similar to: Lattice: useOuterStrips and axes

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2011 Mar 10
Lattice: Feature Request
Hi, I'm currently designing some global themes for use with lattice, and have hit a snag. There doesn't appear to be (in xyplot at least) a way of setting a lattice option for the 'scales' parameter at a global level - changes have to be made in each function call. For example, consider the following code: library(lattice) library(latticeExtra) # Create some data temp <-
2012 Jun 25
combineLimits and Dates
I'm having some trouble using the latticeExtra 'combineLimits' function with a Date x-variable: require(lattice) set.seed(12345) dates <- seq(as.Date("2011-01-01"), as.Date("2011-12-31"), "days") dat <- data.frame(d = rep(dates, 4), g = factor(rep(rep(c(1,2), each = length(dates)), 2)), h =
2008 Jun 18
Custom strips in lattice
I've recently been playing with strip functions for a data presentation I'd like to use, and have a couple questions. I've cannibalised the useOuterStrips function from latticeExtra to give me the following sample code: library(lattice) myData <- expand.grid( type = c('First 3 days','Whole profile'), sub = paste('Subject', 1:3,
2009 Apr 28
latticeExtra: useOuterStrips and axis.line$lwd
Hi, I'm working on some lattice wireframe figures that have two conditioning factors, and I want the strips labelled on the top and left of the entire plot, rather than above each individual panel. useOuterStrips() does this, but it draws internal axis lines, even after I explicitly set axis.line to 0. Is there a way to use useOuterStrips but without axis boxes? I've included a short
2008 Jul 03
Re membering the last time an event occurred within a dataframe
All, I am constructing a pharmacokinetic dataset and have hit a snag. The dataset can be demonstrated in the following way: myData <- data.frame( evid = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0), time = 1:10, last.dose.time = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 7, 8, 9, 9) ) The evid field is an indicator variable for whether the associated observation is a dosing record (when it takes value 1) or an
2013 Sep 19
lattice: double y - problem changing axis color after doubleYScale
Hi, I have had some troubles using doubleYScale. No matter what I try, I cant manage to change the color of the y-axis in the end. I have to produce a black and white plot. There is also something I do not understand regarding fontfamilyj="serif" when using it in: strip=strip.custom() Maybe someone has a better idea for defining which line and dots belong to which y-axis when not using
2009 Sep 14
How do I ensure that the minimum value is always displayed on a y-axis in a plot?
Good day all, I'm trying to plot a figure and ensure that the minimum and maximum values are always displayed. However, the code below does not display the minimum value, no matter what I try. Could someone please help? Thanking you in advance, George. Code below for reproduction (apologies if the paste is too long) >blah [1] 0.41955516 0.37330949 0.37934005 0.38013805 0.40092939
2009 Apr 09
Multiple Hexbinplots in 2 columns with a Single Categorical Variable
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a fairly large database (N=13,000) and a single main categorical discriminator between the groups. I want to look at the time course of a number of continuous biochemical variables over chronologic age. Therefore I believe I need to prepare hexbinplots in two columns with simple regression lines in them (with useOuterStrips (in library(latticeExtra) if
2010 Mar 23
Bold greek letters using plotmath
I'm trying to annotate some graphics using plotmath and finding out that the code I'm using isn't bolding the greek letters - it bolds the rest (once I adjusted the numerics to characters), it's just failing on the greek characters. Any suggestions welcomed. Jim Price. Cardiome Pharma Corp. Test code: plot(1:5, type = 'n') # The not bold version text(2, 2:4, cex =
2011 Mar 26
bwplot [lattice]: how to get different y-axis scales for each row?
Dear expeRts, How can I get ... (1) different y-axis scales for each row (2) while having the same y-axis scales for different columns? I coulnd't manage to do this with relation="free" [which gives (1) but not (2)]. I also tried relation="sliced", but it did not give the same y-axis scales within each row (see the fourth row). Further, it "separates" the
2011 May 23
panel.first problem when plotting with formula
I wrote a little function called bgfun that adds gridlines and a background, but it's not working with I plot using the formula. I have some theories on what's happening, but even if my theory is right, I don't know how to fix it. Someone have a straightforward silver bullet? Thank you, Gene bgfun = function(color='honeydew2',linecolor='grey45',
2009 Aug 19
Hello!   I am trying to merge two xy-plot with different ylimits.   Can someone please give me possible way of achieving it..   Thank you Regards Dimple [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Oct 11
dotplot in ".R" with lattice & latticeExtra: proper visualization
Dear everyone, I'm trying to do a dotplot with the libraries "lattice" and "latticeExtra". However, no proper representation of the values on the vertical y-axis is done by ".R". Instead of choosing the actual values of the numeric variable, ".R" plots the rank of the value. That is, there are values [375, 500, 625, 750, ..., 3000] and ".R"
2008 Jul 10
layout is to xyplot as ??? is to qplot
Playing with ggplot, something I'd promised myself I'd get around to. I've the following scenario: library(lattice) library(ggplot2) myData <- data.frame( x = rnorm(100), y = rnorm(100), group = 1:4 ) xyplot(y ~ x | factor(group), data = myData, layout = c(2, 2)) qplot(x, y, facets = ~ group, data = myData) In this code the lattice example gives me a 2x2 layout, whereas
2011 Nov 22
Lattice graph strips and axes
Hi all I was wondering if it is possible to get rid of the horizontal strips and produce each barchart with a left y axes and lower x axes only. Also can you specify an exact size of graph ie 88mm wide with a font size of 'x'. library(lattice) library(latticeExtra) n=as.factor(c(1:5,1:5))
2011 Nov 21
Lattice graph help
Hi all I hope you might help me with some aspects of producing a graph in lattice. There are three things I have struggling with and that is: 1. to separate the horizontal box rows from each other; 2. to change the colour of the horizontal and vertical strips to white; and 3. to place the axes labels on the left y axes and on the bottom x axes. I would really appreciate some help. I have put the
2013 Feb 22
Help xyplot
Hi Mackay and anybody (a) Is it possible to select randomly (let say five grids) and plot? (b) Is it possible to plot five nearest grid in one figure? The original question and improved codes: #I am ploting gridded time series data. I would like the actual lat #and lon value appear on the graph-if possible inside the graph as #numbers. If there is also more elegant ways to plot the graphs I
2008 Jun 04
Lattice + Word: Changing .wmf files to .pdf files
My apriori apologies if this is felt to be the wrong list for this issue - although it starts with R, it's a combination of programs that creates the problem. Currently we are using windows metafile format for in-text tables for reports created in Word. However, we've discovered some artifactual lines being created in our final output once the Word document is changed to PDF. The process
2009 Sep 16
Can someone please explain why the last tick mark on this chart is not showing?
Hi all, I'm trying to log chart but with natural looking tick marks. My specifications are very specific -- it must indicate the lowest number's tick as well as the maximum. I've attached sample code and data for a particular case (and there are a few more like this) where the bottom tickmarks on the chart are not set to where I want them to be and yet they fit in the ylim range.
2013 Feb 15
lattice 3x3 plot: force common y-limits accross rows and align x-axes
Good afternoon, I would like to ask for help in controlling y-axis limits and labels in lattice doplots. Unfortunately, the problem is somewhat convoluted, please bear with the long explanation. I would like to create a 3x3 lattice of dotplots, say subject ~ count. The plot is conditioned on variables treatment and risk: subject ~ count | treatment + risk. In the experiment, not all subjects