Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Ordinal mixed model"
2012 Mar 24
Help ordinal mixed model!
Good afternoon, gentlemen! After several days studying and researching on
categorical data (various forums with answers from the owner of the library
- all incipient) how to interpret the output the function MCMCglmm, come to
enlist the help of you, if someone has already worked with MCMCglmm function
in the case of variables ordinal dependent. I've read and reread all the
pdf's of the
2011 Jun 01
How to write random effect in MCMCglmm
Hi All,
The data set that I have is a cluster data, and I want to run a HLM mixed
model with multi-level response. Here is my data set:
- Level (num: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - 5 levels)
- Type (Factor: A, B, C - 3 levels)
- yr (num: 2006, 2007, ...)
- Male (num: 0=not Male, 1=Male - 2 levels)
- Ethnicity (Factor: A, B, H, ..., - 7 levels)
- ELL (num: 0, 1, - 2
2009 Mar 11
Mixed models fixed effects
Dear All,
This may sound like a dumb question but I am trying to use a mixed model to
determine the predictors of bat activity along hedges within 8 sites. So my
response is continuous (bat passes) my predictors fixed effects are
continuous (height metres), width (metres) etc and the random effect is
site - can you tell me if the fixed effects can be continuous as all the
examples I have
2011 Jun 14
How to run zero inflated mixed model and hurdle mixed model in R
Dear Mr. or Ms.,
I would like to use the R-software to run the zero inflated mixed model and hurdle mixed model. But I do not know how to do? Would you please tell me the code and data format?
I will be very appreciated if you can help me. Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Xiongqing Zhang
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2011 Feb 14
MCMC glmm
Hi to all the people,
I'm working with abundance data of some species, but containing too zero
values, and the factors are the ones typical in a BACI experiment
(Before-and-After-Control-Impact). Thus, these are two fixed factors. As the
data does not holds the normality and homogeneity of variances assumptions
of clasiccal ANOVA, I'm trying to fit a zero-altered model using the MCMC
2011 Aug 08
glmm for ordinal repeated measurement
Hi all,
I have data set with repeated measurement ordinal responses and I would like it using generalized linear mixed model.
Shall I use MCMCglmm packeage or I can use lme4 package?
waiting for answer eagerly,
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2011 Sep 15
MCMCglmm heteroscedasticity dependent on predictor
I have a dataset where the residual variance decreases with on one of
the predictors (population size).
Currently, the full model looks like this:
prior<-list(R=list(V=1e-16, nu=-2),G1=list(V=diag(2), nu=2))
m<-MCMCglmm(response~poly(population size,2)*poly(other
predictor,2)+time, random=~us(1+time):population, data=data,
Basically, it's a random regression with
2009 Jul 30
What is the best method to produce means by categorical factors?
I am attempting to replicate some of my experience from SAS in R and assume
there are best methods for using a combination of summary(), subset, and
which() to produce a subset of mean values by categorical or ordinal
within sas I would write
proc means mean data=dataset;
class factor1 factor2
var variable1 variable2;
producing an output with means for each variable by factor
2010 Mar 29
mcmcglmm starting value example
Hi R-users:
Can anyone give an example of giving starting values for MCMCglmm?
I can't find any anywhere.
I have 1 random effect (physicians, and there are 50 of them)
and family="ordinal"?
How can I specify starting values for my fixed effects? It doesn't seem to have the option to do so.
Thanks, Ping
2010 Sep 16
standard error of difference for mixed effects
I have a dataset relating the effects of engineering works on the level of salinity in a river before and after the works. I have modelled this using linear mixed effects models to determine if the significance and level of the response to the works. I am wanting to calculate the se of difference at several points. I am not sure of how to calculate the difference and which estimate of se I
2010 Sep 29
generalized additive mixed models for ordinal data
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era
Nome: non disponibile
URL: <https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20100929/bedab79b/attachment.pl>
2009 Sep 06
linear mixed model question
I wanted to fit a linear mixed model to a data that is similar in
terms of design to the 'Machines' data in 'nlme' package except that
each worker (with triplicates) only operates one machine. I created a
subset of observations from 'Machines' data such that it looks the
same as the data I wanted to fit the model with (see code below).
I fitted a model in
2013 Jan 28
incorrect import?
Dear all,
I'm not getting what I'm doing wrong. The line below from my read.fsa.bin function throws an error when just loading my AFLP package and disappears when I load the zoo package as well.
#the line that throws the error
Index <- which(Peak == rollmax(Peak, k = 1 + 2 * floor((min(diff(SizeStandard)) * Fs - 1) / 2), fill = -Inf))
#the error
Error in UseMethod("rollmax")
2009 Aug 13
un run run...
Hi All,
I am running an Rscript with a bunch of algorithms that are UNSTABLE
under some parameter settings.
At a certain point one of them sends error massage and my whole run STOPS!
What I would like is to save the error massage in some file or variable and
carry on to the next command line without stopping this run...
Any help or ideas would be welcome, please, with a concrete example
2009 Sep 25
Problem on plotting TS using GGPLOT
Hi, I have following codes :
library(zoo); library(ggplot2); library(plyr)
dat <- rnorm(306); vv <- letters[1:6]; dat1 <- data.frame(dat, vv)
dat2 = zooreg(rnorm(51), as.yearmon(as.Date("2000-01-01")), frequency=12)
ggplot(dat1) +
geom_line(aes(y=dat, x=index(dat2), colour=vv), group=vv, size =
However I got error while plotting them :
2013 Nov 19
Repeated measures with categorical data
I am working in a longitudinal study, with a categorical variable as a
dependent variable (alcohol consumption: no use, use, abuse and dependence)
with repeated measures (baseline, 1 year, 2 years). Besides I have another
variable with two groups: control and experimental.
I would like to analyze the evolution in each group, I have though in lme,
but I am not sure if I can do an lme with
2012 Nov 05
averaging a list of matrices element wise
Dear all,
I have a list of n matrices which all have the same dimension (r x s). What would be a fast/elegant way to calculate the element wise average? So result[1, 1] <- mean(c(raw[[1]][1, 1] , raw[[2]][1, 1], raw[[...]][1, 1], raw[[n]][1, 1]))
Here is my attempt.
#create a dummy dataset
n <- 3
r <- 5
s <- 6
raw <- lapply(seq_len(n), function(i){
matrix(rnorm(r * s), ncol =
2009 Dec 22
Nested For loops
Dear R experts,
Might be very simple question to ask but would be insightful. As the same story of nested "for loops". following is the code that I am using to get the autocorrelation function of the sample data. I have tried to get rid of for loops but since I am touching R after such a long time that I need to practice more but I need help to revive my skills. I know that apply() or
2009 Jul 07
Uncorrelated random vectors
is it possible to create two uncorrelated random vectors for a given distribution.
In fact, I would like to have something like the function "rnorm" or "rlogis" with the extra property that they are uncorrelated.
Thanks for your help,
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2010 Apr 19
I'd like to plot an empirical cumulative distribution function, except
instead of the fraction of values < x, I'd like the fraction of values > x.
I think this can be done using the ecdf function in {Hmisc}. I installed
the package and loaded it. However, when following the example given in the
documentation, I get an error:
x <- rnorm(100)