails application?
After I added some plugins to rails my application it begin to give following error. Error during failsafe response: You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occurred while evaluating nil.symbolize_keys (originally You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occurred while evaluating nil.symbolize_keys) But there is no stack trace I dont
2008 Jan 18
NameError when using alias_method -- but method exists?
Hello Rubyists, I am a bit stumped here. I want to extend the ''load_file'' method in the YAML module. Following along with the PickAxe example of making old methods do new things, I try this in irb: >> module YAML >> alias_method :orig_load_f, :load_file >> def load_file(*args) >> contents = orig_load_f(*args) >>
2005 May 22
ActiveRecord: can not connect to mysql
Hi I would like to write my first application with Active Record: this is my database table: id PRIMAREY KEY auto_increment german_name varchar(50) english_name varchar(50) | wingspan this is my code: ======================= #!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w require ''rubygems'' require_gem ''activerecord'', ">= 1.10.1"
2011 Jul 22
ActiveSupport not including i18n?
Went to use ActiveSupport in a gem today and got an error on account of not having i18n installed. Either bundler should be installing i18n along with activesupport or docs need to be updated. quick repro: bundle exec irb require ''active_support/all'' detailed steps and error: 1) add to Gemfile require
2011 Jul 22
ActiveSupport not including i18n?
Went to use ActiveSupport in a gem today and got an error on account of not having i18n installed. Either bundler should be installing i18n along with activesupport or docs need to be updated. quick repro: bundle exec irb require ''active_support/all'' detailed steps and error: 1) add to Gemfile require
2013 Jun 18
`require': cannot load such file -- nokogiri (LoadError) in rubyXL
Hi All Getting the below error when running the source code My requirement is : I want read / write the excel sheet ( both xls / xlsx ) from Ruby , if you have any other solution also share with me .. *Source Code :* * * * bash-3.2$ cat rubyXL.rb require ''rubyXL'' workbook = RubyXL::Parser.parse("test.xlsx") workbook = sheet_Name =
2010 Feb 22
Re: rake db:migrate throws unexpected error
danwoods wrote: > The Error: > (in [my current directory]) > rake aborted! > undefined method `symbolize_keys'' for nil:NilClass Given that nil does not implement symbolize_keys you need to know where you''re ending up with a nil. Have your run your rake task with the --trace option to see if you get a backtrace that will show you where to look? rake --trace
2008 Jul 28
Rubygems Issues
I recently upgraded a server''s rubygems from 0.9.0 to 1.2.0. Upon doing so, one of our apps that uses soap4r thinks all the security certificates it sees are invalid (see Error 1 below). I tried reverting to 0.9.0, but anything that uses rubygems crashes now (see Error 2 below). If anyone could help me solve either problem, that would be great. Ideally, I''d like to run the latest
2006 Apr 11
Getting error while running typo......
Hi, I have downloaded typo version "typo-2.6.0_with-rails" from typo website. & I have already installed rails, mysql recommended by typo in their "readme" file. Now I hhave created new database & populated it with the sql queries provided by typo. & also made proper changes in "database.yml" file. Now when I am trying to launch application through
2009 May 10
Ruby 1.9 problem
What wrong: # rails test /var/lib/gems/1.9.0/gems/activesupport-2.3.2/lib/active_support/core_ext/uri.rb:8:in `<top (required)>'': uninitialized constant URI::Parser (NameError) from /var/lib/gems/1.9.0/gems/activesupport-2.3.2/lib/active_support/core_ext.rb:3:in `require'' from /var/lib/gems/1.9.0/gems/activesupport-2.3.2/lib/active_support/core_ext.rb:3:in `block in
2006 Jun 18
Why can''t I use a session? (Symbol as array index)
Hi All I can''t for the life of me see what is wrong with this. Maybe it''s cause it''s midnight... I want to put some data in a session and I have some code like this: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base model :mything def ApplicationController.chosen_thing session[:chosen_thing] ||= MyThing.defaultThing end end So whenever I try to
2007 Apr 18
nil.symbolize_keys -- error with attachment_fu
I''ve spent at least 2 hours on this one problem. On my local machine in my controller I have this: def new @page_title = "New User" @user = @photo = end All is good. Now, on the remote server I get an error when accessing the ''new'' view. If I remove @photo = from the controller then the error goes away. This same error
2006 Feb 20
element.remove when element being dragged
Hi I''ve a class which creates a lot of droppable icons (folders) and another class that creates some draggable file icons. When I drop one of the files in the folders I want to remove the file icon from the screen. However, doing Element.remove(droppedElement); results in a repeated js error "element has no properties" in protoype line 1588. This continues to occur until I