similar to: frailty

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "frailty"

2003 May 07
frailty models in survreg() -- survival package (PR#2933)
I am confused on how the log-likelihood is calculated in a parametric survival problem with frailty. I see a contradiction in the frailty() help file vs. the source code of frailty.gamma(), frailty.gaussian() and frailty.t(). The function frailty.gaussian() appears to calculate the penalty as the negative log-density of independent Gaussian variables, as one would expect: >
2007 Apr 20
Approaches of Frailty estimation: coxme vs coxph(...frailty(id, dist='gauss'))
Dear List, In documents (Therneau, 2003 : On mixed-effect cox models, ...), as far as I came to know, coxme penalize the partial likelihood (Ripatti, Palmgren, 2000) where as frailtyPenal (in frailtypack package) uses the penalized the full likelihood approach (Rondeau et al, 2003). How, then, coxme and coxph(...frailty(id, dist='gauss')) differs? Just the coding algorithm, or in
2009 Jan 07
Frailty by strata interactions in coxph (or coxme)?
Hello, I was hoping that someone could answer a few questions for me (the background is given below): 1) Can the coxph accept an interaction between a covariate and a frailty term 2) If so, is it possible to a) test the model in which the covariate and the frailty appear as main terms using the penalized likelihood (for gaussian/t frailties) b)augment model 1) by stratifying on the variable that
2003 May 07
Re: frailty models in survreg() -- survival package (PR#2934)
On Tue, 6 May 2003, Jerome Asselin wrote: > > I am confused on how the log-likelihood is calculated in a parametric > survival problem with frailty. I see a contradiction in the frailty() help > file vs. the source code of frailty.gamma(), frailty.gaussian() and > frailty.t(). > > The function frailty.gaussian() appears to calculate the penalty as the > negative
2004 Nov 08
coxph models with frailty
Dear R users: I'm generating the following survival data: set.seed(123) n=200 #sample size x=rbinom(n,size=1,prob=.5) #binomial treatment v=rgamma(n,shape=1,scale=1) #gamma frailty w=rweibull(n,shape=1,scale=1) #Weibull deviates b=-log(2) #treatment's slope t=exp( -x*b -log(v) + log(w) ) #failure times c=rep(1,n) #uncensored indicator id=seq(1:n) #individual frailty indicator
2007 Apr 08
Simulation of the Frailty of the Cox PH model
Dear R-list users, I am trying to do simulation of survival data to enable it to run under frailty option. Below is the function a that I am using. My questions are: 1. How do I modify it to get bigger (hopefully significant) value of Variance of random effect? 2. What changes do I have to make in the function to run it under correlated frailty model? (may be in kinship package) 3. Is there
2006 Sep 19
How to interpret these results from a simple gamma-frailty model
Dear R users, I'm trying to fit a gamma-frailty model on a simulated dataset, with 6 covariates, and I'm running into some results I do not understand. I constructed an example from my simulation code, where I fit a coxph model without frailty (M1) and with frailty (M2) on a number of data samples with a varying degree of heterogeneity (I'm running R 2.3.1, running takes ~1 min).
2006 Sep 21
Any examples of a frailty model actually used for prediction ?
Hi everyone, I'm looking for any examples of useful frailty models, in particular any situation in which a cox proportional hazards model with frailty outperforms a regular cox proportional hazards model with respect to prediction of the time to event (or the X-year risk of an event). I have defined my own gamma-frailty cox PH model in R but on my simulated data sample it does not predict any
2006 Sep 22
$theta of frailty in coxph
Dear all, Does the frailty.object$history[[1]]$theta returns the Variance of random effect? Why is the value different? Here is an example with kidney data: > library(survival) > data(kidney) > frailty.object<-coxph(Surv(time, status)~ age + sex + disease + frailty(id), kidney) > frailty.object Call: coxph(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ age + sex + disease + frailty(id), data
2005 May 31
Shared Frailty in survival package (left truncation, time-dep. covariates)
Dear list, I want o fit a shared gamma frailty model with the frailty specification in the survival package. I have partly left-truncated data and time-dependent covariates. Is it possible to combine these two things in the frailty function. Or are the results wrong if I use data in the start-stop-formulation which account for delayed entry? Is the frailty distribution updated in the
2003 Aug 04
coxph and frailty
Hi: I have a few clarification questions about the elements returned by the coxph function used in conjuction with a frailty term. I create the following group variable: group <- NULL group[id<50] <- 1 group[id>=50 & id<100] <- 2 group[id>=100 & id<150] <- 3 group[id>=150 & id<200] <- 4 group[id>=200 & id<250] <- 5 group[id>=250
2011 Jun 25
cluster() or frailty() in coxph
Dear List, Can anyone please explain the difference between cluster() and frailty() in a coxph? I am a bit puzzled about it. Would appreciate any useful reference or direction. cheers, Ehsan > marginal.model <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ rx + cluster(litter), rats) > frailty.model <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ rx + frailty(litter), rats) > marginal.model Call: coxph(formula =
2012 Feb 03
coxme with frailty--variance of random effect?
Dear all, This probably stems from my lack of understanding of the model, but I do not understand the variance of the random effect reported in coxme. Consider the following toy example: #------------------------------- BEGINNING OF CODE ------------------------------------------------ library(survival) library(coxme) #--- Generate toy data: d <- data.frame(id = c(1:100), #
2002 Oct 08
Frailty and coxph
Does someone know the rules by which 'coxph' returns 'frail', the predicted frailty terms? In my test function: ----------------------------------------------- fr <- function(){ #testing(frailty terms in 'survival' require(survival) dat <- data.frame(exit = 1:6, event = rep(1, 6), x = rep(c(0, 1), 3),
2003 May 19
survit function and cox model with frailty
Hi: I have a question about the use of the survfit function after the estimation of a cox proportional hazard model with a frailty term. My goal is to estimate expected survival probabilities while controlling for the group-specific frailty term. First, I estimate a model of the following form: model1 <- coxph(Surv(t0, t, d) ~ x1 + x2 + frailty(id), na.action=na.exclude,
2008 Apr 17
survreg() with frailty
Dear R-users, I have noticed small discrepencies in the reported estimate of the variance of the frailty by the print method for survreg() and the 'theta' component included in the object fit: # Examples in R-2.6.2 for Windows library(survival) # version 2.34-1 (2008-03-31) # discrepancy fit1 <- survreg(Surv(time, status) ~ rx + frailty(litter), rats) fit1 fit1$history[[1]]$theta
2012 Feb 10
coxme with frailty
A couple of clarifications for you. 1. I write mixed effects Cox models as exp(X beta + Z b), beta = fixed effects coefficients and b = random effects coefficients. I'm using notation that is common in linear mixed effects models (on purpose). About 2/3 of the papers use exp(X beta)* c, i.e., pull the random effects out of the exponent. Does it make a difference? Not much: b will be
2006 Sep 21
frailty in coxph
Dear all, I have been doing some frailty calculations and been facing some difficulties. I can extract coefficients, value of theta and the following things library(survival) fit<-coxph(Surv(time,status)~covariate+frailty(group), fit$coef fit$history[[1]]$theta fit$history[[1]]$c.loglik fit$var fit$var2 from a frailty included coxph object: but how can i know what other
2011 Sep 02
Parameters in Gamma Frailty model
Dear all, I'm new to frailty model. I have a question on the output from 'survival' pack. Below is the output. What does gamma1,2,3 refer to? How do I calculate joint hazard function or marginal hazard function using info below? Many thanks! Call: coxph(formula = surv ~ as.factor(tibia) + frailty(as.factor(bdcat)), data = try) n=877 (1 observation deleted due to missingness)
2007 Mar 14
Wald test and frailty models in coxph
Dear R members, I am new in using frailty models in survival analyses and am getting some contrasting results when I compare the Wald and likelihood ratio tests provided by the r output. I am testing the survivorship of different sunflower interspecific crosses using cytoplasm (Cyt), Pollen and the interaction Cyt*Pollen as fixed effects, and sub-block as a random effect. I stratified