similar to: outputting arima models

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "outputting arima models"

2010 Sep 06
how do I transform this to a for loop
arima1 = arima(data.ts[1:200], order = c(1,1,1)) arima2 = arima(data.ts[5:205], order = c(1,1,1)) arima3 = arima(data.ts[10:210], order = c(1,1,1)) arima4 = arima(data.ts[15:215], order = c(1,1,1)) arima5 = arima(data.ts[20:220], order = c(1,1,1)) arima6 = arima(data.ts[25:225], order = c(1,1,1)) arima7 = arima(data.ts[30:230], order = c(1,1,1)) arima8 = arima(data.ts[35:235], order = c(1,1,1))
2010 Sep 05
R time series analysis
I have a data file with a given time series of price data and I would like to split the time series into a test set and training set. I would then like to build an ARIMA model on the training set and apply this model on test set. Below is some code: [CODE] data= read.table("A.txt",sep=",") attach(data) training = data[1:120, 6] test = data[121:245, 6] ts1 = ts(training) ts2 =
2011 Jul 04
forecast: bias in sampling from seasonal Arima model?
Dear all, I stumbled upon what appears to be a troublesome issue when sampling from an ARIMA model (from Rob Hyndman's excellent 'forecast' package) that contains a seasonal AR component. Here's how to reproduce the issue. (I'm using R 2.9.2 with forecast 2.19; see sessionInfo() below). First some data: > x <- c( 0.132475, 0.143119, 0.108104, 0.247291, 0.029510,
2003 Jan 09
using arima() function
HI, there, When i use R, i tried to use function arima(), it complains: Error: couldn't find function "arima" But when I type ""arima") ", I got arima() poped up.. arima(ts) ARIMA Modelling of Time Series arima.sim(ts) Simulate from an ARIMA Model arima0(ts) ARIMA Modelling of Time Series -- Preliminary
2004 Sep 29
arima vs arima0
What is the difference between arima and arima0?
2001 Apr 24
Hello, I would like to study time series with ARIMA and GARCH models. I installed R-Plus and its libraries but when I try to execute the function arima0, It answers that the function does not exist. Could you help me or give me references of papers dealing with arima and garch in R-Plus? Thanks Beno?t, ___________________________________ Mr. Beno?t LACHERON Rue de l'industrie, 44, 1040
2004 Aug 29
Dear All, R 1.9.1, Windows When copying and pasting a few lines from the 'predict.Arima' help, I get an error message: > data(lh) > predict(arima(lh, order = c(3,0,0)), n.ahead = 12) Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Object "xreg" not found On the other hand, the following is OK: > data(lh) > predict(arima0(lh, order = c(3,0,0)), n.ahead = 12) $pred Time
2011 Jan 24
arima/arima0 function
does the arima/arima0 function use the state space form of the model equation even when fitting with the "CSS"-method? regards Christoph [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Mar 13
estimating an ARIMA model with constraints
Hi, I am trying to estimate an ARIMA model in the case where I have some specific knowledge about the coefficients that should be included in the model. Take a classical ARIMA (or even ARMA) model: P(B) X(t) = Q(B) epsilon(t), where X(t) is the data, epsilon is a white noise, B is the backward operator and P and Q are some polynoms. Additionally, assume that you know in advance how P and Q
2004 Jun 17
Error with arima()
Could someone please give a brief explanation, or pointer to an explanation, of the following error: > arima(ts.growth, order = c(1,0,0),include.mean=T) Error in arima(ts.growth, order = c(1, 0, 0), include.mean = T) : non-stationary AR part from CSS and why it does not arise with > arima0(ts.growth, order = c(1,0,0)) Many thanks ____________________________ Dr. Daniel P. Bebber
2009 Apr 22
Hi, I have a suggestion for the fonction arima and arima0. I think you should not call the constant an intercept because it creates confusion. It is not really an intercept but a mean. For an AR(1) the intercept mu should be defined as: X(t)=mu + phi X(t-1) + e(t) What you call intercept mu is rather defined as (X(t)-mu) = phi (X(t-1)-mu)) + e(t) which is not a common way to define an
2000 Feb 29
Re: arima in ts.
> From: "Krassimir Krastev" <krastev at> > To: "R-help" <r-help at> > Date: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 11:56:49 -0500 > X-Priority: 3 (Normal) > X-MSMail-Priority: Normal > Importance: Normal > X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6600 > > Does anyone know of any comprehensive literature (like a
2007 Feb 08
(no subject)
Hi. I hope you can help me... I have fitted the following ARIMA model: arima1<-arima(bigspring$log.volume, order=c(0,1,2)) I need to predict 30 days ahead. I used following code predict(arima1,n.ahead=30,se=T) However I get 30 predictions, but from predictions 2:30 I get the same predictions. Why is this? What am I doing wrong Thanks Catherine KSS Ltd Seventh Floor St
2001 Dec 16
I did a regression with ARMA errors using arima0 with ari<-arima0(y,order=c(2,0,2),xreg=reg1,delta=-1) or ari<-arima0(y,order=c(2,0,2),xreg=reg1) where reg1 is the matrix of the regressors and when I see diag(ari$var.coef) I get negative terms. Do you know what this mean ? I try to change to 0 or 1 but this crash R on Windows. Is it possible to test the significativity
2004 Sep 30
Using try()
Hello R people, I am need some help using the try() function. Currently I am running a loop which uses arima() for some values of p and q, which sometimes crashes. When it crashes, I want the program to just ignore it and move on to the next values to loop through. I currently have this, looping through a range of values for p and q: lo = try( arima1 <- arima( y, order=c( p, 0, q ) ) if(
2006 Oct 19
predict.Arima question
Hi, I am trying to forecast a model using predict.Arima I found arima model for a data set: x={x1,x2,x3,...,x(t)} arima_model = arima(x,order=c(1,0,1)) I am forecasting the next N lags using predict: arima_pred = predict(arima_model,n.ahead = N, If I have one more point in my series, let's say x(t+1). I do not want to recalibrate themodel, I just want to forecast the next N-1
2003 Apr 30
Bug in arima?
I'm using the fixed argument in arima. Shouldn't ar4, ar5, and ar6 display as zero in the output? Call: arima(x = window(log(hhprice), start = c(1990, 1), end = c(2003, 3)), order = c(7, 1, 0), xreg = window(ts.union(exa1 = lag(exa, -1), exa12 = lag(exa, -12), exb1 = lag(exb, -1), exc1 = lag(exc, -1), exc12 = lag(exc, -12)), start = c(1990, 1), end = c(2003, 3)),
2000 Dec 30
Thanks, Can't find an ARIMA in base, dse1/2 or tseries, only references to. What package is it in? Thanks again! Best regards, /fb -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the
2008 May 08
Here is my problem: Autoregressive models are very interesting in forecasting consumptions (eg water, gas etc). Generally time series of this type have a long history with relatively simple patterns and can be useful to add external regressors for calendar events (holydays, vacations etc). arima() is a very powerful function but kalman filter is very slow (and I foun difficulties of estimation)
2003 Mar 11
Hi again With arima0 the problem was solved but what are the diferences between arima and arima0? I have another question. I fit the model to the data and I make some predictions. But I also want to calculate MAPE based in the last 3 observations available. Is it possible? Can I obtain the fitted values from the model? thanks~ luis -- SAPO ADSL.PT, apanhe j? o comboio da Banda Larga. Kit