Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "getting column's main"
2018 Sep 20
future time stamps warning
Time stamps are correct and my system time is correct.
I am now tried to use Sys.setFileTime() to update time stamps as proposed.
This does not help.
The windows and debian builds give different reports on the time stamp
2018 Sep 20
future time stamps warning
Dear developers,
Upon CRAN submission I have bumped into "future file timestamps" warning
that I can't solve. I have updated the package as usual, and all checks go
through in my system. CRAN reports the following warning however.
* checking for future file timestanps ... WARNING
Files with future time stamps:
The build log is at
2007 Jul 11
elementary statistics with R (rkward?)
Hi, I am trying to learn some basic statistics stuff but I cannot find any
elementary statistics exercises using R language. Using RKward would be even
I need that in analysing sociological data, obtained through questionnairres -
findind corelations between variables, relations between different types of
data, etc.
Could anyone recommend simple tutorials/exercises, available on www
2003 Sep 29
parametric surfaces
does anyone know how to plot 3D parametric surface,e.g ellipsoid:
s in [0,2*pi],
t in [-pi,pi].
Vytautas Maniusis,
Vilnius University, Lithuania
2013 Jan 15
Need help: R for repetitive tasks
Dear R users,
First of all I would like to thank all of you who replayed to my previous
questions and problems. Thank you a lot for being great and helpful
community. I highly appreciate your suggestions and ideas even if I do not
respond after my question! But it means that your help was exactly what I
needed. Thank you again!
Now the following question I need help:
Suppose I do have a
2005 Jun 26
(sans objet)
Ma premi??re question: puis-je ??crire en fran??ais, mon anglais est
pire que pire. J'essaie en fran??ais; sinon, j'essaierai une traduction!
Je sduis d??butant. Ma question est donc simple, j'imagine.
Je travaille sur des tableaux de statistiques. Je prends un exemple:
J'ai un "frame" que j'appelle "eurostat" qui me donne des
2005 May 22
Maps, Eastern Europe
Dear all,
I would like to employ a European map in a presentation. My idea was to
map("worldHires", c("Austria", "Switzerland", "Germany"))
where I include all countries from my analysis as a vector of character
strings like in the example above. Unfortunately, I was unable to
specify the Baltic States (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) or
2009 Aug 12
Map of UK Counties - to use in R
Can anyone help me with either of these:
1) Map of the UK counties that I could use in R?
2) How could I use an existing map for example, a map from here
http://www.itraveluk.co.uk/maps/england.html - in R. I need to use a UK map
to plot locations on it by lat & long.
Would appreciate help on any of these.
View this message in context:
2007 Apr 03
asterisk and mplayer
Odd question here but if I have asterisk running on PC (and mplayer
and a video phone calls up the asterisk PC can that video image be
played on mplayer?
If so how do I do that?
How can asterisk pipe the video into mplayer so as to display the video
image on screen?
2009 Mar 18
lm function (PR#13608)
Full_Name: Michael Aaron Karsh
Version: 2.8.0
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
I tried using the lm function to regress the third column listed below on the
second column listed below. It gave me an error message. My code is below.
> HDISWLSdata=read.table("RHDISWLS.txt")
V1 V2 V3
2012 Jan 13
The Future of R | API to Public Databases
Dear R Users -
R is a wonderful software package. CRAN provides a variety of tools to
work on your data. But R is not apt to utilize all the public
databases in an efficient manner.
I observed the most tedious part with R is searching and downloading
the data from public databases and putting it into the right format. I
could not find a package on CRAN which offers exactly this fundamental
2017 Jun 18
Problema con Histograma con porcentajes usando ggplot
Soy un nuevo usario de R, y estoy usando como base de datos el European
Social Survey, que tiene datos de 40,000 individuos, y alrededor de 23
países europeos. Lo que he seleccionado es la útima ola, el round 7, para
el año 2014.
He leido los datos, desde SPSS y aquí tienen la base de datos y que tipo de
objetos se han generado, y tambíen la distribución por pais de la muestra.
No he
2017 Jun 18
Problema con Histograma con porcentajes usando ggplot
Gracias. Alguna idea de que usar para calcular los porcentajes y
almacenarlos. Se puede usar flat table?
El 18/06/2017 4:50 p. m., "Carlos J. Gil Bellosta" <cgb en datanalytics.com>
> Los porcentajes que obtienes con tu código son sobre todas las facetas, no
> país a país.
> Calcula los porcentajes previamente a por país y representa esa columna en
2017 Jun 18
Problema con Histograma con porcentajes usando ggplot
#Simple table con frecuencias absolutas y crear relativas
count =table(ess$stflife)
percent = 100* (count)/sum(count)
Carlos he creado a esto a nivel general en vez de usar prop.table. Según lo
que dices o entiendo, debo de usar la función
ddply para hacerlo a nivel de todos los paises, y entiendo que ddply (,
c(""), debo de indicar los paises?
2017-06-18 17:37 GMT-05:00
2006 May 03
sql server, date and time
Hey there all,
Is there some way to tell rails or sql server to ignore the time in a
datetime field when doing a comparison?
For example, if I do something like
select * from users where registration_date = ?, @date
where @date might equal some user input like ''03/14/2006''
The result is nothing returned, because in my tables the datetime
field looks like this:
2017 Jun 19
Problema con Histograma con porcentajes usando ggplot
Creo que esto me da para DK, y luego veré como aplicar el barplot
ess %>%
filter(cntry %in% c("DK")) %>%
count (stflife) %>%
mutate (freq = (n /sum(n)*100))%>%
2017-06-18 19:01 GMT-05:00 Antonio Rodriguez Andres <
antoniorodriguezandres70 en gmail.com>:
> He conseguido el total para un país, pero no me deja usar percent =
> count() /sum(count),
2005 Oct 04
TRAMO-SEATS methodology
Dear Colleagues
would someone know a suitable online-source for information
regarding the TRAMO SEATS method for time series ?
(an alternative to X12 ARIMA and earlier ARIMAs used by the US census
Soren Wilkening
Principal Consultant
phone: +49-30-96080121
wilkening at censix.com
CENSIX Consulting
Statistics, Surveys, Censuses
2006 May 30
match operator in find
Is there some special syntax required to use the match operator (=~) in a find operation? Or is it not possible? I''ve got some data items from an external source that could be capitalized or not. So right now I''m stuck with doing:
:conditions => ["name = ? or name =?", Potatoes, potatoes])
I''d prefer to do:
2011 Dec 21
3 statistics courses in R
Apologies for cross-posting
We would like to announce 3 statistics courses:
1. Data exploration, linear regression, GLM & GAM in R. With
introduction to R. 6 - 10 February 2012. Coimbra, Portugal.
2. Introduction to linear mixed effects modelling in R. 13 - 17 February
2012. Lisbon, Portugal.
3. Multivariate analysis in R. 20 - 24 February. Klaipeda University,
2006 Dec 10
windows xp services crashes after a while after samba upgrade
we have problems with windows xp with service pack 2 which are joined
to samba domain. The problem is that lots of services at Windows XP
workstation like server, workstation and others stops responding after
a while. This happens not at the same time, event if all workstation
boots operating system at the same time. Affected are all Windows XP
workstations. The problem started nearly