similar to: Error with package xlsx

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Error with package xlsx"

2011 Jul 01
Initiating in BNArray
Hi, I'm trying to understand some details about an example maintened in [1]. According that link, I have as a data set (am I right?). But I don't understand how is built that table. I saved the dataset in a file, with dput(), and had something like this: structure(list(df.all = structure(list(V1 = structure(c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 13L, 14L, 15L,
2008 Jun 04
Error Wile starting AsterFax
Hi All, I am getting following error when i start AsterFax: Please help me to solve this issue: [root at prefroam asterfax]# ./ log4j: Threshold ="null". log4j: Retreiving an instance of org.apache.log4j.Logger. log4j: Setting [] additivity to [false]. log4j: Level value for is [DEBUG]. log4j:
2009 Jan 18
FreePhoneLine Java app troubleshooting, would love some help!
My Voip provider has a Windows app for their phone service, and I'm having no luck getting it to work via wine. I would be very very grateful if anyone can help me out with this scenario. Below are my details and error output to stdout.. ___My Env___ Ubuntu 8.10 -- 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 8 08:38:38 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux wine-1.1.13 Windows app is calle: FreePhoneLine.exe
2016 May 31
Update documentation references
Hi, In URL: there's only the references up to version 5. Since all the references are from docs of redhat enterprise Linux, how about updating to the current release such references? How can I do it? Where to send a pull request, for example? Where can I add content to the main page and other sectors, links? -- *Vitor Lobo* Analista de Sistemas Jr. LEMAF -
2008 May 07
Problem with help system on linux
Hi! When I start the help system from within JGR, I get a page stating that I have some Packages in /usr/local/lib/R/site-library and others in /usr/lib/R/library The problem is while I can have access to the help info for the ones in /usr/local/lib/R/site-library, when I try to access any pages of the ones in /usr/lib/R/library (for example, base) I get an error:
2016 May 31
Translating wiki in pt_BR
Morning. I would like to start translating the wiki of CentOs in Portuguese of Brazil. Where should I go? Can someone help me? I couldn't find the system, repository or website style transifex. -- *Vitor Lobo* Analista de Sistemas Jr. LEMAF - Laborat?rio de Estudos e Projetos em Manejo Florestal Campus UFLA - Cp: 3060 Lavras - MG Cep - 37200-000 (35) 99236-7502 -------------- next part
2007 Dec 05
Java parser for R data file?
Hi everyone, Has anyone written a parser in Java for either the ASCII or binary format produced by save()? I need to parse a single large 2D array that is structured like this: list( "32609_1" = c(-9549.39231289146, -9574.07159324482, ... ), "32610_2" = c(-6369.12526971635, -6403.99620977124, ... ), "32618_2" = c(-2138.29095689061, -2057.9229403233, ... ),
2009 Jun 30
Matrix with random number
Hello! I have a program in Fortran and would like to build a matrix with random numbers, I have a function in C. However, I have problems with the use of function in R. Code to compile: R CMD SHLIB mat.f myrbeta.c -o Code in C. #include <R.h> #include <Rmath.h> void F77_SUB(fseedi)(void){   GetRNGstate(); } void F77_SUB(fseedo)(void){   PutRNGstate(); } void
2009 May 04
how to change nlme() contrast parametrization?
How to set the nlme() function to return the answer without the intercept parametrization? #========================================================================================= library(nlme) Soybean[1:3, ] (fm1Soy.lis <- nlsList(weight ~ SSlogis(Time, Asym, xmid, scal),                        data = Soybean)) (fm1Soy.nlme <- nlme(fm1Soy.lis)) fm2Soy.nlme <- update(fm1Soy.nlme,
2009 Aug 12
Problem with function in fortran 95
I am writing a function in fortran 95, but the intrinsic function MATMUL is not working properly. Here's an example. SUBROUTINE mymult(x,y,res,m,n) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: m,n REAL :: x, y, res DIMENSION :: x(m,n), y(n,m), res(m,m) res = MATMUL(x,y) END SUBROUTINE mymult R CMD SHLIB mat.f95 In R: dyn.load("") x <-
2005 Jun 15
Reducing the FPR (false positive rate)
Hello R-USERS, I think some people didn't understand my question. What I want is to use the training set to minimize the FALSE POSITIVE RATE. I think it is possible. I sacrifice ACCURACY to have less FALSE POSITIVES. I don't want a classifier result with 5% of FPR and, for example, 93% of ACCURACY. I want a 1% FPR sacrificing the 93% ACCURACY. Do you know how can I do this? I really
2009 Dec 14
Logit Estimation with Panel Data
Hi all! Do you know if there is any R function/package that can be used to estimate "logit" models with panel data and forecasting? Thanks, Moysés. -- Moysés Nascimento Bacharel em Estatística/UFES Mestre em Estatística Aplicada e Biometria/UFV Doutorando em Estatística e Experimentação Agropecuária/UFLA [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Jun 14
How to fix false positve rates?
Dear R-users, I have a set of 12000 image samples. I can divide this set into two categories: training and testing. I need to classify the test set into a two qualitative outputs: true or false for some characteristic. To do the classification I'm using the packages SVM in e1071 library and LDA in the MASS library. However, I'm with a great number of FALSE POSITIVE CASES in both
2009 Aug 31
Problem in matrix definition?
I'm implementing a function to compute the moore-penrose inverse, using a code from the article: Fast Computation of Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrices. Neural Information Processing - Letters and Reviews. Vol.8, No.2, August 2005 However, the R presents an error message when I use the geninv. The odd thing is that the error occurs for some arrays, however they have the same size. And the R
2009 Oct 20
Changing options in R CMD SHLIB
Dear, When trying to use directive OpenMP in my code, I observed that the directive ones were being considered as commentaries. Compiling with command R CMD SHLIB xxx.f95 - fopenmp and calling the function in the R verified that threads was not being considered. I was to observe the options of the compiler R CMD SHLIB --help Usage: R CMD SHLIB [options] files | linker options Build a shared
2009 Oct 02
Compiling with High Performance Fortran
Dear, I looked in the list something on as to compile a code with access the High Performance FORTRAN using R CMD SHLIB, but I did not find. Would like to know if the accepted R this type of language? Thanks! ? ???????????? F?bio Mathias Corr?a Estat?stica e Experimenta??o Agropecu?ria/UFLA ____________________________________________________________________________________ Veja quais
1999 Jun 09
smbtar cannot recognize space character in filename
Hi. My friend has a problem that smbtar cannot recognize space character in specified filenames. He tried to execute following command line to back file "long file name" up: $ smbtar -s SERVER -p PASSWORD -x SHARE -u username -t /tmp/backup.tar \ "long file name" but smbtar tried to include three files as 'long', 'file' and 'name'. :-( Here is the
2010 Nov 04
About Acoustic Echo Canceller
Hello. I'm from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil and I'm trying to adapt speex_echo.h (speex-1.2beta3-win32) to our video-conference software code. We are working on amplitude values, but I realised that in order to AEC works, one has to convert amplitude to frequency and filter the echo frequencies. So, my question is: Do I have to manually convert amplitude samples to
2020 May 04
error in message printed by L-BFGS-B
Hi I have a FORTRAN version of the L-BFGS-B algorithm and I was comparing it to the code in the lbfgsb.c file available at R-4.0.0.tar.gz Everithing looks the same, except for those two lines that must be printed by the prn3lb function in case of an error (lines 3559 and 3561 in lbfgsb.c): case -5: Rprintf("l(%d) > u(%d). No feasible solution", k, k); break; case -7:
2001 Mar 21
Please, is there anyone who can give me some suggestions? (1) I have to use a package from R on my work. The package is the "quantreg" developed by Koenker (Uni Illinois). I have installed the package in the R library tree /usr/local/lib/R/ library of my Linux Operating System. I did R CMD INSTALL -l /usr/local/lib/R/ library /path/to/quantreg_x.y-z.tar.gz. However, when I call any