Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Plotting Question"
2010 Jul 08
Data format question for triangle.plot package ade4
I am trying to develop a triangle plot but am having difficultly assigning
the row.names to the 3 columns in the data.frame
Here is what I've done,
1292 39
# now take 3 variables from main data.frame for plotting
dat <- cbind.data.frame(TP, meanAnnualDepthAve, BulkDensity) # These are
variables held in the data frame SoilVegHydro
2010 Jun 08
restructuring "by" output for use with write.table
vegMeans <- by(SoilVegHydro[3:37] , SoilVegHydro$Physiogomy, mean)
vegSD <- by(SoilVegHydro[3:37] , SoilVegHydro$Physiogomy, sd)
Error in as.data.frame.default(x[[i]], optional = TRUE, stringsAsFactors =
stringsAsFactors) :
cannot coerce class '"by"' into a
2010 Jun 12
help with npcdens function package np
I'm trying to calculate non-parametric probabilities using the np package
and having some difficulties.
OS is Windows, R version 2.11.1
Here is what I've done so far.
veg <- data.frame(factor(Physiogomy), meanAnnualDepthAve, TP)
attach(veg) : for clarification dim(veg) returns 1292 3
fy.x <- npcdens(veg$factor.Physiogomy ~ veg$meanAnnualDepthAve, nmulti=1)
2010 Jun 12
nonparametric density and probability methods
I tried to post this earlier, but it seems that it did not appear on the
list. If you've rec'd 2 m
I'm trying to calculate non-parametric probabilities using the np package
and having some difficulties.
OS is Windows, R version 2.11.1
Here is what I've done so far.
veg <- data.frame(factor(Physiogomy), meanAnnualDepthAve, TP)
attach(veg) : for
2010 Jun 21
This is a re-submittal of question I submitted last week, but haven't rec'd
any responses.
I need to extract the probabilities used to construct the barplots
displayed as part of the graph produced by plot("ctree").
For example,
iris.ct <- ctree(Species ~ . , data = iris)
Instead of a simple example with only 4 terminal nodes, my
2010 Jun 14
script development for Unconditional Density and Probability estimation
I'd like to automate this script a bit more and cycle several
parameters(both the species and the metric). For example where AnnualDepth
occurs, I need to process about 12 metrics so instead of writing this
entire script 12 times once for each metric I'd like to be able to
automatically get another metric.
Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
Currently running Windows
2010 Feb 05
glm models with more than one response
Hi everyone,
I am trying to construct a glm and am running into a couple of questions.
The data set I am using consists of 6 categories for the response and 6
independent predictors representing nutrient concentrations at sample point
locations. Ultimately I'd like to use the probabilities for each response
category in a simulation model such that these probabilities are used to
define a
2010 Feb 10
mlogit: Error reported using sample dataset
I've been working on a multinomial logit model, trying to predict
vegetation types as a function of total phosphorus. Previous responses to
my postings have pointed me to the mlogit package. I'm now trying to work
examples and my data using this package.
data("Fishing", package = "mlogit")
Fish <- mlogit.data(Fishing, varying = c(4:11), shape = "wide",
2013 Jun 07
error running mvabund package
Dear All,
This is my first post, and probably (and hence apologies that) my question
is very silly!
I'm having issues with a the mvabund package
and would be great to get some help!
Here is the code (and files are attached):
##visualizing data
florabund <- read.csv("CPL_floristics_abund_v1d.csv",
2003 Nov 04
glm offset and interaction bugs (PR#4941)
Full_Name: Charles J. Geyer
Version: 1.8.0
OS: i686-pc-linux-gnu (Suse 8.2)
Submission from: (NULL) (
Two bugs (perhaps related, perhaps independent) revealed by the same
Poisson regression with offset
mydata <- read.table(url("http://www.stat.umn.edu/geyer/5931/mle/seeds.txt"))
out.fubar <- glm(seedlings ~ burn01 + vegtype * burn02 +
2009 Sep 02
Howto Superimpose Multiple Density Curves Into One Plot
I have a data that looks like this:
And I intend to create multiple density curve into one plot, where each curve
correspond to the unique ID.
I tried to use "sm" package, with this code, but without success.
dat <- read.table("mydat.txt");
plotfn <- ("~/Desktop/flowgram_superimposed.pdf");
2009 Oct 27
Using a variable in the formula
I am sure this question has come up, but searching hasn't given me any
So I need to enter this line:
mx1 <- randomForest(X1 ~ elevation + slope + vegtype, data = moths.train)
But the problem is that X1 is currently hard coded. I would instead like to
be able to put in the value of X1 through a list. For example:
list <- list("X1", "X2", "X3")
2006 Oct 15
gamma distribution don't allow negative value in GLMs?
Dear friends,
when i use glm() to fit my data, i use
glm(formula = snail ~ vegtype + mhveg + humidity + elevation + soiltem, *family
= Gamma(link = inverse),* data =a,))
It shows: error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : *gamma distribution don't
allow negative value*.
But i use
result<-glm(formula = snail ~ vegtype + mhveg + humidity + elevation +
soiltem, family = poisson, data =a) #this
2005 Sep 19
factor as seq() in for loop
Dear all,
I would like to use the values in vegaggr.BLMCMR02$colony
`data.frame': 1678 obs. of 3 variables:
$ vegtype : Factor w/ 27 levels "2010","2020",..: 3 4 5 19 4 5 19 5
$ colony : Factor w/ 406 levels "0","1","10","100",..: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
$ Totvegproparea: num 0.00055 0.03956 0.95705
2009 Feb 11
More help with Binary Files
Does anyone else have any insights to this issue:
Henrick, thank you for your very quick response. I've examined the readBin
help file with respect to endian and I'm still not sure I'm getting this
Here is what I'm coding:
con <- file(file.choose(), open="rb")
Year66 <- readBin(con, what=integer(), signed = TRUE, size = 2,
endian="little", n
2010 May 10
Fw: [R] Installing randomForest on Ubuntu Errors
I encountered difficulties installing randomForest on a Ubuntu Linux OS.
Dirk was very helpful and provided the solution below.
Many thanks.
Steve Friedman Ph. D.
Spatial Statistical Analyst
Everglades and Dry Tortugas National Park
950 N Krome Ave (3rd Floor)
Homestead, Florida 33034
Steve_Friedman at nps.gov
Office (305) 224 - 4282
Fax (305) 224 - 4147
----- Forwarded by Steve
2017 May 05
Memory leak in samba-ad-dc on 4.5.x not related to aio?
On Fri, May 05, 2017 at 10:21:05AM +0200, Sven Schwedas wrote:
> On 2017-05-05 10:09, Volker Lendecke wrote:
> > On Fri, May 05, 2017 at 09:42:47AM +0200, Sven Schwedas via samba wrote:
> >>> root 9988 0.8 59.4 1571936 606488 ? S Apr26 114:41 /usr/sbin/samba
> >
> > Can you post /proc/9988/smaps somewhere?
> Sure,
2017 May 05
Memory leak in samba-ad-dc on 4.5.x not related to aio?
On Fri, May 05, 2017 at 09:42:47AM +0200, Sven Schwedas via samba wrote:
> > root 9988 0.8 59.4 1571936 606488 ? S Apr26 114:41 /usr/sbin/samba
Can you post /proc/9988/smaps somewhere?
SerNet GmbH, Bahnhofsallee 1b, 37081 Göttingen
phone: +49-551-370000-0, fax: +49-551-370000-9
AG Göttingen, HRB 2816, GF: Dr. Johannes Loxen
http://www.sernet.de, mailto:kontakt at
2009 Mar 02
Trouble - Installing R on RedHat el5
I am lucky and am now working with a new Redhat Linux 64-bit OS
But I am getting the following error can anyone provide some graciously
needed assistance:
[root at bluebird system-files]# rpm -i R-2.8.1-1.rh5.x86_64.rpm
warning: R-2.8.1-1.rh5.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID
error: Failed dependencies:
xdg-utils is needed by R-2.8.1-1.rh5.x86_64
2009 Feb 27
Setting initial starting conditions in scripts
I'm writing a variety of R scripts and want to code the loadhistory and
workspace from within the script. I found the loadhistory function but do
not see a comparable function for load workspace. Is there one ?
Working with R 2.8.1 (2008-12-22) on a windows platform.
Thanks for any and all suggestions.
Steve Friedman Ph. D.
Spatial Statistical Analyst
Everglades and Dry