similar to: Examples of web-based Sweave use?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Examples of web-based Sweave use?"

2010 May 28
difference in sort order linux/Windows (R.2.11.0)
Dear R users, I'm a bit perplexed with the effect sort has here, as it is different on Windows vs. linux. It makes my factor levels and subsequent plots different on the two systems. Given: types <- c("PC-D-Euro-0", "PC-D-Euro-1", "PC-D-Euro-2", "PC-D-Euro-3", "PC-D-Euro-4", "PC-D-Euro-5", "PC-D-Euro-6",
2011 Jun 17
question about split
Dear R-users I seem to be stumped on something simple. I want to split a data frame by factor levels given in one or more columns e.g. given dat <- data.frame(x = runif(100), fac1 = rep(c("a", "b", "c", "d"), each = 25), fac2 = rep(c("A", "B"), 50)) I know I can split it by fac1, fac2 by:
2011 Feb 16
remote data access from Sweave - does not evaluate?
Hello R users I am having trouble accessing data on a remote server when using sweave. An example is the loading of an .RData file e.g. load(url("")) which works fine from the command line (this loads a small .RData file into R). I have a sweave document with this sort of code in that is meant to import data from the server and
2007 Apr 12
Assignment from list
I have a list of groups of xy positions I want to set to 0 in an array full of 1s. When the assignments are done directly from the list, they are incorrect, while if I use a temporary array derived from the list the assignments are correct. The following example will hopefully make my problem clearer. The matrices z and zz are initialised with 1. The z and zz values at coordinates in
2013 Feb 08
aggregation-type question
I seem to have a Friday afternoon block and can't see the easiest way of doing this. Given a data frame like: dat <- data.frame(x = runif(100), y = runif(100), group = rep(letters[1:10], each = 10)) > head(dat) x y group 1 0.876751503 0.6518345 a 2 0.627067150 0.8801790 a 3 0.632465192 0.1768305 a 4 0.060359554 0.8835652 a 5 0.675868776 0.7721177
2009 Oct 09
"Use R" -- term and logo copyright?
Dear list, I would like to start some R workshops at King's College London, and to do so, I would like to use the "Use R!" logo at Since it seems to be difficult to get a shell account at KCL, I also went ahead and registered and am starting to put together a website at
2008 Aug 22
subset grouped data with quantile and NA's
I can't quite seem to solve a problem subsetting a data frame. Here's a reproducible example. Given a data frame: dat <- data.frame(fac = rep(c("a", "b"), each = 100), value = c(rnorm(130), rep(NA, 70)), other = rnorm(200)) What I want is a new data frame (with the same columns as dat) excluding the top 5% of "value"
2004 Jul 22
Identical files showing in dry-run
Hi all, I've got a problem with rsync 2.6.2 on Solaris/SPARC (one system is Solaris 8, the other is Solaris 9). I'm trying to get a list of files that have changed on one server (a development web server) and another (a live web server). I am using rsync as follows :- rsync -Icrn --exclude='.svn' --stats -e "ssh" [source dir] [user@webserver:dest dir] As far as I
2009 Feb 16
Using eval in multinom argument
Hi, I am having difficulty entering a 'programmable' argument into the multinom function from the nnet package. Interactively, I can get the function to work fine by calling it this way: z1=multinom(formula = class.ind(grp[-outgroup])~ (PC1 + PC2 + PC3), data=data.frame(scores)) However I need to be able to change the number of variables I am looking for in 'scores' and so am
2009 Apr 27
how to send email with R
Hi all I can t seem to find a way to send an email using R would anyone have a suggestion? much appreciated Thomas -- Thomas Loridan King's College email: thomas.loridan at webpage:
2010 May 03
Plotting the explanatory against the dependent in a GAM
? To whoever it may correspond, My name is Oscar Saenz and I am working on my thesis in Spain. I am using GAMs in "R" and, now that I have estimated my models, I need to plot the predicted smooth functions against the dependent variable (just as in Carlslaw et al. 2007, fig. 1*). Otherwise, I'd like to know how to plot the smoothed predictor variable values against the partial
2009 Aug 14
RGoogleDocs: getDocs() - "problems connecting to get the list of documents"
Hi I have been using RGoogleDocs successfully for some time now but something seems to have happened which is preventing me from accessing my data in google spreadsheets. I get the message: "problems connecting to get the list of documents" when I use getDocs, despite being logged in e.g. sheets.con = getGoogleDocsConnection(getGoogleAuth("username", "password",
2005 May 16
cisco 3620 setup (newbie cisco alert)
I'm experimenting (using for the first time) with using a cisco3620 to connect to the PSTN via a channelised E1 interface, with * handling all of the SIP calls. If anyone has any installation tips / help / documentation I would be most appreciative :) However, my first question is this: when I am in the setup, I see the following: Current interface summary Controller Timeslots
2011 Aug 27
all combinations of the elements of two vectors
Dear R-help readers, I'm sure this problem has been answered but I can't find the solution. I have two vectors v1 <- c("a","b") v2 <- c(1,2,3) I want an easy way to produce every possible combination of v1, v2 elements Ie I want to produce c("a1","a2","a3", "b1","b2","b3") regards Desmond Desmond
2006 May 09
ks.test one-sample - where can I get a list of the strings specifying the distribution?
Dear all, One can use ks.test(x,y) for a one-sample kolmogorov-smirnov test: x being the data sample y being a string specifying a distribution I notice the help on ks.test does not tell you how to get such a list. Is this a hole in my R knowledge? Where can I get a list of the strings specifying the possible distributions? and more specifically What would be the string and following
2011 Mar 18
Problem with Slope.test function
Hi all, I need to test the significnce of difference between slopes of two regression lines and regression line with theoretical line. I try to use Slope.test function from emu package, but an error occured... library(emu) d1<-data.frame(P1=c(1,2,3,5,7,8,9,13,14,15), P2=c(1,2,5,8,11,13,15,15,18,24), R=c(2,7,8,9,16,21,27,31,33,36)) # First data set m1<-lm(R~P1+P2+P1*P2,data=d1) # Regr.
2010 Jan 21
Help with subset
I am so happy about learning how to read in multiple Excel files, that I have to try and make another improvement. I know what I have been doing is clumsy, but it works. Hopefully, someone can suggest a more elegant solution. As a novice, I have been using MS-Word and mail merge to write my code. I start with about 2 pages of code, and end up with 2,220 merged pages that I copy and paste into R.
1999 Jun 29
text-plotting math & regular mixed ?
Maybe embarassing, but I can't quickly find out how to do this: Mix expression() text and regular text __in a variable__ for plotting: I can easily do plot(1,type="n",main=expression(paste("Plot of ", x ^ alpha, "; ", alpha==2.3) However, if alpha is really just in a variable, I don't know what to do alpha <- 2.3 ch.a <- format(alpha) and now
1999 Jun 29
text-plotting math & regular mixed ?
Maybe embarassing, but I can't quickly find out how to do this: Mix expression() text and regular text __in a variable__ for plotting: I can easily do plot(1,type="n",main=expression(paste("Plot of ", x ^ alpha, "; ", alpha==2.3) However, if alpha is really just in a variable, I don't know what to do alpha <- 2.3 ch.a <- format(alpha) and now
2004 Aug 17
asterisk and qsig
Guys, I need to make asterisk connect to another device over a pri using QSIG signalling (master/slave). Is this feasible and has it been done before? Thank you! al. _________________________________________________________________ Get ready for school! Find articles, homework help and more in the Back to School Guide!