similar to: cannot load engines plugin/scaffold broke

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1500 matches similar to: "cannot load engines plugin/scaffold broke"

2005 Dec 29
Has any one seen this error message
I am truying to install the plugin ("ruby script/plugin install engines"). But I get this big error. Any help? D:\develop\Ruby\workspace\a2>ruby script/plugin install engines script/plugin: No such file or directory - svn --version script/plugin: No such file or directory - svn ls /rails/plugins/
2006 Feb 09
Login_Engine: trouble configuring
Hi Guys, I''m having some trouble getting login_engine to work. I''ve followed the steps in the README file to the letter (I think) with the exception of the Mailer stuff and cannot get my application to run. Heres what I have; module ApplicationHelper include login_engine end ##################################### require ''login_engine'' class
2010 Feb 23
"no such file to load -- gettext/rails" error
I get the error below when I try to start my server. Here are the versions installed: OS: Windows Server 2008 Ruby: 1.8.7 Gems: actionmailer (2.3.5, 1.3.5) actionpack (2.3.5, 1.13.5) actionwebservice (1.2.5) activerecord (2.3.5, 1.15.5) activeresource (2.3.5) activesupport (2.3.5, 1.4.4) cgi_multipart_eof_fix (2.5.0) daemons (1.0.10) gem_plugin
2009 Jul 28
how to set smpt server for our rails applicaion
hi i am using technoweenie-restful-authentication plug-in for authentication in my application. i want to send a activation link to the user''s mail-id. for that i need to set the smpt server for our rails application, for that i added the follwing code in config/environment.rb file ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method:smpt ActionMailer::Base.smpt_settings = { :address =>
2006 May 03
WEBrick initialisation error
I am new to Ruby so I thought the best way to get into it would be to follow the ONLamp "Rolling with Ruby on Rails" intro. I followed the instructions to the letter and everything work just great, very impressive:-). A couple of days later when I went back to it I got the following message when trying to start the WEBrick server. U:\RoRProjects\cookbook>ruby script\server =>
2007 Mar 06
Rails 1.2 / Theme support plugin issue: Fix
This is to answer one of my old issues, that I was having using Theme support plugin using with Rails 1.2. When you get an latest edge Rails update and run your application which has Theme support plugin you will get following error /script/../config/../vendor/plugins/theme_support/lib/patches/routeset_ex.rb:26:in `create_theme_routes'': undefined method `named_route'' for
2008 Feb 27
problem installing webOrb => Plugin not found: ""
I''m trying to install weborb in my applications but it is not working as you can see: C:\RoR\mijnapplication>ruby script/plugin install 089/svn/weborb --force to reinstall + ./README + ./Rakefile + ./init.rb + ./install.rb + ./lib/AC_OETags.js + ./lib/InfoService.rb + ./lib/data-management-config.xml + ./lib/example.html + ./lib/example.mxml +
2006 Jan 01
scaffold not working on Windows XP
Hello, I did a fresh install of ruby182 and gem rails --include-dependencies Now when I do: rails receipts cd receipts ruby script\generate scaffold receipt receipt rails does not create the views or controller. What can I do? Thanks Frank
2006 Jun 21
Newbie Four Days on Rails
Hi all, Having successfully gone through Bill Walton''s Tutorial ''Rollining with Ruby on [Instant] Rails'' I decided to tackle John McCreesh''s ''Four Days on Rails'' Tutorial. I changed the Rails version as recommended in the tutorial. All went well until I entered the following command:- ruby script/generate model category I got:-
2006 Mar 04
Getting RJS / EgdeRails working
Hi, using Rails 1.0 on windows (without svn yet) I just wrote "rake freeze_edge". Are the RJS-templates already included then ? When I write "rake update_javascripts" I receive this error: svn: ''.'' is not a working copy Any tipps for a newbie on how to get the update done (if neccessary) ? thx Jan
2006 Mar 07
Edge Rails doesn''t work for my app
My app was fine before "rake freeze_edge" but after, I can no longer boot up webrick. I''m on Win Xp MySql backend and this is what I get => Booting WEBrick... ./script/../config/../vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/ker nel/agnostics.rb:7:in ``'': Exec format error - rake tmp:create (Errno::ENOEXEC) from
2007 Feb 07
Gem problem with ActiveRecord/Oracle (without rails)
I have written the small script below. I have the ruby-oci adapter installed, the newest version of gems and the newest version of ActiveRecord. When I run the code I''m getting the follow error following my code. It seems to be an issue with gems as far as I can tell. Any help? Thanks, Drew Code: require ''ruby_gems'' require ''active_record''
2005 Aug 15
Newbie rendering problem
Hi On every list request i render an item partial through a collection of items. the item table has 3 columns namely name,anotherName and id. the item partial looks like <%@item=item%> <%= error_messages_for(:item) %> <tr id="<>"> <% for column in Item.content_columns %> <td><%=h item.send( %></td> <%
2006 Feb 11
What one *cannot* store in a session???
Hi Can someone tell me what i *cannot* store in a session. For ex. class TempController < ApplicationController def index session[:thread] do loop{} end render(:inline=>"abc") p ''post rendering'' return end end does not work. although the print at the end of the method is executed, the string ''abc'' is not rendered.
2006 Feb 24
Offline Installation
Hi I want to install Rails in my windows laptop but I don''t have internet conecction at home, so I''m saving in a usb drive the ruby installer (ruby182-15.exe) and the gems package ( , could anyone point me what other files do I''ve to take home.
2005 Mar 22
am i the only one with this problem?
(clean install) >gem install rails Attempting local installation of ''rails'' Local gem file not found: rails*.gem Attempting remote installation of ''rails'' Install required dependency activesupport? [Yn] y Install required dependency activerecord? [Yn] y Install required dependency actionpack? [Yn] y Install required dependency actionmailer? [Yn] y
2006 Jan 01
rails under windows and mysql make webrick unstable
hi, I have installed ruby and rails under windows(exactly this one: that includes rubygems) the thing is that while trying to install the mysql gem, it seemd to try to build the native extension, so I finally added a compiled version that I found in the problem is that webrick behaves quite unstable while
2005 Aug 09
Eclipse with RDT
Has anyone used Eclipse with RDT ( I have never used Eclipse. Would it be worth my time to setup Eclipse with RDT to create my first rails project?
2005 Feb 18
Fixed column widths in FXTable?
Is there a way to make an FXTable''s column widths (and row heights) unchangeable by the user? By experimentation it looks to me like leaving out TABLE_COL_SIZABLE and TABLE_ROW_SIZABLE from the options field in has no effect. I can still drag the intersection between two column heading buttons to change the column width. The code I''m using to test this is
2005 Feb 18
FXTable segfaults after multiple setTableSize calls
When I empty and refill an FXTable multiple times with a large data set (10,000 rows x 1 column in the example below, around 1000 rows x 6 columns in a more complicated app), the application eventually fails with a segmentation fault. The number of repetitions required to produce the segfault is rather random, ranging from just a couple reps to 15 or 20 in some trials. The program disappears