Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "model set up question"
2006 Aug 21
Fw: Permutations with replacement
My apologies, I forgot to CC: to the list on my previous communication
with Daniel.
----- Forwarded by Jesse Albert Canchola/EMVL/DIAG/US/BAYER on 08/21/2006
10:50 AM -----
Jesse Albert Canchola/EMVL/DIAG/US/BAYER
08/21/2006 09:36 AM
"Daniel Nordlund" <res90sx5 at verizon.net>
RE: [R] Permutations with replacement
Thanks, Daniel. I need to enumerate
2011 Oct 25
Unlist alternatives?
dfhfsdhf at ghghgr.com
I ran a simple lme model:
modelrandom=lmer(y~ (1|Test) + (1|strain), data=tempsub)
Extracted the BLUPs:
Even wrote myself a nice .csv file....:
This all works great. I end up with a .csv file with the names of my strains
in the first column and the BLUP in the second
2008 Mar 25
Mixed-effects models: question about the syntax to introduce interactions
hello everyone,
I would like to as for advice for the use of ?lmer?
(package ?lme4?) and writing the proper syntax to best
describe my data using a mixed-effects model.
I have just started to use these models, and although
I have read some good examples (Extending the Linear
Model with R, Faraway 2005; and the R book, Crawley
2007), I am still not sure of the syntax to test my
2011 Nov 11
Combining Overlapping Data
I've scoured the archives but have found no concrete answer to my question.
Problem: Two data sets
1st data set(x) = 20,000 rows
2nd data set(y) = 5,000 rows
Both have the same column names, the column of interest to me is a variable
called strain.
For example, a strain named "Chab1405" appears in x 150 times and in y 25
strain "Chab1999" only appears 200
2005 Oct 26
AOV with repeated measures
Dear R user,
I have a question on using R to analyze data with repeated measurements. I
have 2 species with several strains (12) per species, each of which has
been measured twice with for a given trait. No particular covariance, just
two measures. Now I want to analyze the data with an ANOVA (aov)
considering these repeated measures to get the MSq and SSq for the species
and strain level. I
2010 Nov 17
Cox model output & hazard ratios
Dear R users,
Here is the coxme output I obtain on my survival dataset having 3 strains
and 2 infection status (i: infected, ni: non infected)
coxme(Surv(lay) ~ infection*strain, data=datalay, random= ~1 |block)
Cox mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
Data: datalay
n= 1194
Iterations= 3 77
NULL Integrated Penalized
Log-likelihood -7270.028 -7223.859 -7218.175
2003 Oct 09
nlme & lme for complex mixed ANOVAs
Dear List,
I downloaded R for the first time yesterday, in the hopes that I might
deal more effectively with a complex repeated measures experimental
design involving inbred strains of laboratory mice. The design below,
somewhat simplified, cannot be computed with standard ANOVA, because
something called the X'X matrix is too large. The design has the
following factors:
2004 May 14
Hello there,
I''m having lots of problems with my setup here. Let me explain:
I am network administrator for my university dorm. We are about 300 users,
and we have 2 ADSL connections doing load balancing with 300kbits upstream
and 2Mbit downstream.
The load balancing is working great, we are doing connection tracking so I
can mark and hence prioritize interactive traffic and ACKS
2008 Jan 22
extension to nlme self start SSmicmen?
Dear list,
Has anyone created a version of SSmicmen that allows testing for group
differences? The basic Michaelis-Menten equation is:
(Bmax * X) / (Kd + X).
The nlme package allows modeling of random effects for Bmax and Kd as
needed, but I curious how I can build in group differences? I have
receptor binding data for strains of mice, and following Pinheiro and
Bates' lead in their
2008 Feb 04
Multiple comparisons and letter assignments
Good morning,
I'm trying to write a function to assign the mean separation grouping
letters to the factors of an experiment. A client wants this so I
thought I'd write my own function for future use. But I'm having
trouble doing it because I don't understand the logic of the
assignment. As a general example, consider the following data and the
results from SAS and its weak
2011 Dec 04
Complex multiple t tests in a data frame with several id factors
I have assayed the concentrations of various metal elements in
different anatomic regions of two strains of mice. Now, for each
element, in each region, I want to do a t test to find whether there
is any difference between the two strains.
Here is what I did (using simulated data as an example):
# create the data frame
> elemconc = data.frame(expand.grid(id=1:3, geno=c('exp',
2010 Apr 26
Error in pf(q, df1, df2, lower.tail, log.p) : Non-numeric argument to mathematical function
snpid indid genotype gvariable probeid gene geneexpression
rs1040480 CHB_NA18524 C/T 2 GI_19743926-I PTPRT 5.850586
rs1040480 CHB_NA18526 C/C 1 GI_19743926-I PTPRT 6.028641
rs1040480 CHB_NA18529 C/C 3 GI_19743926-I PTPRT 5.944392
rs1040481 CHB_NA18532 C/C 1 GI_19743926-I PTPRT 5.938578
rs1040481 CHB_NA18537 C/C 2 GI_19743926-I PTPRT 5.874439
rs1040481 CHB_NA18540 C/C 3 GI_19743926-I
2003 Jul 23
Condition indexes and variance inflation factors
Has anyone programmed condition indexes in R?
I know that there is a function for variance inflation factors
available in the car package; however, Belsley (1991) Conditioning
Diagnostics (Wiley) notes that there are several weaknesses of VIFs:
e.g. 1) High VIFs are sufficient but not necessary conditions for
collinearity 2) VIFs don't diagnose the number of collinearities and 3)
No one has
2012 Nov 25
Finding the Degrees of Freedom in a Wilcoxon Test
Dear R-ers,
I am currently running some Wilcoxon tests in R-64.
How do I find the degrees of freedom in the output I am receiving?
> wilcox.test(good$TRUE, good$x4a, paired=FALSE)
Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
data: good$TRUE and good$x4a
W = 2455, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
Thank you,
2012 Feb 10
a) t-tests on loess splines; b) linear models, type II SS for unbalanced ANOVA
Dear all,
I have some questions regarding the validity an implementation of
statistical tests based on linear models and loess. I've searched the
R-help arhives and found several informative threads that related to my
questions, but there are still a few issues I'm not clear about. I'd be
grateful for guidance.
Background and data set:
I wish to compare the growth and metabolism
2011 Apr 20
Dear ALL
I don't know why I can see this error in run this sentences.
In paste("V", 1L:cols, sep = "") : NAs introduced by coercion
DATA<-read.delim ("D:\\DATA\\GeneExpression.txt",header=FALSE)
I will be glad if you help me.
Best Regards,
Stat Consult
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2017 Jul 19
Redundancy canonical analysis plot problem in 3D using VEGAN, RGL, SCATTERPLOT3D and SFSMISC
We need to keep the discussion on the list. When I run your code, there are several problems.
strain.data <- read.xlsx("Dee rhiz.xlsx", sheetName ="strain", header = T, row.names = 1)
str(strain.data) # lists 9 columns at the end with all NAs
strain.data1 <- (strain.data, sqrt.dist = TRUE) # this is not a valid R line. I get
Error: unexpected ',' in
2009 Mar 30
Dear users,
i'm using the sem package in R, because i need to improve a confermative factor analisys.
I have so many questions in my survey, and i suppose, for example, that Question 1 (Q1) Q2 and Q3 explain the same thing (factor F1), Q4,Q5 and Q6 explain F2 and Q7 and Q8 explain F3...
For check that what i supposed is true, i run this code to see if the values of loadings are big or not.
2009 Mar 29
re form data for aov()?
I have data in a file named hands.dat, which is given at the end of this
question. (It's from a stats textbook example on anova). I'd like to do an
aov on this, which I guess would be
d <- read.table("~/hands.dat", header=TRUE)
aov(Bacterial.Counts ~ Water + Soap + Antibacterial.Soap + Alcohol.Spray,
but this fails. Do I need to break d$Method up into columns for
2010 Dec 16
defining a formula method for a weighted lm()
In the vcdExtra package on R-Forge, I have functions and generic methods
for calculating log odds ratios
for R x C x strata tables. I'd like to define methods for fitting
weighted lm()s to the resulting loddsratio objects,
but I'm having problems figuring out how to do this generally.
# install.packages("vcdExtra", repos="http://R-Forge.R-Project.org")