similar to: does ActionMailer support SSL (TLS) smtp (like gmail)?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "does ActionMailer support SSL (TLS) smtp (like gmail)?"

2005 Dec 28
coverage does not work
Hi, I''ve installed coverage (gem install coverage) and try to run tests with -rcoverage option on, but following error occurs: ruby: No such file to load -- coverage (LoadError) I try: ruby -rcoverage mytest.rb 1. I have rubygems in evn var RUBYOPT 2. Gem seems to be installed properly (I can read doc via gems, the files exist in the ../gem/... dirs) Does anyone know what is the
2006 Jan 03
Can I map 2 tables into one class
Can I map 2 tables into one class? Is there any pattern, e.g. using ActiveRecord aggregation? Thanks Szczepan -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2005 Dec 26
special characters in rhtml
Is there any pattern how to use non-english fonts right in rhtml file? Using ą is frustrating. Thanks, Szczepan _______________________________________________ Rails mailing list Rails-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Jan 17
link_to_remote() - can I post data with it???
can I post data with link_to_remote(), link_to() has special option :post => true and viola Thanks in advance -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Jan 07
can store array or hash in cookies?
Hi According to rdoc: value - the cookie''s value or list of values (as an array). So, I can use arrays, briliant. But.... It does not work (at least on webrick) I wrote a controller: def check_cookies_first cookies[:chef] = {:value => ["first", "second"], :expires => Time.local (2020)} render_text ":)" end def
2008 Apr 09
how to use actionmailer use gmail smtp????
how to use actionmailer use gmail???? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/ To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2006 Jul 18
Gmail for your domain and actionmailer
Hi, everybody somebody knows like config actionmailer to use it with gmail for your domain. thanks. -- Juan Pablo Re. blog: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Jun 11
ActionMailer + ISP SMTP
Hi I''m new here, and pretty much new on the rails. I''m trying to set up my application to send emails (needed for salted hash login) but i keep getting errors. i''m sure port 25 is not blocked since i''m able to send mails through PHP scripts. my smtp settings in config/enviroment.rb are: # Include your app''s configuration here:
2009 Jan 20
Do I need an SSL certificate to use ActionMailer 2.2.2?
Hi guys - I''m sorry to post about this issue again but after several days I still cannot get ActionMailer working and I''ve been through every tutorial/forum looking for the answer. I know ActionMailer now requires SSL validation, does that mean I need to purchase an SSL certificate before I can send emails? If not, is there anyone out there who can help me set up my mailer to
2006 Aug 16
ActionMailer cannot use SMTP for email delivery...
RoR aficionados, I''ve configured ActionMailer for SMTP delivery of emails, and have configured "config/environment.rb" accordingly, including the address of our (external, but fully operational - checked and double-checked :-) SMTP server. Sending out emails from my Windows development laptop works without a hitch, but on a Linux staging server using the exact same source
2006 Jul 24
Actionmailer sending many emails in same SMTP connection?
Hi, I need to implement a mailing list system, Actionmailer is great, but i haven''t found out a way to send many (hundreds of) emails without having to reconnect to the SMTP server for each mail when calling Mymailer::deliver_my_mail(recipient) Any tips? (Possibly without calling directly Net::SMTP, so i can take advantage of the rhtml rendering of the body) Thanks, Best regards,
2006 Aug 05
TLS support for ActionMailer!
This plugin lets you send mail through SMTP servers (like gmail) that require a secure connection. All you have to do is install the plugin via the standard methods, and set the following line somewhere useful (like environment.rb): ActionMailer::Base.server_settings[:tls] = true Plugin URL: -- Kyle Maxwell Chief Technologist E Factor
2006 Dec 28
ActionMailer/SMTP: Net::SMTPSyntaxError when message body contains only a 'dot'
FYI: I don''t think this is a very well know. It seems that, on some operating systems, ActionMailer/SMTP crashes when it sends an email with only a ''.'' (aka a ''dot'' or a ''period''). Specifically, you get Net::SMTPSyntaxError (502 Error: command not implemented): Environment Details: $ uname -a Linux private1 2.6.15-26-server #1 SMP
2007 Jan 26
from attribute in actionmailer not working w/ gmail
I assign an email to the from attribute in my actionmailer, but I think because I use the TLS plugin to get actionmailer to work with gmail, it dissallows me to use change the from address. Instead it uses my gmail account. Has anyone experienced this before? -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are
2009 Mar 17
ActionMailer works for gmail/yahoo, but not for other email addresses...HELP!
I have a rails app that can send emails to gmail, yahoo accounts. But when it comes to more obscure accounts like email-VB3JyQctZj/ or, the mail never arrives even though the log shows that the email was sent. Any ideas why this may be happening? I have sent an email directly through the same web server through the command line
2008 Dec 07
Cannot get tlsmail working; Want Gmail as SMTP
This is killing me, folks. I have reviewed numerous examples and tried two different approaches to try and use Gmail (Google Apps account) as my application''s SMTP. Every time, both on my slicehost server and local dev machine (both Ubuntu Linux), my logs show no errors and I see a copy of the mail in my logs. Yet I never received a test email. I''ve tried both the
2006 Aug 14
ActionMailer in an infinite loop? Looks like framework bug.
I would rather post this on the dev list since it looks like only the developers can explain why this is failing. However, I can''t find where you subscribe to it! Any ideas? Here is my problem. Whenever I try to send an email I get a SystemStackError saying stack level too deep. Here is the exception trace:
2006 Jul 05
SMTP using SSL + TLS
hello to ALL I have installed CentOS 4.3 final configuring mail server with postfix for MTA ,i want to implement outgoing mail (SMTP) using/requiring a secure connection (SSL),any links/guide that might be suggest to solve my solve my problem,any suggestion will appreciates,thank you to all,please help me. - d e N n i s -
2009 Jul 24
Stting non-overlaping text positions
Dear List I am having problems to set text labels in a scatter plot. At some areas dots are close and labels overlap and texts cannot be read. I have too many dots to adjust this manually. Is there any function that will calculate the label offsets to avoid this overlapping problem? Thanks Ana -- Ana Conesa Bioinformatics and Genomics Department Centro de Investigaciones Principe Felipe
2006 Mar 05
DreamHost and ActionMailer
I''m getting ready to sign up with DreamHost, but my application is missing the ActionMailer features. First, can anyone provide some real code to send an email upon comment submission? Second, is it easy to setup ActionMailer on a DreamHost server? Thanks! -- Posted via