similar to: Help with coloring segments on a plot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Help with coloring segments on a plot"

2007 Aug 23
figure-definition and heatmap question
Hello, I have two questions. I'd like to visualize data with a heatmap and I have the following testcase: x <- rnorm(256) nx <- x + abs(min(x)) nnx <- 255/max(nx) * nx x <- matrix(nnx, 16, 16) rownames(x) <-
2011 Jan 05
Adding lines in ggplot2
Hello, this is probably a recurrent question, but I couldn't find any answers that didn't involve the expression "data frame"... so perhaps I'm looking for something new here. I wanted to find a code equivalent to > x=sqrt(1:10) > y=log(1:10) > plot(1:10, x, type="lines", col="darkgreen") > lines(1:10, y, col="red") to use with
2012 May 10
setting global options for a package
This may be elementary, but I can't find an answer: How can I set up global options for some specific arguments to functions in a package which can be easily changed by the user? This question relates to the selection of colors used in functions in several packages (heplots, genridge), where I want to provide reasonable default values for plots, but allow users to change those defaults
2024 Aug 16
boxplot notch
Thanks Ben, Here the reproducible example. It works without notch=TRUE, but provides an error with notch=TURE Error in `geom_boxplot()`: ! Problem while converting geom to grob. ? Error occurred in the 1st layer. Caused by error in `ans[ypos] <- rep(yes, length.out = len)[ypos]`: ! replacement has length zero Run `rlang::last_trace()` to see where the error occurred. Warning message: In
2013 Apr 02
R Commander and FactoMineR
Dear Users, I helped to install R Commander and FactoMineR to one of my collegaues. He wanted to do an MCA. Selecting three variables and using the default settings results in only one graph, the variables representation, where he gets three points for the three variables (which is totally fine). Running the code (output of the point-and-click method) EuTop100.MCA<-EuTop100[,
2024 Aug 16
boxplot notch
I don't see anything obviously wrong here. There may be something subtle, but we probably won't be able to help without a reproducible example ... On 2024-08-16 9:24 a.m., SIBYLLE ST?CKLI via R-help wrote: > Dear community > > > > I tried the following code using geom_boxplot() and notch=TRUE. Does anyone > know if the command ?notch=TRUE? is at the wrong place in
2024 Aug 16
boxplot notch
Dear community I tried the following code using geom_boxplot() and notch=TRUE. Does anyone know if the command ?notch=TRUE? is at the wrong place in my special code construct? Without notch=TRUE the code provides the planned ggplot. Kind regards Sibylle Code: MS1<- MS %>% filter(QI_A!="NA") %>% droplevels() MS1$Jahr<-as.factor(MS1$Jahr) MS1s <-
2007 Jan 07
MDS in 3D
Hi, I have tried to develop multidimensional scaling for 3D space using PCA without success, yet;-) Is there some application ready in R? Cheers, Atte
2024 Aug 11
geom_smooth with sd
Dear community Using after_stat() I was able to visualise ggplot with standard deviations instead of a confidence interval as seen in the R help. p1<-ggplot(data = MS1, aes(x= Jahr, y= QI_A,color=Bio, linetype=Bio)) + geom_smooth(aes(fill=Bio, ymax=after_stat(y+se*sqrt(length(y))), ymin=after_stat(y-se*sqrt(y))) , method = "lm" , formula = y ~ x +
2011 Oct 17
special language character in a pie chart
Dear List Members, I am working on a below piece of code: Initially have created pie charts with Enlish labels to present the data for Czech Republic, now however I need to print the label with original Czech fonts. When I copy paste from Word, certain fonts get 'simplified' distorting original spelling. How can solve this problem? Is there a package I can download which will support
2009 Aug 10
ggplot: colours to geom_segments
Just as an exercise I am tying to add colours to a geom_segment command. I can get one colour but not a sequence of colours. Can anyone suggest how I can get the green lines in the plot below to be different colours? I thought I could use a palatte of colours but that did not seem to work. Thanks ========================================================================= library(ggplot2) xx
2024 Aug 11
geom_smooth with sd
Hi! This is probably completely off base, but your ymin and y max setup lines are different. One uses sqrt(y), while the second uses sqrt(length(y)). Could that play a part, please? Thank you Erin Hodgess, PhD mailto: erinm.hodgess at On Sun, Aug 11, 2024 at 10:10?AM SIBYLLE ST?CKLI via R-help < r-help at> wrote: > Dear community > > > > Using
2012 Aug 15
boxplot help
Hi, im a newbie with very wobbly coding abilities. Tearing my hair out over getting the boxplot i want... I have a dataset called 'eagle' which consists of year (2011 or 2012), month (jan - dec), roof (TT6, TT13 or BARE) and temp (the continuous variable that i want to plot). So i want boxplots of the three roof treatments in every month organised in chronical order along x axis 2011 -
2012 Sep 24
boxplot of different colors
Hello, I am making a boxplot of 13 boxes. I tried to color the box using 13 colors but failed. Only red and brown were displayed. Green, blue, and grey disappeared. Please kindly advise modification after checking the code below. Thank you in advance. Elaine R code # data input dataN <-read.csv("H:/a_mig_distance_B_NB/R_data/Mig_bird_586_20120925.csv",header=T, row.names=1)
2024 Aug 16
boxplot notch
That's not really a reprex Sibylle.? I did try to use it to see if I could work out what you were trying to do and help but there is so much in there that I suspect is distraction from the notch issue and its error message. Please can you give us something stripped of all unecessary things and tell us what you want? Something like data that we can read as a tribble() or from a dput() of
2018 Jan 09
Dear Gerrit Thanks a lot. "rbind" seems to be the right function. Unfortunately there is a shift in the x-axis (see pdf). There are 52 trapcatch values each, m and w, but m$trapcatch and w$trapcatch are shifted up to x-value 60. The follow-up lines for temp and humidity are fine. Thanks Sibylle setwd("~/Desktop/DatenLogger2017") # am Mac sks trap =
2012 Sep 28
changing outlier shapes of boxplots using lattice
Hello This is Elaine. I am using package lattice to generate boxplots. Using Richard's code, the display was almost perfect except the outlier shape. Based on the following code, the outliers are vertical lines. However, I want the outliers to be empty circles. Please kindly help how to modify the code to change the outlier shapes. Thank you. code package (lattice) dataN <-
2009 Apr 07
heatmap.2 no reordering of the columns and rows
Hi,   I need to generate a heatmap on a square matrix and wouldn't want to reorder the columns and the rows on the heatmap display.    I have used the options Rowv=NULL and Colv=NULL but doesn't seem to work. Following is a snippet of the heatmap function i am using. args <- commandArgs(); inputfile <- args[2] imgfile   <- args[3] bitmap(imgfile, height=15, width=15, res=100,
2006 Jul 10
Setting the colors of lines in a trellis plot...
With some help from those with expertise on this list, I managed to produce a plot using trellis that looked like I wanted it to look. Now, I need to take the same plot and make the lines on it color, but I want to specify the color for the lines myself. I've managed to make the key use the colors I want. I've managed to make the symbols of the actual plot use the colors I want. But I
2012 Apr 06
Legend based on levels of a variable
I have a bivariate plot of axis2 against axis1 (data below). I would like to use different size, type and color for points in the plot for the point coming from different region. For some reasons, I cannot get it done. Below is my code. col <- rep(c("blue", "red", "darkgreen"), c(16, 16, 16)) ## Choose different size of points cex <- rep(c(1, 1.2, 1), c(16, 16,