Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80000 matches similar to: "discrete (binary) choice panel data"
2006 Dec 14
xyplot: discrete points + continuous curve per panel
I have a number of x, y observations (Time, Conc) for a number of Subjects
(with subject number Subj) and Doses. I can plot the individual points with
xyplot fine:
xyplot(Conc ~ Time | Subj,
panel = function(x,y) {
panel.xyplot(x, y)
panel.superpose(???) # Needs more here
I also like to plot on
2010 Mar 03
Using discrete choice data to estimate marginal willingness to pay (MWTP)
Hello Everyone,
Can anyone show me how to use discrete choice data to estimate marginal willingness to pay? I've searched for simple information or code on how to do this but haven't found much.
The closest I've come is a paper titled "Introduction to Choice Experiments using R." The paper seems to have what I want but is not readily available and is written in Japanese.
2005 Dec 15
MNP - discrete choice experiment
I need a little initial help with the MNP package.
I am trying to analyze a discrete choice experiment with the following
- choice sets consist of 3 alternatives
- choice alternatives are constructed by e.g. two attributes, say brand and
- brand has three levels and price has four levels
- every respondent has to answer 4 different choice sets (drawn randomly or
2012 May 13
Discrete choice model maximum likelihood estimation
I am new to R and I am trying to estimate a discrete model with three
choices. I am stuck at a point and cannot find a solution.
I have probability functions for occurrence of these choices, and then I
build the likelihood functions associated to these choices and finally I
build the general log-likelihood function.
There are four parameters in the model, three of them are associated to
2010 Jul 08
New R-SIG for Discrete Choice Modelling
Hello all,
I'd like to announce the availability of a mailing list for a
newly-formed SIG (Special Interest Group) dedicated to using R for
Discrete Choice Modelling.
This list is intended for discussion of issues revolving around the
design and analysis of Discrete Choice (aka Stated Choice, Stated
Preference or Choice-Based Conjoint) experiments.
While R has good infrastructure for
2003 Jul 23
multinomial logit discrete choice model
I'm struggling trying to specify a multinomial logit discrete choice model
in R.
Any help and/or code examples appreciated.
I am specifically interested in specifying a model where no universal choice
set exists and each choice set has a variable number of alternatives (one of
which is chosen) see data below.
Many Thanks,
PS I have asked earlier but without reply.
Is it
2012 Apr 20
DIscrete choice mlogit
I am trying to estimate stated preferences for Tv sets by using mlogit. The
choice set is designed as with 4 attributes: [ brand(has 4 levels),
technology(has two levels), class[has 4 levels), price(has 4 levels)]
There are 16 choice sets with 4 alternatives each one (i.e. each respondent
has evaluated 64 cards in total). Therefore, there are 64 rows in the table
The data in csv file
2004 Apr 08
Discrete Choice Modeling modules for R??
To all,
Does anyone know whether there are any
Discrete Choice Modeling modules for R??
Thanks, Charlie
Charles H. Rosa, Ph.D.
Staff Research Engineer
General Motors Corporation
R&D and Planning
Mail Code 480-106-359
30500 Mound Rd
Warren, MI 48090-9055
Tel/work/cell: +1 248 670-8389
Fax/work: +1 586 986-0574
2009 Nov 08
Models for Discrete Choice in R
I would like to fit Logit models for ordered data, such as those
suggested by Greene (2003), p. 736.
Does anyone suggests any package in R for that?
By the way, my dependent variable is ordinal and my independent
variables are ratio/intervalar.
Greene, W. H. Econometric Analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003
2011 Jan 31
Latent Class Logit Models in discrete choice experiments
Dear R users,
I would like to perform Latent Class Logit Models for the analysis of choice experiments in environmental valuation.
This kind of analysis is usually performed with NLogit Software (http://www.limdep.com).
I attach the results I usually obtain using NLogit and NLogit model specifications.
For Random parameter models and Logit Models I usually perform my analysis with the package
2008 Jul 02
Tobit Estimation with Panel Data
Hi all!
Do you know if there is any R function/package that can be used to
estimate "tobit" models with panel data (e.g. with random individual
In economics, a "tobit" model is a model with a dependent variable that is
left-censored at zero. Hence, it is a special case of a survival model and
can be estimated using the "survival" package (see e.g.
2010 Oct 14
robust standard errors for panel data - corrigendum
Hello again Max. A correction to my response from yesterday. Things were better than they seemed.
I thought it over, checked Arellano's panel book and Driscoll and Kraay (Rev. Econ. Stud. 1998) and finally realized that vcovSCC does what you want: in fact, despite being born primarily for dealing with cross-sectional correlation, 'SCC' standard errors are robust to "both
2010 Nov 18
how do I build panel data/longitudinal data models with AR terms using the plm package or any other package
Hi All,
I am doing econometric modeling of panel data (fixed effects). We currently use Eviews to do this, but I have discovered a bug in Eviews 7 and am exploring the use of R to build panel data models / longitudinal data models. I looked at the plm package but do not see how I can incorporate AR terms in the model using the plm package. I have an Eviews model with two AR terms, AR(1) and
2012 May 05
Panel MNP
Hi All,
Can the MNP package available in R be used to analyze panel data as well?
*i.e., *if there are 3 observed discrete choices for three time periods for
the same individual , can i estimate a panel multinomial probit model which
allows correlated errors across time periods and individual heterogeneity
(random coefficients) using the MNP package?
In the case that it doesn't work, is
2009 Aug 21
Panel Data Analysis (PLM) - Fixed Effects - "cannot allocate vector of length"
Hello to all on the list,
I'm trying to estimate a fixed effects model from a large (unbalanced) panel
data set.
I have no problems when using only an individual effect or only a time
effect, but I get an error message when I try for a "twoways" effect. Here
is some of the code:
paneldata27 is the entire panel data set:
> dim(paneldata27)
[1] 1178831 8
2010 Apr 09
panel regression with twoways random effects, on unbalanced data?
Dear R users
What would be the best way to approach estimating a panel regression
with twoways random effects, on unbalanced data? Unfortunately, the
"plm" package has no implementation of twoways random effects for
unbalanced data. Currently I'm considering two approaches:
- extend "plm" to cover this type of panel regression. (For the
authors, cc'ed:) Would
2011 Jan 17
PANEL DATA SIMULATION(sorry for my previous email with no subject)
Dear R community,and especially Giovanni Millo,
For my master's thesis i need to simulate a panel data with the fixed
effects correlated with the predicor, so i run the
the following code:
#######################Panel data simulation with alphai correlated
with xi#####################################
n <- 5
t <- 4
nt <- n*t
pData <- data.frame(id =
2011 Jan 17
Dear R community,and especially Giovanni Millo,
For my master's thesis i need to simulate a panel data with the fixed
effects correlated with the predicor, so i run the
the following code:
#######################Panel data simulation with alphai correlated with
n <- 5
t <- 4
nt <- n*t
pData <- data.frame(id =
2007 Aug 14
Panel data and imputed datasets
Hi all,
I am hardly an expert, so I expect that this code is not the easiest/
most efficient way of getting where I want. Any suggestions in that
direction would also be helpful.
I am working on panel analysis with five imputed datasets, generated
by Amelia. To do panel analysis, it seemed that the plm package was
the best, providing a convenient wrapper for fixed and random effects
2010 Aug 13
Panel regression for zero-inflated count data with over-dispersion?
my first email, I hope I don't violate any rules.
I want to run a panel (cross-section-time-series) regression with
fixed effects. I have count data (patent citations) so a Poisson
distribution applies. But I also want to control for over-dispersion
and and excess zeros. I think I read all manuals of potentially
helpful packages but I could not find a way to realise this. The
closest I got